Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1548

Chapter 1548
The more tenderly he treated her, the more she was haunted by the memory of his parents' deaths and her role as the
transgressor.She had stolen their lives, shattering his once-blissful childhood.
Yet he never broached the subject of his parents‘ demise in her presence, fearing it would distress her.
They both avoided the topic, but that did not mean it ceased to exist.
April's embrace graced the park, casting vibrant scenery and rejuvenating air all around.
As Gilbert held her hand, guiding her along the cobblestone path with few passersby, she felt a wave of comfort she had once
yearned for but believed unattainable.
Now that she had it, her heart could never return to the innocence it once knew.She had grown reticent, often relying on Gilbert
to initiate conversations.
He would ask, and she would respond.He never found it tiresome and treated her with the same delicate attention as one would
a first love.
As twilight enveloped them and a cool breeze kissed their skin, Gilbert slipped off his suit jacket, draping it gently over her
Clasping her hand with conviction, he smiled warmly.
"I've already booked our plane tickets.Once I wrap up some company affairs this week, I'll whisk you away to the south fora well-
deserved escape.How does that sound?"
His eyes radiated warmth, depth, and an unwavering devotion.Kisa gazed into his eyes, transfixed by the love they held.
After a moment, a fragile smile graced her pale, gaunt face.
It had been ages since she last smiled, and it was somewhat rigid.
Yet her eyes sparkled with a newfound brightness, no longer burdened by the shadows of the past.

Gilbert drew her into his loving embrace, murmuring softly, "The southern landscape is breathtaking; I know you'll fall in love with
it.If you do, we can make it our home."
There, they would be far from the relentless pace of the city and the tormenting memories that pursued them.
Kisa slowly lifted her hand, encircling his waist.She remained silent, simply closing her eyes and nestling into his comforting
embrace.She chose not to dwell on anything else, surrendering herself to the serenity and warmth of that cherished moment.
The sound of water in the bathroom gradually faded, leaving a captivating silhouette dancing on the semi-transparent glass door.
A flicker of desire sparked in Gilbert's eyes.He reached for a glass of cool water on the bedside table, downing it in one gulp, yet
the lingering heat still clung to his skin.
As the bathroom door opened, Kisa stepped out, a wave of warmth trailing her.
Draped in a white robe, her once- pale cheeks now glowed with a rosy hue, thanks to the steam.
Her hair, damp and clinging to her shoulders, had only been patted down with a towel before she moved to climb into bed.
Gilbert sighed softly, rising to retrieve a hairdryer from the cabinet.
"You should dry your hair before you sleep, or you'll get a headache."
Kisa squeezed the water from her hair, remaining silent.It was not that she did not want to dry it; her hair was long, and drying it
completely took quite some time.
The hum of the hairdryer resonated through the room as his gentle hand worked through her tresses.
The warm air snaked its way from her nape down her back, igniting a comforting warmth that beckoned her toward slumber.
After what felt like an eternity, her hair was finally dry.
As she prepared to lie down and surrender to sleep, an icy kiss suddenly grazed the nape of her neck, causing her to shiver
His kisses trailed further down her neck as the sash of her robe loosened, seemingly of its own accord.
Instinctively, she pressed her hand against his slightly cool one, her eyes reflecting a hint of nervousness as she looked at him.

Gazing into her wide, startled eyes, glistening with lingering moisture, Gilbert could not help but chuckled.
He gently pinned her beneath him, his voice a husky whisper.
"We're husband and wife.Do you...not want to?"
His eyes were dark and magnetic, like a vortex threatening to draw her in without a moment's notice.
Unconsciously, Kisa shook her head, and in the very next instant, his tender kiss descended upon her, filled with caution and
The night unfolded before them, lengthy and enthralling, wrapping them in its enigmatic embrace.

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