Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 27: Free

contemporary romance

Chapter 27: Free

Just the eerie tone of this young miss that came from out of nowhere, the other customers besides Shi Tian were also uncomfortable.

Being repeatedly called poor and weak when they are actual customers was distasteful and rude. The saying customers are always right wouldn't be applied when one could discern how spoiled the young miss was.

It didn't take less than 10 minutes before the bustling store diminished to a minimum of people browsing through the store.

The few remaining people are those being forced to idle because they hadn't found the item they needed, including Shi Tian.

'This mechanical right arm doesn't seem to fit me either. It's too big and out of proportion.' Shi Tian thought to himself, putting the mechanical right arm back in its original position on the shelf.

After browsing for a long time, a conclusion came to his mind. And that he couldn't just randomly go into a mechanist store to look for a mechanical right arm without any information about his body proportion.

Most of the mechanical right arms available have the measurements listed and some more information such as the mechanic person that built it.

'Sigh, it seems like I must seek a mechanic and get the measurement done first.' Shi Tian exclaimed inwardly, feeling that he must have been ignorant to commit such an amateur mistake.

Shaking his head a few times in disappointment, mainly toward himself because he had overestimated his so-called intelligence. And to think he was smirking at how he didn't need to raise his intelligence points in the past, Shi Tian wanted to smack himself repeatedly for such a naive thought.

Turning to the left corner of the shelf, he carefully retraced his footsteps to find the exit. After all, it may be a store he had entered, but the store was so wide and large that one could easily get lost in this maze-like environment.

And despite the store being so large, the fact that everyone within the store could hear a loud and complaining tone of a young miss, says a lot.

Hence, everyone was ready to leave the moment they finished their browsing in the store or had paid for their items.

A few minutes later, Shi Tian arrived near the counter and the exit was right next to it as well.

To his surprise, the eerie tone previously of the young miss was now telling one of her employees to give out the item for free.

"But Young Miss, this item is quite expensive. Are you sure you want to give it away for free?" The employee behind the counter asked in a somewhat nervous tone.

"Shut up, my father sent me down here to supervise this store, so are you trying to question my authority?" The Young Miss snorted coldly and grabbed the item.

She then proceeded to hand it to the customer and waved her hand, "Go, the item is yours now."

The customer was astonished and immediately bowed his head to give his thanks before leaving swiftly.

Meanwhile, Shi Tian, who had witnessed the entire thing, was even more wary of the Young Miss.

'A tracker device huh… seems like this Young Miss is more dangerous than the eyes meet.' Shi Tian thought to himself, leaving stealthily to avoid being spotted by her.

What the customer failed to realize was that when the so-called Young Miss went to grab the item to hand it over to him, was the fact that Young Miss had planted a tiny device on the item itself.

It was instantaneous and only those who were paying attention or had keen eyes were able to spot that action.

And although the tiny device seemed unfamiliar to Shi Tian, his first guess was the device was a tracker kind. Otherwise, what was the point of making something so tiny and attached to something easily?

'Indeed, there are never such things as free in this world. I'm afraid that person is now being tracked for something insidious.' Shi Tian exclaimed inwardly.

Despite knowing that such a thing had occurred, he had no intention of warning the opposite party.

After all, it was his greed that accepted the generosity of the Young Miss, so now he would have to pay the price. He was not a saint and he could barely even sustain himself, so why would he trouble himself with more problematic stuff?

Once he was some distance away from the mechanical store, Shi Tian realized that even though he might have entered the so-called safe zone city, he still had to remain vigilant at all times.

One careless mistake and you could easily disappear in this world without leaving a single piece of dust behind.

Sometime later, Shi Tian found a corner to idle around as he scanned through the device he got from Yolanda. The device was filled with information- too much to analyze to be precise.

It included many things and some information was actually still locked. These kinds of locked information required another authentication form to access, similar to those two-factor authentications (2FA ), except these required 10 factors.

And as much as he had changed the scanning to his fingerprint, some of these authentications were some personal questions regarding Yolanda. How was he supposed to know what type of food she loves and what kind of events she loves to do?

'Why is everyone so secure nowadays? Can't they just be careless and leave their password as "password"?' Shi Tian had a headache trying to access it.

Just when Shi Tian was struggling to access the information, he felt a shadow lurking from behind him.

Instantly, Shi Tian narrowed his eyes and slowly put the device back into his pocket.

When he felt the presence was getting closer, Shi Tian turned 180 degrees and raised his leg, ready to kick the person that was trying to sneak up behind him.


The person that was attempting to sneak up behind him gasped in horror, and Shi Tian recognized the voice immediately.

"What are you doing here?" Shi Tian hissed coldly, retracting his leg as he glared at Krissie.

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