Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 886 The Brave Vampiress

Chapter 886 The Brave Vampiress

886 The Brave Vampiress


Blackie kept running away from the endless explosions of flames. The conjuration of blazing beasts that the Vampire summoned were strange as well, they weren't just fire, they shaped as beasts that kept chasing him before exploding when they were right next to the wolf.


However, the void itself proved to be much better for Blackie than the outside world, with darkness everywhere and an easy time making all the shadows the wolf could have ever wanted, hiding from the explosions through the shadows became a possibility.

Nonetheless, the Vampire's attacks continued almost endlessly, becoming more and more accurate with each explosion. Silva didn't knew what to do, she was confused and afraid as well, and Blackie could only drag her away for now, without much offensive power against those flames.

"Catarina! Big sis!"

Silva started crying for help. Although she had fought before and helped, she was always behind others, giving them support with her magic.

She had only taken lives with Catarina's support, but being left alone as she was being chased by a bloodthirsty Vampire wasn't something she was trained for.

"R-Run faster, Blackie! Faster…!"

Her little hands glowed with darkness and miasma, imbuing its powers into the shadow zombie wolf, and suddenly enhancing his stats and power!


Blackie suddenly gave a loud howl, his entire body growing three times as large out of nowhere. Silva's powers were those of Miasmic Enhancement.

They were mostly dangerous against almost any living being, except monsters, undead, and chimeras like her.

However, it seemed that with enough intent, its powers could even temporarily evolve monsters… Something she had never considered before!


[You have used [Miasmic Enhancement] over [Shadow Zombie Wolf: Blackie (B Rank)]!]

[The powerful Miasmic Energies are compatible with the recipient! Blackie has absorbed them into his body, undergoing a temporarily evolution!]

[The [Shadow Zombie Wolf: Blackie (B Rank)] has temporarily evolved into [Abyssal Undead Shadow Wolf: Blackie (A Rank)]! All of his Stats have increased!]

[Blackie has temporarily developed the [Abyss Manipulation] Skill!]

[Estimated Duration: 10 Minutes.]


The Shadow Zombie Wolf roared furiously, leaping against the Vampire and over the flames, his jaws opening to unleash a devastating beam of darkness!



The Vampire covered his face with his huge arms, as he was thrown away several meters from the impact of the beam of darkness alone!


"W-What was that?! A mere black dog became such a strong being?" The Vampire slowly stood up, almost unscathed. "THAT GIRL! What powers does she has! Show me… SHOW ME YOUR POWERS!"

With a maniacal laughter, the Vampire ran directly towards Blackie and Silva!


However, Blackie, now powered up, wasn't going to let him get any closer! With a furious roar, the shadows surrounding him shapeshifted, taking the form of giant tentacles surrounding the man's entire body.

"You seem strong, but you're still nothing against me!" Laughed the Vampire, his blue eye glowed brightly. "[Bestial Frost]!"


With his gigantic fists, he punched all the shadow tentacles, freezing them and then shattering them into pieces one after another!

"H-He can control so many elements…" Silva panicked. "C-Catarina… Big sis! Where is she?!"


The Vampire reached them in a split of a second, as Blackie was quickly diving back into the shadows, only for a wall of flame beasts to appear around him, stopping him from escaping!

"Did you thought I would let you escape, my precious specimens?!" Laughed the Vampire. "You're mine… I'll preserve you encased on ice, so I can better analyze you later on! Freeze to death!"

His hands overflowed with freezing blue energies, reaching the two!

"[Blood Demon Battle Arts]: [Heaven Tearing Crimson Fist]!"


However, before that could ever happen, a gigantic fist made of blood crimson energies reached the Vampire from above, it was Catarina!


"W-What…?!"contemporary romance


The enormous attack engulfed the Vampire on an explosion of blood energy, his skin began slowly tearing apart and burning, crimson flames covering him completely!


The Vampire screamed, stepping back while panicking, as Catarina landed right over his face, kicking him away with a tremendous, blazing strength!

"Get the HELL away from my kid, you DAMN BASTARD!" Catarina roared. "[Blood Demon Battle Arts]: [Mountain-

Splitting Kick]!"


The kick sent him flying, while unleashing a huge shockwave of pure power across the entire void, shaking its pillars.

The flames kept burning the Vampire as well, flames that no Vampire could conjure, Crimson Flames born from Catarina's own traumas before her conversion into a Vampire.

This power she held within her that had developed after becoming a Zombie, similar to her two friends that shared a similar fate, who became Fire Ghosts.

Instead of turning into a Fire Ghost, Catarina evolved this internal flame burning her past, this infernal flame that took away everything from her into her own unique strength, born the moment she reached the heights she could thanks to her transformation!

"Big sis, you're alright!" Silva celebrated, running towards her, and admiring her appearance change. "You transformed again!"

"Yeah, it's the only way I can even fight against that monster…" Catarina said, gasping for air.

Her entire body suddenly gained countless red markings resembling flames, as her eyes glowed bright red, and two red horns grew on her forehead.

Her aura of power became even stronger, overflowing, like an infernal flame that spread around and consumed everything… Her long red hair waved before her growth of strength, as her muscles began to become stronger, her entire bulk changed.


[You have activated the [Blood Demon Battle Physique] Skill! You have undergone a [Blood Battle Demon Transformation]!]

[All Stats have increased by +200%, with an additional +5% every time you less 1% of your Health. You cannot use Magic, as your Mana is being constantly drained.]

[All Physical Fighting Technique-related Skills and Techniques have their power boosted by +350%!]

[Estimated Duration: 10 Minutes.]

It was the same transformation from before, but improved, and even better!

"Hahaha… The more you fight… the more I want you in my collection…"

The Vampire slowly started to stand back up.


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