Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 842 Creation Of Death

Chapter 842 Creation Of Death


Thanks to Emeraldine and Jonathan's Holy Light Spells and Magic, the souls were able to safely pass away, slowly flying into the skies beneath the sun's light, however, a bunch stayed with me, deciding to stick around like other Undead usually just want to serve me.

Among them, there was the Pharaoh, Akhenaton. His human-like form was surprisingly handsome, no longer looking like a wicked black skeleton, his phantasmal appearance looked like an Egyptian pharaoh, brown skin, shaded brown eyes, long black hair, his body decorated with gold and red jewels, tall and muscular, with a dignified appearance.

"So anyways, we've got a lot to talk! Akhenaton, right?"

"Yes, that used to be my name, but you may call me however you desire now, my Summoner."

"Well I'll just keep calling you like that then… So anyways, why did you decided to join us?"

"I heard what you talked while we fought, in my monstrous form, I heard about your desires to defeat the Gods, those damned bastards… that destroyed my Kingdom and took everything away from me…"

"Well yeah, they hate me too, and we've already fought their forces a bit… We've triumphed, but I don't know what else they are planning to do. Hence, I want to grow as strong as possible to kick their asses."

"Heh, I like your attitude, a bit lacking in manners, but to the point." He laughed. "I used to excel as a powerful Black Magician, as I treaded into the arts of curses and poisons, I was feared as the Death Bringer by many, but my people knew well I was a benevolent ruler, but I was merciless to my enemies. You may turn me in whatever you want, but something that could be good at magic might be recommended."

"How about a Lich? I have yet to raise a proper one yet." I rubbed my chin; we were currently walking around the Ruby Palace's castle.

The big feast celebration was still going outside, and it was already night, with the stars illuminating the clear and beautiful night sky.

"A Lich sounds fitting." He nodded. "My skeleton has been defiled and destroyed, sadly…"

"I'll use some of the mummies available as materials, are you okay with that?" I asked.

"The bodies of my fallen brethren… Well, if that's possible, then I would gladly accept, even after death, I suppose they might be eager to help their ruler." He said pridefully.

He was indeed quite the guy…

We gathered with him and the souls of Fabian's friends, whom I decided to give new bodies, the other souls weren't eager, so I might use them to raise new Undead once stronger bodies become available. I had already considered turning the Giant Sandworms we caught into Undead to easily traverse the desert.

"Alright everyone, are you ready? Just stand still while I do my work." I said, the ghosts quickly lined up as I took out the materials.

Using a variety of Skills, from Undead Transfiguration to Shadow Threads, to Synthesis, and even other Alchemy Skills, adding on top of that my Shadow Sculptor Subclass Abilities, I started working.

I created new skeleton replicas based on the ghost's specifications and the memories they had of their own appearances, crafted their muscles off a mix of many monsters muscles I maintained inside my Inventory, added new organs, skin tissue, molded, and put it all together, and of course, I added Cores.

They were very important for Undead, most Undead had them inside, they were their true "hearts" and allowed them to move, conjure magic, and continue growing stronger, much faster than those that lacked one.

The process was rather swift as I made what I had in my mind into reality, replicas of everyone's body made with completely unrelated materials were made rather fast. And as for the Pharaoh, I decided to go for a classic skeleton lich, he didn't mind at all.

"Alright now, possess these bodies and then I'll fuse your souls with the bodies, so the connection feels much stronger and deeper."

Everyone nodded, doing as I told them. They possessed the bodies, stood up, and then I used my Soul Connection Spell to fuse them into their new bodies.

The process was really swift, and my Undead Transfiguration Skill ended leveling up quite a lot more than I expected…


[Because you've created intricately crafted and powerful Undead, your Skill Proficiency over the Arts of Necromancy have progressed greatly.]

[Your [Transfiguration of Death: Lv8] Skill has Leveled up Twice!] contemporary romance

[The [Transfiguration of Death: Lv10] Skill has evolved into the [Creation of Death: Lv1] Skill!]

[The Skill has evolved into a Unique Skill that only you possess! It has been added to your Characteristic Skills List instead of Magic Skills.]

Oh wow, would you look at this! We've done some progress, finally!

Wait, did I really just had to craft some Undead bodies to get two more levels?! I thought I had hit some wall that asked me to make millions of Undead or something, but I just needed to do that?!

Huh, well, anyways, let's check it out.


[Creation of Death: Lv1]

You're the Embodiment of Death. As you've become the Embodiment of Death, you can create replicas of your own existence, and Create Undead, that can reach some similarity, but cannot grasp the true meaning of your existence, forever only being copies of you.

Grants the Ability to Create all sorts of Undead-type Monsters. As long as there's a Soul and some Materials, you can create anything you can imagine as long as materials and mana is available.

Through the powers of your Soul Grimoire of Necromancy, specific and special Undead Recipes can be unlocked and acquired.

Enhances the Stats of Undead Created, their Skill Powers, their Mana Conductivity, and their Latent Potential by +300%, with an additional +25% with each Skill Level.

Decreases the Mana Consumption and other Special Resources needed for the Creation of Undead by -20%, with an additional -3% with each Skill Level.

All Undead Stats will increase by an +100%, with an additional +25% with each Skill Level whenever they're fighting or working for their master's goals.

Undead will gain Special Titles and Skills based on their Innate Potential and Materials Used.

All Undead will always remain loyal to their Creator, no matter what.


It was an insane Skill!


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