Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 308 Pushing the Wave

308 Pushing the Wave

The moment Shi Tian posted the video on the Darknet, it took quite some time before others started to click on it.

It wasn't difficult to attract attention when there were multiple keywords in the title post.

White Syndicate Warning to the Military Teams in Gearits City!

Each of the wording was attractive enough to prompt the Darknet users to check out the post.

If it was something bogus, then they would simply block the anonymous user and move on with their life.

However, if it was truly some juicy content, then with their twisted and distorted mindset, they would find joy in it. And in turn, they would start advertising the video themselves without needing to be told.

Such great content must be passed along for more to view, right? "You've really posted it…" Vanessa swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously. "I'll just say this once. If you're ever caught, remember that I was never here nor do I know anything." She added, letting them know that she was not willing to get involved in a matter as big as this.

Her identity in Chronosworth City prevented her from causing such a big matter. After all, if dealt with incorrectly, she might have just generated a war between two cities. And at that time, it was no laughing matter to see the wilderness filled with blood and corpses. "Hmph, as expected of a "nobility" from a big city." Mary snorted coldly. "Always want to snatch the benefits, but also want to cut off any relationship the moment something goes wrong."

"T-That's not true!" Vanessa quickly denied the accusation thrown at her by Mary. "I never wanted to make an enemy out of the Gearits City militaries."

And just when Mary wanted to argue further, Shi Tian faked a groan, catching their attention.

"Please, I'm injured here," Clutching his chest tightly, Shi Tian flashed a painful expression, an indirect way of telling them that he was in pain because of their bickering. "You're injured huh?" Mary faked a concerned attitude as she walked toward him. "Want me to give it a little rub?" She then suggested, clenching her fist tightly.

Seeing her really trying to punch him instead, Shi Tian quickly shook his head and raised his hands. "No need to rub it, Mary. I just need a little bit of rest and a relaxing atmosphere to recover." "Is that so?" Mary halted her steps. "Then are you going to be in pain if Vanessa and I have a conversation again?" Remaining silent, Shi Tian realized why Mary was speaking so sarcastically. She was the one who had treated his injuries, so she knew exactly where his injuries were. contemporary romance

The chest area that he had placed and proclaimed to be in pain was nothing. Hence, it was obvious that Mary instantly knew he was faking it. Meanwhile, Mary proceeded to walk toward Shi Tian, patting his shoulder and leaning close to his ear. "Try and intervene in our conversation again. Let's see if you can survive tonight. Now go to bed and rest before your injuries fester." She whispered in a melodious and gentle tone. But to Shi Tian, it was the devil's whisper and she was threatening to take a rest and not bother with her argument.

Nodding his head like a good child, Shi Tian quickly dropped everything and went to the original area that he would usually sleep in.

It wasn't that he was afraid of Mary, but he knew his chances were slim when she used such a tone. It meant that she was serious and adamant about something. As for Mary, she sat on Shi Tian's chair very naturally, crossed her legs, and glanced at Vanessa.

"You see– Nathan had already done something that cannot be undone. So if you are adamant in refusing to acknowledge anything, then I'm afraid to say that the deal we have initially would be voided." Mary said coolly.

The deal naturally referred to their earlier negotiation regarding the high-tech drones in which Vanessa would provide the materials and they would provide the production. It was indeed a shame to potentially lose such a big deal, but Mary would rather lose the chance to earn some money than gain an unreliable ally.

Vanessa's expression changed as she realized the gravity of the situation. Losing a deal for the production of high-tech drones was not something she wanted, but she also understood that keeping her distance from the controversy Shi Tian had created was a matter of survival in this world.

She sighed and finally admitted, "You're right, Mary. I don't want to sever our deal, but I also don't want to become an enemy of Gearits City." The risk was just not worth it, and she did not want to become the culprit of a war between two cities. It was a really difficult dilemma that she was facing.

Sighing softly, Mary now realized why she couldn't read or understand Vanessa at all. She was shrewd at one point, but on another point, she was quite naive and slow to comprehend the situation. "Vanessa, I don't mean to be rude, but you are really confusing sometimes. What you said is all just a possibility. Possibility– as in it could happen or it could not." Mary calmly explained.

And she continued, "Nathan had said that you have people arriving in Gearits City already, so you might as well instruct them to do something behind the scenes. Become a keyboard warrior and praise the White Syndicate for their brave action, essentially diverting all attention from even pinpointing the culprit to be us in the first place." Suddenly, like an enlightened child, Vanessa clasped her hands together.

"Right, why didn't I think of that? I can just make sure to convince everyone that the source comes from the White Syndicate and with their conduct. Even if the White Syndicate wanted to deny the claim, it would be futile." She added, grinning menacingly and laughing wildly.

'I seriously regret trying to have a deal with her…' Mary twitched her mouth in disbelief.

Rebirth of the Death Knight

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