Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 2152 Turrets And Regenerating Walls

The city guards were alerted. Everyone made their way to the gate and the walls.

Not just them, many curious people made their way too. Some thought more and sent their bird puppets and that triggered a chain reaction. Everyone sent their bird puppets to get a clear view of what is happening.

But all of them could only see the dying forest and vegetation. They could hear the hooves of the horses, but they couldn't see anything other than the moving masses of black.

The city guard captain was alerted, but by the time he came to the door, the shadows already reached their destination. Everyone including the captain heaved a sigh, but also felt nervous at the same time.

Because the destination of the shadow is obviously the Hub. And right now, they are at the closed gate of the Hub and they also converged back together into a single mass.

It moved towards the door at an incredible speed trying to crash it down.

But the moment, it touched the large stone door…


With a slight humming sound, the stone door rippled a bit, activating a space gate. Same principal as the one Sam used to take the Yena away. But obviously these shadows are better than that. They recognized the fluctuations and stopped.

And the moment they did.


Several laser turrets appeared on the walls of the Hub. All of them are aimed at the spot the shadows are.

At first they shot out a neutral beam and the beam actually didn't have any threatening energy behind it. It was as harmless as a torchlight.

And it passed right through the black mass.


With a grunt, the black mass leapt at the door. Trying to cross the wall with that single leap.


And the next moment, the turrets all changed their colors. Instead of the neutral white, they turned much brighter. Except for the metallic body, the rest of it glowed with intensity akin to the starlight…

Anyone can guess it.


With a humming sound, hundreds of lasers were shot out from the turrets all aimed at the black mass and they were fast. Almost as fast as light.


A sound akin to the waterdroplets falling on a hot pan came from the black mass as the lasers made full contact.


A scream of rage was heard throughout the Olympian region.

But instead of the hollowness beneath that metal frame, it is filled with several crystalline blocks that looked like they were made of crystalized glass and were filled with some sort of vapor.

It was like a party trick with glass bricks, neon lights and smoke.

Even before they could make sense of what they were looking at, the metal trust started morphing. The wall was being covered again with the same material as before. The turret stand grew and finally the turret is back in place.

It looked like the wall built itself. It happened in a blink of an eye. By now, some of the shadows made their way beyond those walls, of course with the gift of white patches of light elemental energy.

As for the rest, they are hesitating.

Christos looked at the most fearless force of his family hesitating over something so simple.


The shadows might hesitate, but the turrets won't.contemporary romance

The attacks continued.

The shadows on the otherside were not being targeted for some reason. Instead, they got the breathing time. Their bodies expanded a bit and glowing black energy is focused on the spot where they got hit.

The area with the patch bulged out and they severed it by hand.

The patch is gone, they suffered a small annoyance and the shadows looked at their peers before running inside. At least the viewers felt that they 'looked'. All they did was pause and run inside. They directly took the central path.

The path that leads from the gate to the front door of the hub building.

Meanwhile, the rest of the shadows noticed that they are having much more trouble compared to before. Previously, the turrets were focused on all of the shadow combined. Now that there is a reduction in the number of shadows, the lasers increased.

They seemed to have realized this problem and made their move. They became angry and attacked. Black colored attacks, who knows what it was actually, attacked the walls.


The explosions rang, turrets stopped. Everyone watching felt pained. Hub is way too valuable for them and they felt it was a loss to have it destroyed. Even Christos felt pained. He knew that these creatures could destroy the wall from the start.

The only reason they didn't is because he told them to hold back. But they got pissed off by the lasers and made their move.

However, as the explosion cleared, they were surprised by what they saw. Only the surface of the walls was gone. The internal structure with the trusses and the crystalline blocks of energy are still there.

The wall is repairing at a visible pace. There are some parts in which the crystal blocks and the truss were damaged, but even they are regenerated back, but at a slower pace. Everyone was confused.

What kind of technique was used in constructing those walls? No one knows, but the shadow smoothly crossed over.

They also took the path and with their speed, they are not far behind their peers.

Half way through their path, however they noticed something. On the either side of the path, it was just some normal garden with grass. Most of the time students just stay there, talking or waiting for module to open up during the working hours.

No one is there now. But several spots in that garden started glowing and pillars shout out of the ground.

In an instant, a layered formation with more than a thousand layers was activated. Light beams shot of the walls as well and joined the formation adding an extra layer.

It almost looked like the formation is trying to not save the building in the middle rather it was trying to trap the intruders and it is doing exactly that.

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