Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 815 Sandworm Invasion!

Chapter 815 Sandworm Invasion!


A cataclysm suddenly befell Ruby Palace as Catarina was saving the life of a child. The jewel which she had mostly ignored ended being a rather dangerous weapon of mass destruction! Why did the nobles even wanted such a thing? Actually, maybe it would be clever to ask why they wouldn't.


Dozens of huge, brown colored magic circles emerged out of thin air, surrounding the entire city. This was a special Monster Summoning Crystal that worked by summoning monsters sealed inside by powerful magicians, the "Warlocks of the Underworld", a mysterious organization tied to the bastards that held Silva captive before.




The dozens of Sandworms, each one as strong as a B Rank monster, rushed into the city without even questioning why they were there now. Perhaps too angered of having been sealed to escape, deciding to just attack the nearest thing within their vicinity!

"W-What is that?!"


"So many!"

"Why are they here? I thought this was safe from them!"

"R-Run… HIDE!"

"They're too many! Uuaaaggh!"

The citizens of the Ruby Palace city quickly panicked, running away from the scene as the huge Sandworms demolished the city walls, throwing away countless soldiers, some swallowed them up, and the ones that ran away were quickly picked up by the rest.

"Dammit, what the heck did you do, you fucking idiot?!" The soldier that ended letting the jewel break was reprimanded by his many seniors.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"[Blood Edge]"


Suddenly, countless blades made of blood cut down every single soldier in front of Catarina before they could do any more stupid things, their shredded bodies painting the sand red.

"We have to quickly get out of here!" Catarina said. "Silva, you stay in here for now… No, actually, come with me, it would be dangerous if you stay in this blood-covered place. They might frame you for this massacre."

Catarina swiftly grabbed Silva and jumped over her big wolf, who suddenly was shrouded in shadows, rushing across the shadows of the buildings and into the outside of the city.

"Silva, I'll leave you around here-"

"I-I want to fight too!"

"You want to fight those?! You can't!"

"I-I can't… But I can do this!"

Silva suddenly touched Catarina's back, imbuing her with a dark, powerful aura that suddenly started enhancing her strength.


[Silva] has conjured the power of her [Miasmic Boost] Skill.]

[As a compatible Undead type being, you receive its full benefits.]

[All of your Stats have increased by +100%, HP and MP Recovery Speed has increased by +200%.]

[As long as the conjurer is close by, Miasmic Boost will stay indefinitely.]

"Amazing…" Said Catarina. "You kind of remind me of an old friend named Maria." She laughed.

"I-It worked!" Silva was surprised. "I remember those bad guys saying I had the power to boost the strength of red eyed people…"

"I guess it worked on me, dear." Giggled Catarina. "Alright. [Blood Thread]!"

She quickly wrapped Silva around her back with many threads, and then materializing the threads into a huge armor, protecting her from damage like this. contemporary romance

"If you want to join so badly, so be it!" Laughed Catarina. "Just stay put while I take these down… Or we die trying."

"D-Die?!" Silva panicked.

"Blackie, follow me!" Catarina roared. "[Blood Bat Wings]!" She summoned two pairs of bat-like wings made of her blood aura, jumping into the skies.

"Woof!" The big shadow wolf undead barked, conjuring shadows.


Catarina, Blackie, and the little Silva immediately faced a gigantic Sandworm that noticed them, the moment they all jumped into the skies, the gigantic beast opened its massive maws, attempting to devour them all with a single bite!

"That's not going to work!" Catarina roared, her fists suddenly overflowing with her Blood Battle Aura, as she punched the Sandworm's face several times! "[Crimson Fist Battle Arts]: [Blood Asura's Barrage]!"


Unleashing the mighty strength she has been developing since she "left the nest", Catarina completely overwhelmed the Sandworm, a beast at B+++ Rank at almost equally as strong as A Rank monsters and threw it down into the ground!



The Sandworm quickly attacked her back after hitting the floor, using its huge body to slam her with everything it had!


However, Catarina resisted the blows and then disappeared into shadows, as Blackie helped her travel around, landing over the Sandworm's huge head and then gathering all her might into her powerful fists.

Her Blood Battle Aura surged once more, shaping itself into the form of a muscular, gigantic woman made of blood, resembling a demon queen, her fists merged with those of hers, as they unleashed a large barrage of blows!



The huge Sandworm gave out a last scream, its head splattering into pieces, covering Catarina's entire body with green blood and guts, as the rest of the worm's body fell lifelessly into the ground, to never move again.

"Phew, we did it-"




However, five more Sandworms surrounded her. Using Sand Magic and their powerful tails to attack her, Catarina constantly evaded their devastating blows while hitting them back, however, the fight was way too slow!

While she struggled fighting all these monsters, the other half of the huge Sandworms started trashing the entire city! There was some trash in there for sure, but also a lot of hard-working people, innocents that didn't deserve to die so horribly.

"Dammit!" Catarina roared, clashing against the Sandworms as she was being constantly hit everywhere. "I can handle this much but… It will take time…! Fuck! Argh!!!"


Suddenly, three Sandworm Tails at once threw Catarina into the ground, trashing her horribly!

"Auntie Catarina!" Silva cried, as her miasmic powers suddenly reacted to her emotions, wrapping Catarina around silver colored sheep-like wool, and making her fall not that painful!


"Ungh… Silva, you saved me there." Catarina muttered, only to find herself surrounded by the vicious Sandworms. "Dammit… Do I have to run away after all?!" She gritted her teeth.

"[Selene's Palm]"


However, before she could even react, a huge palm made of moonlight energy descended from the skies, crushing three Sandworms at once!


"W-Wha…?! That voice!"

Catarina knew exactly where that attack came from…


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