Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 861 A Talented Child...


There was no real bath in the Inn right now, or well, it was not working for a while because of how rare water was. However, things changed with us, who could just easily conjure water. I took out a few bathtubs from my Inventory, and by covering the wooden floor with my shadows so it the water wouldn't spill, we took a warm bath there, even adding shadow curtains and all.

Tear was our main producer of water, but such a simple spell could be conjured by any of us anyways. Though she enjoyed being "useful" and conjuring all the water we asked her for… So I just let her be happy.

Everyone took a nice warm bath, using some heat magic to warm the water, everyone took their turn in the bathtubs, and once we were fully cleaned and feeling good, we decided all had a nice meal, mostly the food they brought to us, which was very dry, rock-hard bread, a large chunk of roasted red meat, probably camel meat, some roasted roots and grains, and… a juice made out of the green blood of Giant Antlions fermented with grains, which they called Green Wine.

It was rather awful… But we ate it all because we were hungry, and then, we just feasted with stuff from my inventory! I brought out lots of meat, a grill, potatoes, fresh bread, and everything else. Nia and Celes woke up some time ago, took a bath to relax, and were now enjoying the feast with us.

By using some barriers to easily isolate the room, it was possible to eat as much as we wanted without being found out that we were cooking here.

"This food… I have never eaten something so delicious…" Nia started crying as she ate. "And this sweet juice… It's so nice."

"It's just cactus juice, you don't even get to drink that? We found some cactuses on our way here." Partner explained.

"Cactuses are rare, they're farmed in some areas, and are very expensive. We couldn't have afforded them." Nia sighed, caressing her child's head. "I… I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done for us… Thank you for saving our lives and helping us, we don't deserve so much generosity." 

Nia quickly bowed her head, as she told her son to do the same, the clueless boy seemed confused, but he was rather grateful we saved his mama, so he bowed his head too.

"There's no need to bow your head though." I sighed. "It's fine, really. What you two went through was our fault, after all, they were looking for us in the end. We had t take responsibility for what we provoked."

"Lady Mary…" Sighed Nia, feeling rather moved.

"Auntie Mary is really nice!" Celes giggled innocently.contemporary romance

"Right? Mama's the best!" Nyx said. "She is a superhero that saves everyone! She will never turn her back against baddies!"

"S-Superhero?" I wondered, feeling embarrassed. "Come on, do you have to call me like that? Hahaha…"

"Ahem! Anyways, we've washed ourselves and we're also well rested, right?" Lucifer asked. "Wouldn't it be a nice time to talk about what has happened recently?"

"Yeah, he's right." Emeraldine nodded. "Were you aware of your son's condition?"

"My son's… condition?" Nia seemed confused, until she seemed to finally remember what happened yesterday, and then, she noticed her son's eyes, which were now blue, it was a permanent change. "Dear, your eyes…"

"Hm? What's wrong?" Celes wondered, munching on a sandwich. "Mama? You're too close, heheh…" lights

The young baby boy giggled cheerfully, he was not older than four years of age, so his mental age was similar to that of Nyx and Silva, mostly. Fabian and everyone else was much more mature, probably at teenager levels.

"T-This…" Nia sighed. "D-Do you know what has my son become?" She asked nervously. 

"We don't know for sure, but I checked his soul. As a Necromancer, I have the innate ability to see people's soul. And his soul, unlike yours, which seems normal, is very powerful." I explained to her.

"H-How so?" Nia asked nervously.

"Let's see… Well, if a normal soul is like this grain over here." I grabbed one of the toasted grains. "Then your son's soul is like this melon."

"E-Eh?!" Nia was shocked. "T-That big?! But I could had tell before if he would had used some magic…!"

"The thing is, his soul is strange, it feels as if he had automatically sealed its abilities to protect himself, maybe without him even realizing." I explained. "But his soul… It is really special. It possessed the brilliance of divinity, sprinkled with the holiness of spiritual energies. And it had the strong attribute of Water. Your son…"

"I-Is he?! No… it can't be! He can't just be… The reincarnation of the Oasis Spirit, right?! The one they've been looking for so long just happens to be my dear son?!" Nia panicked. "W-What do I do?! What can we do?!"

She started to have a panic attack, worrying about the wellbeing of her son. It was only natural to feel so afraid, seeing how those bastards were about to torture her just a few hours ago.

"Calm down for now." Tear sat down at her side, patting her shoulder with her big arms. "It's going to be alright. We're a big family here, right? It wouldn't hurt us if we added you to the group. We'll protect you and your son, it's the least we could do."

"Miss Tear…" Nia was about to cry. 

"Indeed." Emeraldine said, giving her a gentle smile. "Please calm down and have faith in us. We've only meet briefly, but this must be destiny. Your son is someone special, someone that might one day save not only your city, but the entire desert. His powers are miraculous, but also dangerous if they fall in the wrong hands. We won't let any evil befall him."

"T-Thank you, it's so relieving to have people I can trust…" Nia sighed. "But… what might happen now? My son… Celes do you feel like… doing magic?"

"Huh? Magic? Like before?" Celes wondered. "Hmmm…" He suddenly started concentrating, and then…


A lot of water came out of his hands, splashing everywhere!

"Alright, I guess he does have his powers…" Lucifer sighed, drying his face with a handkerchief. 


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