Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 279 Traps

Chapter 279 Traps

When Shi Tian decided to take on the mantle to get rid of the enemies, he was already determined to have a deadly fight.

It would also be the first time he was actively looking to kill someone.

His level in the status screen had stagnated at 29 for a long time already.

Ever since he had crafted the Claymore Mines and provided them to the frontline, his level had risen from the initial 19.

It was increasing at a fast rate, but by the time it reached 29, there was no sign of his level increasing anymore.

To make matters worse, there were many perks shown on his status screen that could only be unlocked at level 30.

It was perks regarding obtaining a Sub Class and Class Talents.

And although he might not know the benefits of it yet, it was quite clear that it should be something amazing. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been locked for him.

Not to mention, the attributes that he gained were surreal as he felt his body was reconstructing on its own.

Shi Tian had been eyeing that elusive level 30 for a while now. The perks and class talents it promised were tantalizing, and the feeling of his progress stalling at level 29 was frustrating.

As he delved deeper into the plan to capture Theobold's elite soldiers, a determination to level up burned within him. He knew that this upcoming confrontation might just be the opportunity he needed to push past his current limit.

He was aware that in the world they now inhabited, strength and abilities were crucial for survival. Every level gained, every skill acquired, was a step closer to staying alive in this unforgiving environment.

The thought of ending someone's life was not something Shi Tian took lightly. He had always been cautious, often choosing to avoid combat when possible.

But the circumstances had changed. Just because he chose to avoid combat, doesn't mean others would allow him to stay free.

If one day, a stronger opponent appeared in front of him, and he remained powerless and weak because he chose not to kill to gain level, then that was the consequence of his action.

He was weak in the past, which resulted in him becoming an experimental lab rat. He won't ever make the same mistakes again.

'I'd rather be the one chopping the fish on the cutting board than be the fish itself.' Shi Tian clenched his fist and swore.

The Claymore Mines he had crafted had proven to be powerful, and they were a testament to his engineering prowess.

Yet, he knew that relying solely on traps and gadgets wouldn't be enough in this fight.

He needed to push himself further, to become a more formidable combatant.

Only by getting to level 30 and unlocking the hidden features behind the status screen could Shi Tian improve himself to be a deadly force to be reckoned with.

Just when Shi Tian was pondering deeply, he noticed the status screen appeared and it was the integrated chip communicating to him.

Description: The host's determination is applaudable, but are you sure it's not just a pipe dream? Theobold's elite soldiers' estimated strength is above you by almost thrice the level, approximately level 50.

The integrated chip was quite understandable, essentially estimating the elite soldiers' level for Shi Tian to somewhat understand the gap between them.

He was level 29 according to the status screen, so if the elite soldiers are approximately level 50, then he was truly fighting against people beyond his capacity.

Shi Tian felt a mix of frustration and determination as he absorbed the information from the integrated chip.

The idea of facing opponents nearly twice his level was daunting, to say the least. However, it didn't deter him; instead, it fueled his desire to grow stronger.

The integrated chip's words lingered in his mind.

A pipe dream?


But Shi Tian was no stranger to adversity. He had survived numerous challenges in this unforgiving world, and each trial had forged him into someone more resilient, and more adaptable.

He was driven by the memories of his past weakness and the helplessness he had felt when he was at the mercy of others.

"So what if they are more skilled?" Shi Tian snorted coldly.

"If you take a look at most MMORPG games in the past, players are required to slay monsters league above their current character. Levels don't determine strength." He added, stretching his neck as he started to get working on the traps.

Since the Claymore Mines were immensely popular and people had started to understand its concept, Shi Tian needed to change the method of placement and concealment.

Not to mention, it was about time for him to utilize the smoke grenades, stun grenades, and the Blv-21 which was the flashbang he had crafted thanks to the blueprint Isaac Aaronax had sent him.

These traps and grenades might not be effective toward these elite soldiers, but so long as they could hinder them slightly, that was enough for him.

After all, there was one more factor that the elite soldiers would never be able to account for. contemporary romance

He, who does not require a mask to breathe in this heavily polluted area, was his biggest advantage.

Shi Tian had long wanted to test whether or not he was immune to the pollution and environmental effects.

And by taking off the mask and still feeling absolutely normal, almost as if he was wearing one in the first place, confirmed his suspicion.

A sense of relief and confidence washed over him.

This unexpected advantage might prove crucial in the upcoming battle. He could use this immunity to maneuver in ways that his enemies couldn't. It was a wild card, one that could potentially turn the tide in their favor.

"As elite as they are, I doubt they could breathe if their masks are gone, right?" Shi Tian murmured softly, taking out a pistol and storing the cartridges with the Esper special bullet. He was determined to go all out, not saving anything in his arsenal.

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