Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 835 The Ancient Pharaoh’s Wrath

Chapter 835 The Ancient Pharaoh's Wrath


[The [Pharaoh of Death: Akhenaton (S Rank)] has evolved through the constant absorption of Miasma into [Harbinger of Death: Akhenaton (S+++ Rank)]!]

[All his Stats have increased by a further +200%. A powerful [Aura of Despair] is exuded from his body, weakening all foes, and decreasing their Stats by -25%.]

After being revived through the power of the Evil God's Fragments secretions, the ancient Undead Pharaoh quickly lost his composure, going mad with anger and frustration, and perhaps even the sorrow of a past that nobody here knew.

After transforming, his body continued exuding an explosive quantity of Miasmic energy, making him go completely insane, targeting just anybody in front of him. Perhaps in the past he was someone smart, that even led an entire civilization, but now, he was nothing but a husk of his former self…

"Youuuu… You TOOK everything… EVERYTHING!!!"

Filled with madness, he raised his enormous skeletal claws, as the Demonite covering his body like an armor quickly changed shape, growing into a huge black crystal sword, which he furiously swung against Jonathan and Lucifer!


An explosion of Miasmic, Darkness, Death, and Chaos energies erupted from the strike, which ended hitting the Dungeon Floor instead, as both Lucifer and Jonathan had evaded the attack, barely.

"This bastard's the real deal!" Lucifer roared. "I'll transform, I can't handle him on my human form!"

"Good idea!" Jonathan said. "I'll distract it with my sword slashes! Let's see how strong your armor is! [Divine Sunlight Blade Arts]: [Celestial Blade]!"

Jonathan quickly unleashed a barrage of slashing attacks with his Divine Sword, channeling the power of his Divine Blessing. Celestial Light surged from his powerful blade, each of his slashes generating a wave of slashing holy light that chipped at the armor of the Pharaoh.



Akhenaton did not take it lightly, furiously swinging his huge sword against Jonathan to intercept his burning holy light, which seemed to be affecting him negatively, slowly weakening his magic powers.


"KILL…! I'LL KILL YOU!" Roared Akhenaton, swinging his sword furiously.

Jonathan noticed a pattern from the Undead, his blows were slow and they always hit the next area to the left where his blow hit before, almost mechanically. Putting this to use, he quickly stepped back the moment he evaded a blow and while the Undead King raised his sword again, leaving his chest wide open, he quickly activated one of his strongest techniques.

"[Divine Sunlight Blade Arts]: [Hegemonic Sunshine Slash]!"

Jonathan raised his Divine Sunlight Sword into the skies, generating a gigantic beam of light that descended from above as he moved the sword downwards, the powerful slashing attack piercing across the Pharaoh's armor and slightly cracking his large Demonite Heart Core!



Akhenaton stepped back, his hue body hitting several pillars as the ceiling stared crumbling down over his body, although he paid little attention to those details.

However, incessantly and with the might of an S+++ Rank monster, the ancient ruler shapeshifted the form of his sword, as it divided itself into thousands of spears made of Demonite!



Jonathan gritted his teeth, fully knowing he wouldn't be able to block such an overwhelming spell, beginning to parry some of the spears as more kept coming, about to pierce his body!


However, a huge dragon emerged, blocking the attacks by swinging his gigantic tail, which hit the ancient ruler strongly, making him collapse on the walls, which shattered before his mighty weight.


"Dammit, this bastard's tougher than we imagined!" Lucifer said, trying to attack the skeleton with his huge scythe, only for his attack to be blocked by Akhenaton's Demonite Spear.



The furious Pharaoh opened his skeletal jaws, letting out an enormous wave of purple and black flames, they were Chaos Flames! The intensity of the heat and its ability to distort energies and melt anything quickly started to pierce through Lucifer's barriers and defenses.


"Shit!" Lucifer stepped back, before Akhenaton were to use this opportunity to attack him yet again, growing a second pair of skeletal arms above his shoulders, he tried to smack the dragon's head!


However, what he ended smacking instead was a powerful giantess that had joined the battle, Maria had undergone her True Form transformation, resembling a titaness that wielded many elements, with a body made of moonlight, hair made of snakes, and a demonic armor resembling the exoskeletons of insects.

Not only she had activated all her Body Skills, but also all the Transformation Skills together, generating this Ultimate Form that held all her powers together at once! Swinging her Giant Axe and her powerful Sword, she attacked Akhenaton with everything she had.

"[Soul Shattering Nightmare Blade]! [Chaotic Inferno Axe]!"

Her two weapons absorbed the powers of her Chaos Energy, acquired from fusing with her Chaos Spirit, Tyr, as both weapons hit the ancient ruler at the same time, the furious Undead was too slow to evade!



Akhenaton's huge Demonite Heart gained more cracks, as Maria kicked him away, giving everyone enough time for whatever insane attack he would come out with.

"Partner, Emeraldine, protect Fabian while Jonathan and Lucifer help me in the frontlines. With Tear, you girls attack the beast from behind!" Maria said.

"Eh?! But I want to fight in the frontlines as well!" Partner complained.

"No complains!" Maria said. "Now, let's go! Don't let him catch a break!"

"Alright!" Jonathan roared. "I shall always follow your lead, Maria!"

"You don't even need to ask!" Lucifer roared, his wounds having already regenerated thanks to Maria's Undead Healing magic.

The trio rushed towards Akhenaton, as the giant skeleton quickly stood back up, his entire body was beginning to tremble as he constantly exuded more and more Miasmic Energy.

"I'll restrain his movements with my Ice Magic." Said Tear, as she started to channel her Mana. "Fabian! Can you attack with your Demonite Spears when I give you the signal? I think they might be able to pierce through the monster's defenses because they're made of the same armor he's wearing!"

"S-Sure!" Fabian nodded, preparing his Magic as black magic circles appeared around him.

"Don't worry, we'll cover your back as well."

"Sigh, I guess there's no helping it."

Emeraldine and Partner floated in midair, preparing to fight from long-distance.

-----contemporary romance

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