Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 300 Feasting

Chapter 300 Feasting

The soldiers who were still conscious could only watch in horror as their comrade was consumed by the microscopic beings that Shi Tian had released.

It was a gruesome and nightmarish sight, as the creatures seemed to devour flesh and bone with terrifying efficiency.

Their screams of terror pierced the air, a chilling symphony of agony that echoed through the forest. It was a cruel and unusual punishment, one that left the soldiers traumatized and paralyzed with fear.

Shi Tian watched the horrifying scene with a cold, detached expression. He knew that his actions were ruthless, but he had no intention of showing mercy to those who had relentlessly pursued him.

'If I didn't recover in time and managed to level up to 30. I'm sure they wouldn't spare my life even if I begged.' Shi Tian thought to himself, watching his Dust Mites feasting on the corpse as if they were a bunch of starved beggars.

He had neglected these Dust Mites for quite a while, and their hunger showed. Luckily, they weren't mad at him and didn't try to attack him.

Or more like they didn't dare to attack him, considering that Shi Tian could see them very vividly and exterminate them if they attempted such acts.

"Don't eat too fast. I want them to suffer dearly for ignoring the warning that our White Syndicate had given them." Shi Tian warned sternly, commanding the Dust Mites to slow down and make sure the pain would be an excruciating one.

As he had stated in the past, he was not a hero or a villain. But that doesn't mean he was going to let his enemies scot-free.

For those who offended him and wanted his life, Shi Tian will gladly return the favor tenfold.

"M-Monster…" One of the soldiers who were witnessing his comrades being devoured alive stutteringly said.

He was looking at Shi Tian as if he was a monster incarnation.

"Monsters? No, I'm more of a pacifist myself." Shi Tian said sweetly.


Proclaiming to be a pacifist yet committing such an atrocious act in front of them, the soldiers would be insane if they believed him.

Some of the soldiers who knew their fate would be no different than their dying comrade that was being eaten alive, have decided to bite their tongue, hoping to commit suicide.

They did not wish to bear such pain.

Of course, Shi Tian could stop them from committing suicide simply by prying their mouth wide open.

But he didn't do it.

He wanted the enemies to know that they had a choice on how to die and to suffer the consequences.

Had they retreated and stopped tracking him, Shi Tian wouldn't have forced them to such a fate.

Calmly watching some of the soldiers outright committing suicide and some still unwilling to accept death, Shi Tian was recording the entire scene.

He was not a sadist who enjoyed the suffering and torment of others, but the recording was a necessary one. To ensure that the White Syndicate wouldn't trouble him for framing them, Shi Tian decided to go above and beyond.

By sending such grotesque recordings to the military and announcing in public the consequences for offending the White Syndicate, it would help ease the White Syndicate members' anger toward him.

'The White Syndicate was known for their terrorizing acts, and with their insanity behavior, they would revel in the acts and forget about the framing part.' Shi Tian exclaimed inwardly.

It was all just a conjecture, but Shi Tian was positive that the White Syndicate would be more pleased than angry.

As the last soldier's screams faded into an eerie silence, Shi Tian sealed the jar once more, trapping the remaining Dust Mites inside. They had been filled to the brim and completely satisfied with their meal.

With the Dust Mites being satisfied, Shi Tian glanced at the scene in front of him.

Originally a very grisly scene filled with blood, the area was now completely cleaned, almost as if there were never a battle. The Dust Mites' cleaning ability proved effective, given that they devoured the blood cleanly.

This scene also made him somewhat regretful, considering that he was cleaning the corpse by himself when he had such a handy tool all along.

'What a failed use of my resources. I'm still lacking too much experience.' Shi Tian sighed inwardly, understanding his growth still needed more improvement.

Even with intelligence, there are bound to be things that he might have missed. And that was only natural because mistakes occurred so that they could comprehend and adapt themselves to not commit such similar mistakes again.

Turning away from the scene, Shi Tian's expression gradually returned to its usual calm and composed state.

The sinister and menacing laugh was all an act that he had put up, just in case there was still someone watching despite his safety measurements.

Nothing was absolute, and Shi Tian did not want to slip up on his acting until the end.

Activating his boosters' suit again, Shi Tian was satisfied that he had gained many equipment and tools from the deceased soldiers. Their equipment wasn't much, but it was still something and could be stored in his Dimension Ring for future uses.

"I know you don't like to speak much, but can you determine if any more people are tracking me or not?" As Shi Tian continued to leave the scene, he asked the integrated chip to confirm whether he was safe or not.

However, there wasn't a response from the integrated chip, clear evidence that it was unwilling to assist Shi Tian much, almost as if it didn't wish for him to create a reliance on it.

Nevertheless, the silent response was enough for Shi Tian to comprehend the answer. He was safe, otherwise, the integrated chip would have definitely made some remark. contemporary romance

'Let me send Mary a text that I would meet up with her now. As for the recording clips, I'll make sure to give Theobold a very warm gift.' Shi Tian sneered inwardly. His respect for Theobold had long gone down the drain.

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