Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 821 Lady Prospera

Chapter 821 Lady Prospera

? contemporary romance


It was a piece of cake to find them after having purposely let that girl, Silva, run away with a small detection device implanted in her neck. Without realizing it, she had led them to the hideout of the children with ease.

"Boss said we should clean up now, there's no need to keep these kids." Said a brown skinned vampires wearing black layered clothes. "We'll use their corpses for materials to complete our Creation, if everything goes well, we'll be able to relieve some of his concerns with that new tool."

"Understood, Lady Prospera." The other dozen Vampires covered in black robes and wearing masks nodded, all flying in midair across the dungeon's corridors while following her, as she used a device implanted in her left eye to easily detect where the child was now.

"It should be around here…" The woman roared, smashing the Wall Mimic in front of her into pieces, the beast unable to even defend nor escape as blood and flesh splattered everywhere.


The sight of several kids eating fruits and talking was quickly interrupted by their arrival, their eyes opening in fear as many stood up and started running away.

"We've finally found you, lab rats!" Roared one of the Vampires, flying first inside to tear to shreds the innocent children.

Lacking any self-restraint, these new generation Vampires were hungry for blood and merciless monsters that let their instincts guide them instead of their rational thoughts.

His claws grew larger and sharper, about to grab the small child, no older than Silva, and about to rip him into pieces, which he would greatly enjoy as he drank the blood his prey would helplessly splatter around.


However, a huge wall made of roots grew faster than a phantasmal presence farther away could reach him, protecting the child from the vampire's vicious claws as he hit the wall head-first.


"Graaargh?! W-What the-" Before the Vampire could formulate any other rational thoughts, his shadows shapeshifted and moved on their own, generating several spears that pierced his entire body, filling his insides with miasma and poisonous toxins, and then, setting him ablaze on phantasmal flames.


His entire body grew bloated, glowed with bright blue light as countless cracks spread across his burning, charred skin, in just a split of a second, he exploded into pieces.


The other Vampires quickly stopped their charge as their leader glanced at the scene in utter disbelief, shadows spreading across the corridor, absorbing all the children away, as if a vicious monster wanted to devour them first before they could get their claws on them.

"Who's there?!" Prospera roared, grabbing her two golden daggers as her vampiric aura surged from within her body, exuding the might of an experienced A+ Rank fighter that could even rival S Ranks with all the magical artifacts she held.


However, instead of a voice, black abyssal flames spread out, quickly surprising her and her subordinates, who floated as high as possible from the floor to not make contact with the damned flames.

And then, dozens of arrows imbued with light caught her subordinates, without them even being able to fight, half of them had their bodies pierced by the rays of light, Prospera was barely able to evade some of them as she saw hopelessly how over half her men died, turned into ashes.


"W-What…?! What monster-"


And before she could think again, a burly woman encompassed on an armor made of bones, shadows, darkness, death, and even moonlight hit her back, punching her with her Blood Battle Aura countless times! It was nobody else than Catarina.


"Urgh?! Y-You?! Catarina, the Bandit Queen?!" Prospera groaned, her entire body surging with her powerful Golden Aura of Sands, as Catarina smiled.

"You recognize me, huh? Not bad!" Catarina laughed, as her fists were about to crush the Vampire's body, only for her to end up hitting just sand! "What?!"


Prospera turned into a huge mass of sand, wrapping around Catarina, and beginning to break apart her skin and draining away her life force and liquids, trying to dry her out!

"You're really mistaken if you think you can fight me head-on, you weakling!" Prospera roared, spinning her sand body rapidly as she tried to shred Catarina into pieces.

"A Vampire that can turn into sand? That's new." The voice of a female echoed behind her as another Vampire appeared behind Prospera, her hands holding two spears overflowing with a mighty power she couldn't afford to tank!


Several blows reached her sand body. The grains of sand that were hit instantly shattered and were destroyed into pieces, Prospera desperately let go of Catarina as she hit the ceiling, glancing at the woman that had showed up!

"A-A Vampire Queen?!" She asked in shock. "Why is a being as powerful as you… Cooperating with these lab rats?!"

"Huh? Do I even know you?" Laughed Partner, kicking her with her powerfully strong heels, partially made of hard Demonite. Several shockwaves were unleashed, shadows and blood aura exploding and making quick work of Prospera!


"Uurggh…! A-A traitor?! Catarina is also a vampire… zombie?!" Prospera thought. "Just what is happening here?!" She glanced back to her subordinates, only to see them all being killed by three children.

Little Nyx used her phantasmal magic and shadows to completely destroy the men into pieces, her sharp claws shredding them into halves.

Meanwhile, Takeshi and Laura used their water and explosions to drown and detonate everyone else, the army of B+++ Rank Vampires were killed in mere seconds.

By just children! And the worst part was that they all looked like the "lab rats" she had come to look for.

"Lab rats that had grown this powerful?!" Prospera thought, only to feel even stronger presences surge from all around her, her body beginning to freeze while she fought the Vampire Queen.

Her Sand Magic and Earth Magic worked in tandem to somehow protect her from all the lethal blows, while she used her Daggers of Eternal Sands to summon more sands and fuel her magic and transformation.

But that only lasted so long before her legs were suddenly frozen solid.


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