Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 823 Monsters Against Monsters

Chapter 823 Monsters Against Monsters


[You have combined the effects of the [Gorgon's Transformation], [Abyssal Demon Transformation], [Divine Moonlight Titan Body], [Divine Moonlight Titan Soul], and all Body-type Skills to transform into your [Ultimate Form]!]

[All of your Stats have temporarily increased by +1000%, your Death, Darkness, Chaos, Poison, and Moonlight Elemental Damage has increased by +10000%, and Skill Damage has increased by +500%!]

[However, your Mana is constantly being drained, and so is your Moonlight Essence!]

Maria unleashed her [Ultimate Form], attaining the power of a Demigoddess- no, a Divine Titaness herself! And perhaps, even beyond that.

Prospera suddenly felt her presence and was shaken. Her gigantic sand-made body stepped back, intimidated by Maria despite having gone berserk herself.

This gave Maria the perfect opening to start the battle!

"[Accursed Abyssal Nightmare Blade Arts]: [Abyssal Ascension]! [Barbaric Dark Axe Arts]: [Demonic Slash]!"

Without further ado, Maria jumped into action before anybody else, summoning her Blade and her huge Axe, and swinging both weapons at once against Prospera's monstrous body!

An ascending abyssal slash and a demonic slash, both attacks that could easily slice up a whole mountain reached her body!


Prospera roared monstrously, greeting Maria's two powerful attacks with her entire body transforming into countless black sand-made fists, overflowing with Chaotic and Miasmic Energies.


The fists impacted Maria's weapons, attempting to suck her energy, they worked, but only partially. Maria smiled as her eyes glowed bright red, the snakes making up her hair shooting several beams.

"[Pandora's Box Beams]!"

Condensing the mighty and overwhelming explosive power of the Pandora's Box Skill, Maria unleashed dozens of beams made up of it through her snake-like hair!

The result?

Prospera's red jewels started shattering one after another, and even her black sand began to evaporate and turn into nothingness.



Prospera quickly realized that Maria was a tremendously strong opponent. Her body swiftly gathering all the powers of her Demonite Heart Core and her Divine Artifact, the daggers, all at once.


With a monstrous roar, a huge jaw opened in the middle of her chest, unleashing a tremendous beam of pure chaos and demonic energy against Maria at once!


"Not bad!" Maria smiled, intercepting the powerful and explosive blow with both of her weapons at once, and then redirecting it back at Prospera. "But that ain't going to cut it! [Abyssal Parry]!"


The enormous beam hit Prospera instead, her entire body made of black sand exploded once more, losing its shape and its energy, even as it was constantly absorbing Maria's Mana… it felt as if she had a near endless pool of it! contemporary romance

"Urghhh…! Y-YOUUU…!" Prospera groaned, her body once more shapeshifting.

This time, she took the shape of a huge three-headed dragon, each head unleashing several beams everywhere, Maria was forced to step back as the beams absorbed even more energy of whatever they touched.



The entire dungeon continued to tremble, but it was able to hold and not break apart. Nonetheless, hundreds of monsters started to panic, running away, and some even found their way out into the city.




Mummies were the most of them, marching slowly, but exuding powerful deadly auras. The people immediately noticed monsters having infiltrated their walled city, their screams echoing around.


"Why are they here?!"

"I thought the dungeon was sealed!"



As the people screamed and ran away at the same time as Maria evaded Prospera's beams, she quickly decided to divide and conquer.

"Catarina, Nyx, Takeshi, Laura! Go kill the monsters outside!" Said Maria, quickly sending a big mass of shadows with them outside of the dungeon.

"Roger!" Catarina smiled defiantly, carrying the kids with herself, Silva had sneaked in, stuck on her wide back. "Let's do it, kids!"


As the whole group reached the city to deal with the monster wave coming out of the dungeon due to the battle happening inside, Maria's allies swiftly started to aid her.

"You accursed monster! Don't you know how many innocent lives you've taken?!" Jonathan screamed, his Divine Sword shining with the might of the sun. "[Heaven's Fall]!!!"


A bright beam of light was unleashed the moment he swung his Divine Sword vertically, the beam hit one of Prospera's big heads, shattering a huge red colored crystal in between the head and the rest of the black sand-made body.


The dragon head stopped moving the moment it was hit, Maria realized Prospera lost a large quantity of Health this way! One of her annoying things was how fast she could regenerate, making it so even with her overwhelming superiority on raw stats, Prospera held the higher ground in terms of survivability.

"Hit the heads, across the neck connecting the body!" Maria roared; her mighty orders made her allies quickly gain a powerful aura. One of the many perks of being a Divine being.

[You have unleashed a [Divine Moonlight Titan's Order]! All those that obey your command will receive a boost of +100% to all Stats and gain a [Small Aura of Moonlight]!]

[Duration: 5 Minutes.]

"Let's fucking GO!" Partner roared, spinning downwards, evading a dragon's breath while Emeraldine appeared right behind her.

"Partner! Let's do it together!" Emeraldine said, her wings helping her fly at extreme speeds.

"Okay~!" Partner giggled, using her own bat-like blood-made wings.

Both flying ladies descended at the same time, evading the dragon's jaws and beams. Partner's two spears pierced through the neck, while Emeraldine summoned a gigantic arrow made of light, both strikes pierced through the dragon made of black sand at the same time, bursting its head off.


A huge explosion of blood energy, darkness, and light, blew away the head out of the body, which quickly dissipated into black smoke, revealing a shattered red jewel.

"It's working!" Maria thought. "She cannot maintain such a strange body without having dozens of crystalized miasmic cores across her body! The larger they are, the more damage we'll deal to her!"


The third head suddenly started growing much larger, transforming into a gigantic black snake this time! Opening its enormous jaws, it unleashed a deadly breathe of black, poisonous gases capable of draining all energies!


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