Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 261 Flowchart

Chapter 261 Flowchart

Typing on the computer, Shi Tian quickly included all the important events, regardless if they were related or not.

The events expanded from the wilderness to the habitat discovery, and finally, to Gearits City. Or more specifically, it was the incident in the Horology Restaurant.

When Shi Tian simply wrote all these events down, none of them seemed to be connected whatsoever.

However, upon closer look and a matching of events, Shi Tian could get a glimpse of someone possibly manipulating such a scene for something big.

"Just what is all of this going to benefit or help them with?" Knitting his brows, Shi Tian was missing a crucial jigsaw piece to complete the puzzle.

As his eyes were focused on the computer screen, someone was sneaking up behind him.

"What are you doing?" Mary came up from behind, her hand patting on Shi Tian's shoulder.

Although a bit surprised that she was awake and snuck up on him, he kept his calm.

"I'm investigating the events that have happened so far." Shi Tian responded.

"Weren't you asleep? Why did you suddenly wake up?" He then asked, seemingly curious why she was awake.

"I'm a light sleeper, Nathan. The moment you started moving around, I was awake." Mary chuckled softly, grabbed a seat by the side, and sat.

Her attention was now glancing at the flowchart that Shi Tian made.

It was quite simple, but also straight to the point.

Such as the "discovery of Gilaso habitat", and the "incident at the Horology Restaurant", there were many events Shi Tian had listed in simple words.

"What are you trying to investigate with all these events?" Mary asked, tilting her head slightly. At a single glance, she was confused at Shi Tian's action, given that these events are spanned apart and don't have much connection.

"The events just seemed so surreal lately, Mary." Shi Tian sighed softly. "I always have a feeling that someone is manipulating the scene from the shadows, almost as if they want chaos to erupt."

Mary was taken aback slightly but managed to compose herself rather quickly.

"Is that why you created this flowchart in hopes of connecting the pieces?" Mary asked.

Shi Tian nodded his head. contemporary romance

"Let's look at this way, Mary. These events individually might not seem much, but what if there's a connection between these events altogether?" Shi Tian pointed at the screen, his expression solemn.

"If we can find the connection, then everything that has happened would make sense. In fact, we'll be able to figure out a solution once we find the cause." He added, feeling somewhat excited.

Mary rubbed her chin softly, seemingly in deep thought after listening to Shi Tian.

"Then have you found a connection yet?" She then asked curiously.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Tian shook his head in response. "That's what has been troubling me lately. I just couldn't seem to find the connection. It's like it's there, but also not there."

He was struggling to find the connection, but he knew he must be close to the truth. It was as if his eyes were suddenly being covered by a dark cloth, almost as if the truth did not want to reveal itself.

"Hmm, maybe you're just overthinking, Nathan. What kind of sick people would attempt to cause chaos without seeking any benefits?" Mary suddenly smiled and said, patting his shoulder a few times.

"Maybe there are those kinds of sick people in this world."

"Ahem, back to sleep you go." Mary suddenly coughed and shut the computer down.

"We need ample rest for tomorrow's plan, so sleep and stop thinking about those flowcharts." She added, pushing Shi Tian off the seat and making him go back down.

Despite being very unwilling to go back to sleep, given his mind was still occupied on the flowcharts, he had no choice but to comply with her request.

The computer was hers, and even the Iron Sentinel was hers. If she decided to kick him out in the middle of the night, then there would be no place for regret. After all, he would have no place to rest.

Unable to investigate further, Shi Tian could only go to sleep.

As time passed by, he soon went into a deep slumber, a clear showcase of him being overly fatigued.

While Shi Tian was sleeping soundly, Mary was watching by the side, sitting patiently in her seat as she mulled over the flowchart that Shi Tian had created.

Making sure that Shi Tian was truly asleep, Mary took out her Cellos device and texted Isaac Aaronax.

Mary: Your dear apprentice is quite smart and perspective, Mechanist Isaac.

Isaac: *confused emoji*

Mary: Just read through the attachment file that I'm about to send to you. You'll understand what I mean.

Mary proceeded to send an attachment file which was the very same flowchart that Shi Tian had created to Isaac Aaronax.

A few minutes had passed and Isaac Aaronax still hadn't responded to the text message.

Mary patiently waited until she finally received a notification.

Isaac: Hmm, Nathan created this flowchart?

Mary: Yep, and he's been trying to figure out a connection between all the events, but with his limited resources. I doubt he'll find anything, so I'm sending it to you to investigate.

Isaac: Ugh, but I'm busy with my mech and tech stuff.

Mary: You either do it, or me and Nathan will return to Gearits City to smack the living hell out of you.

Isaac: Say less, I'll send you the information as soon as possible if I receive any news.

Mary smirked coldly when Isaac Aaronax quickly resigned to his fate to investigate on their behalf. She was already beyond exhausted these days, especially the hacking part that took most of her energy.

So why would she continue to find work for herself when someone was lazing around?

'Nathan can rest because he constructed the flowchart. I can also rest because I deserve it.' She thought to herself, closing the Cellos device and getting ready to sleep as well.

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