Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1517

Chapter 1517
Kisa spun around frantically, only to come face to face with Thomas.
Despite his sickly pallor, he looked better than he did the day before.
And as soon as she saw him, she saw a glimmer of hope.She was convinced that Thomas was the only one who could clear her
name.She seized his hand and demanded, "What's going on? How did David manage to track us down?"
Thomas grinned at her, a tender and loving smile that made him look like a caring brother.But his words were like a
sledgehammer to Kisa's heart.
"David's caught Madalyn, so we don't have to keep up the charade anymore," he said.
Kisa's face went ashen, and she asked, her voice quivering with tension, "What are you talking about?"
"Your plan was a smashing success.David nabbed Madalyn in record time, and he is thrilled.He wants to reward you.So come
on, and let's go," Thomas said, trying to tug her along.
"That's enough! What plan? What reward? Why are you trying to defame me? Why are you out to get me? You're my brother, for
God's sake. What the hell is going on?" Kisa exploded.
Suddenly, Thomas furrowed his brow and said, concern lacing his tone, 'Kisa, what's wrong with you? We agreed to bail once
David caught Madalyn.Why are you still acting? Come on.Let's go before they do something to you."' He moved to embrace her.
"Don't you dare touch me!" Kisa shouted, her emotions spilling over.
And then, out of nowhere, Gilbert spoke up, his voice cold, "Are you done with the theatrics yet?"
Kisa whipped around to face him, her voice shaking with urgency and desperation.
"He's lying.It is not like that.You have to believe me."
"Everyone's full of sh*t, except for you," Gilbert sneered, his words cutting like a knife.
Kisa's heart sank as she looked at him, realizing that her hope had been nothing but a pipe dream.
Gilbert suddenly wrapped his hand around her neck, his eyes brimming with hatred and murderous intent.

"I knew I shouldn't have been a pushover and brought you back.I honestly want to kill you right now!" he snarled through gritted
Kisa's eyes filled with despair as she realized that no one would believe her.She remained silent.
Thomas, on the other hand, was getting increasingly anxious.
"Let her go, or your grandma and your little side piece won't make it out alive," he warned.
But Gilbert paid no attention to him and continued to glare menacingly at Kisa's ashen face.
Thomas grew more frantic.
"If anything happens to Kisa, I'll make sure your little side piece pays for it with her life!" he shouted.
Gilbert's grip tightened slowly, but he never used full force.
Eventually, he let go of Kisa, and she stumbled backward, hitting the door.
All the strength seemed to have left her body, and she sank to the ground.
Thomas acted quickly and held her tightly.
Gilbert looked at the two of them with disgust.
Go warn David not to touch my grandma and Sara.
If he does, I'll go down with him,"he snarled.
Kelvin screamed from behind, "Gilbert, grab those two and use them as leverage to save grandma and Sara!"
Thomas laughed bitterly at Kelvin's words.
"If Kisa and I really mattered that much to him, he wouldn't have asked us to do his dirty work.If you don't believe me, try to
apprehend us," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
He half-hugged Kisa and began to move toward the door.
Kelvin panicked and tried to chase after them, but Gilbert stopped him.

"Just wait for David's call," he said firmly.

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