Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 276 Worst Experience

Chapter 276 Worst Experience

As Mary finished her recollection of Theobold's past, Shi Tian smiled briefly.

He stood up, stared at them, and asked. "Vanessa, Mary, what do you think is the worst experience a man can ever receive?"

"Failure to obtain their lover's heart?" Vanessa pondered for a moment and responded.

She believed that if a man failed to capture the heart of their crush, then that was the worst experience a man could ever have.

After all, it was not easy to have a crush, but to confess and get rejected, the feeling was worse than being stabbed by a thousand needles. contemporary romance

Shi Tian nodded his head, not giving any input on Vanessa's response as he turned his attention to Mary.

"I have to answer as well?" Mary pointed at her and asked doubtfully.

Although Shi Tian didn't give a response, his expressions were clear enough for Mary that he wanted her input as well.

"Let me think about it then," Mary clicked her tongue and rubbed her chin, seemingly in deep thought.

Being asked on the spot was already difficult enough, but now she had to think of the worst experience that a man could have had. It was no different than a woman asking a man how they would feel if they had to undergo a menstruation cycle.

Mary continued to contemplate Shi Tian's question, her expression growing increasingly thoughtful. It was clear that she was taking the question seriously, trying to come up with a response that encapsulated the essence of the worst experience a man could face.

After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke. "I think one of the worst experiences for a man could be losing their sense of purpose, not knowing where they belong or what they're meant to do in life."

Her answer carried a weight of seriousness, reflecting her own experiences and perhaps some deeper personal insights.

It was a stark contrast to Vanessa's response about matters of the heart, highlighting the diversity of perspectives among the characters.

Shi Tian nodded, acknowledging Mary's response.

"Interesting," he remarked, not delving further into the topic but instead allowing the thought to hang in the air.

Vanessa, who had been listening intently to Mary's answer, added her own reflection. "You know, in a world like this, losing your loved ones to the monsters out there, that's also one of the worst experiences anyone could face, not just men."

There was a somberness in her voice as she spoke, a reminder of the harsh realities of their world where danger lurked at every turn.

Not to mention, both responses given by them were logical and understandable.

Alas, that was not the answer Shi Tian was looking for.

"Those two can indeed be considered the worst experience of a man, but does that have anything to correlate with Commander Theobold?" Shi Tian asked them a very crucial point that the two of them had missed.

Both responses aren't enough to propel a man like Theobold to do what he is currently doing. None of the responses are enough to make him power-hungry.

Vanessa and Mary exchanged glances, realizing that Shi Tian had steered the conversation back to their current predicament.

They had momentarily drifted into a discussion of personal experiences and philosophies, but the urgency of their situation demanded a more focused approach.

Shi Tian's pointed question hung in the air, challenging them to consider how their personal reflections related to Commander Theobold's actions. It was a reminder that they needed to unravel the mystery at hand and understand the motivations behind the man they had once trusted.

Mary was the first to respond, her brow furrowing as she thought about it.

"You're right, Nathan. Our answers don't quite fit the context of Theobold's actions. Losing one's sense of purpose or enduring heartbreak might explain some behaviors, but not the pursuit of power at the cost of others."

Vanessa nodded in agreement. "And losing loved ones is a tragedy that many of us have experienced in this world. It's painful, but it doesn't justify the kind of manipulation and betrayal we're seeing from Theobold."

"Mhmm, and the two of you still haven't figured out the crux." Shi Tian chuckled softly and said.

"Mary, you have practically revealed the answer already." He then said, pointing at Mary.

"I did?" Mary raised an eyebrow in doubt. She glanced at Vanessa, seemingly seeing if she understood Shi Tian.

And Vanessa merely shrugged her shoulders in response.

It was clear that the two women were beyond stupefied by Shi Tian and did not understand his point.

"Ah damn it, stop fucking around and just reveal your point already, Nathan." Angered, Mary lifted her sleeve and threatened to thrash him for purposely stalling.

Understanding what Mary was doing, Vanessa decided to lift her sleeves up as well. "Yeah, you better tell us now or we might as well beat you into coughing it up."


How did a peaceful conversation turn into a threatening one?

"Okay, I'll tell you. No need to get violence." Shi Tian quickly raised his hands and said. He was merely trying to create a dramatic scenery as he unraveled a major discovery for them.

Yet who would have thought they would not appreciate his effort and instead infuriated by his act?

"Then speak!" Both Vanessa and Mary demanded simultaneously, their expressions solemn as well, a clear indication that they would truly thrash him.

"Every man's weakness is impotence." Shi Tian announced, fearing for his life.

"Impotence?" Mary and Vanessa stared at each other in disbelief.

That was it?


The definition of a man being unable to perform any sexual act was the worst experience a man could receive?

And seeing their reaction, Shi Tian knew they wouldn't get it. Only a man would understand the shame and humiliation of being unable to perform any sexual act.

"Just imagine if a man was an eunuch, and other than seeking power, what other goal can they have?" Shi Tian asked them.

Having learned that Theobold was injured in the past, and information that was given to him by the integrated chip, plus the fact that Theobold does not have any women.

Everything became clear for him to understand Theobold's motive.

'Being impotent means a man is no longer a man. But by seeking power, they can somewhat deceive themselves to be a man.' Shi Tian thought to himself.

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