Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 114 Iron Plate

Chapter 114 Iron Plate

For veterans like them, how many near-death encounters had they not seen before?

Hence, Layn might have been shocked initially by the underestimation they have of their current target, but that doesn't nullify his experience in adapting to the changes.

Despite knowing their chances are slim, so long as he feigned defeat and surrendered, the opponent would have a slight opening due to relaxing, thinking that the battle was over.

Thus, Layn's expertise in such a situation despite facing death was still calm and composed.

His nervousness was all an act to lower the opponent's guards.

However, that was only applicable to him and he failed to count in the variable of his subordinate.

Contrary to his belief, Kyle didn't attack Mary as he signaled, but in fact, used this as an opportunity to run away.

"I'm sorry, Boss Layn. I'll definitely get your revenge when I become stronger." Kyle shouted as he ran.

Unlike Layn who didn't witness what Mary had done, he had witnessed everything from start to finish.

From how Mary managed to arrive at his other two companions to how she effortlessly sliced their necks, he had seen all of it.

Such speed and action were definitely not something done in a moment of heat but by a professional killer. One that was trained to decisively kill without hesitation.

'If she can kill so decisively, then why would she bother to even let Boss Layn pull up such petty tricks? She definitely wants to do something else to us. I need to get out here as soon as possible.' Kyle exclaimed inwardly, running for his life.

Meanwhile, Layn was in complete disbelief to see how cowardly his subordinate had become.

"Fool, what are you doing? Do you think we can run away with that monstrous speed of hers?" Layn shouted in fury, clenching his fist tightly.

There was a reason why he pulled such a petty trick.

They were too weak and too slow to react, so this was their only chance and opportunity to make a comeback.

Yet that retarded and cowardly Kyle had ruined everything.

With his pathetic speed, did he think he could outrun someone that could kill two of their companions without their notice?

Just when he thought Mary would swiftly kill him and chase after Kyle, Layn was dumbfounded to see Mary standing still nonchalantly, almost as if she didn't care about him escaping.

"Why aren't you chasing after him?" Layn asked in disbelief.

He knew he was a dead man by now, so he would definitely drag that traitor to the grave with him. If it wasn't for his crappy insight in choosing a target, would they have fallen here?

"I'm not sure how you choose your subordinate, but I can tell he's a fool for sure. Even if he wanted to run, why did he have to run to the minefield?" Mary said in contempt.

Of all the places available to run, Kyle decided to run to the field where she laid traps for Shi Tian to train as an obstacle course.

Though she also did place some other traps someplace else, except she realized how foolish of her to do so. After all, the enemies were pathetically weak and useless to even require her to utilize any of the traps.

Meanwhile, Layn was confused by the nonchalant attitude of Mary and her terminology of a minefield. 'What kind of minefield is she talking about? The monsters that roamed around?'

Layn's confusion was soon answered though with the blasting sound from behind him.

A second later, a shadow figure came flying back and landed almost in front of Layn.

Once the dust scattered, Layn could see Kyle completely blackened due to the explosion and was in quite a painful state. Burn marks were visible on his arms and legs, given that he managed to trigger the deadliest traps available.

"See, look at your great buddy returning to you after a change of heart. The traps were meant for my companion to suffer the consequence of carelessness, but your buddy here seemed more than eager to train instead." Mary sarcastically said, kicking Layn forward to Kyle.

The moment Layn's eyes locked onto Kyle, his expression turned ferocious.

Kyle was still feeling the brunt of the traps he received and was unable to move currently.

But his emotion was panicking as he pleaded and gave a half-hearted excuse for his action, "Boss Layn, I was only faking a retreat to strike this bitch back."

"Right, I'm so proud of you, my subordinate." Layn smiled, but went forward and started thrashing Kyle regardless of his screams.

He knew Mary purposely allowed this scenario to happen in which they fight each other despite being teammates.

It was a cruel method, but Layn was extremely appreciative of Mary, allowing him to finish off this bastard that caused their end. Layn didn't fault Mary for her ruthlessness because she was the victor and the victor gets to do whatever they want.

"Bastardly scum, if it weren't for you, would we have met our end like this? And the nerve of you to even brag that we'll be rich with this vehicle." Layn cursed wantonly, his kick kept landing on the private part of Kyle, giving him the most painful wound a man could ever ask for.

Kyle's face had already turned purple from the consecutive kick on his private part. Foam already started appearing in his mouth, filling up the gas mask on his face with a disgusting substance.

Kyle wanted to faint, but the excruciating pain kept him conscious.

"Boss Layn, please just kill me." He pleaded, his tone in complete agony.

"Kill you? No, that's too easy for you," Layn sneered coldly, taking off Kyle's gas mask.

And it was at this moment, Layn turned around and pointed his gun toward Mary. contemporary romance

Unfortunately, Layn couldn't even pull the trigger as his hand was sliced off.

"Truly, we kicked an iron plate this time…" Layn smiled bitterly and closed his eyes because Mary had also penetrated his heart at the same time.

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