Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1775 1775: Tang Siblings Talk

"I am free right now." Tang Jin Wei answered.

'Me too. What's more, it is lunchtime. Let's go eat lunch together." Tang Hang Lee said.

They went to the cafe to eat lunch. The siblings entered the cafe. A lot of people looked at them. 

"Aha... Doctor Han Lee and Doctor Jin Wei are still handsome." 

"Doctor Yu Qi is beautiful as well." 

"But how pity. They already belonged to someone else." 

The siblings heard a lot of things like that. They pretended not to listen to them. They sat at the empty table.

"Little sis, you just told others that you know who is behind the post." Tang Jin Wei started to gossip. 

When they heard in the meeting room earlier that Yu Qi knew the culprit, they were planning to ask her during lunch. That was why Tang Jin Wei asked her to eat lunch together. 

"Hmm..." Yu Qi nodded. Then she continued. "I think you also know about that."

"What? I know that person?" Tang Wei Jin was surprised.

"Hmm... Big Brother too." Yu Qi said.

"Is that person someone who works at our house?" Tang Han Lee guessed. 

"Our house?" Tang Jin Wei tried to recall anything that happened recently. However, he could not think anything. "Little Sis, just tell me. Don't make it so suspend. 

Yu Qi rolled her eyes to Tang Jin Wei. However, she still opened her mouth telling them about that. 

"Remember the morning when a maid almost fell onto Brother Qin Hao?" Yu Qi gave them the hint.

"You mean she is the one?" Tang Jin Wei was surprised.

"Well, only her the employee that we recently let go. She may not be satisfied when Grandpa Hang terminated her." Yu Qi stated.

"Why did we terminate her in the first place?" Tang Jin Wei asked.

Yu Qi just smiled and did not answer the question. 


Yu Qi asked Neko-chan to draft a statement and the evidence that the person committed when she was working at Tang Residence.lights

Since that person was merciless wanting to ruin Tang's reputation, Yu Qi would not hold back.

"Regarding the post about Tang Residence firing a person, we will explain it here. The person involved was Duan Chunhua, a 20-year-old girl who had been working with us for about 3 weeks. 

This Duan Chunhua was recommended by a former employee, also a maid at our house. We accepted Duan Chunhua because of that former employee. 

In the contract, that stated, Duan Chunhua would be in a trial period for two months. If her performance did not achieve the standard after two months, we could fire her. 

Duan Chunhua understood that and signed the contract. So, she started to work. At the beginning, she made a lot of mistakes. We just reprimanded her to do better. 

However, Duan Chunhua did not plan to work hard. She chose to slack off while pushing her workload to other maids. She often went missing from her work post.

And sometimes, she constantly played with her phone during the work time. Well, we did not prevent our staff from carrying their phones during work time in case there was some emergency that needed their attention. 

We allowed our maid to take a break two days per week. During that, Duan Chunhua went out. We did not care if Duan Chunhua wanted to go out or anything but took stuff from our house and sold then to the flea market. That is too much. 

The straw that broke the camel's back was when Duan Chunhua decided to disappear and leave her workplace from her work time.

Our head maid tried to contact her several times but she did not pick up the call. So, our headmaid did not have the choice to contact our former employee who recommended her. 

Turned out she went to our former employee. Our head maid gave her one last chance. If she came back before 7 p.m., she could continue to work as usual. Remember, our head maid told her that around 3 p.m. contemporary romance

The former employee's house was not so far from Tang's Residence. She should be able to go back before 7 p.m. However, she did not come back on time. 

After discussion, we decided to let Duan Chunhua go. We even paid the full amount of the salary for this month even though she was just working for 3 weeks with us. For your information, the starting salary for a maid is 7000 yuan per month. 

We also did not plan to report her for stealing the stuff from our house. Unfortunately, Duan Chunhua dared to tell others that we wronged her. 

Since she did not feel grateful toward us, we would sue for the stuff that she stole from us and also for tarnishing our reputation. 

Duan Chunhua, just wait for our lawyer's letter. Oh, before someone thinks that we are lying, we have a lot of evidence that could prove that Duan Chunhua stealing the stuff from our house. 

And the we also going to investigate the account that wrote the article about that. You also can wait for our lawyer's letter." 

After Neko-chan wrote everything, she sent it first to Yu Qi. Yu Qi read everything. She was satisfied with the content. 

However, she did not post it right away. She gave the draft to Tang Family members to read everything first. If they satisfied, she would post it.

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