Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 2027 Final Room

Chapter 2027  Final Room

Sam skillfully maneuvered around the shark and activated his energy vision.

He knew that there is some relation between the glowing tiles, their vibrating glows and the shark itself. And he is right, as always. The shark is being controlled by few of the glowing tiles. With the energy vision, he could also see that the energy concentration on tiles is different and right now, a set of tiles that have the same level of energy concentration are the ones creating this shark.

Sam dodged the shark attack and swam towards one of the tiles that is acting as the node for the shark.

He used the observation ability on the glowing tile and the tiles around it. The material is very much suitable to create formation nodes. He injected his own energy into the tiles around the glowing tile. Those tiles also started glowing, but it is different. They have a faint hue indicating Sam's control over those tiles.


After Sam activated six tiles around the glowing tile it exploded. The Shark that almost caught Sam disappeared and became one with the water. The remaining tiles are still glowing and are pretty much active. But exploding this one destroyed the formation.

Sam kept his energy vision active and remained cautious. He tried to swim up, but the resistance is still there. Still he noticed some difference. It reduced a little bit. Even though he knew it might not work, he still tried to use space blink.

As expected it didn't work.

The next moment, Sam noticed something, a different glowing tile which was initially not part of the formation that created suddenly gave out energy at a different frequency. It came into sync with the tiles of shark formation and all of a sudden the water started conjuring.

It is another giant fish.

Again a shark, but its body structure is a bit different. If the previous one looked close to Great White Shark, this one looked close to a Tiger Shark.

It didn't pose too much threat to Sam.

He dodged, slipped and aimed his hand at a different glowing tile. The energy conjured and the resonance was achieved. The surrounding six tiles glowed at the same time and exploded the tile part of the formation. The shark disappeared.

Sam kept a close eye on the rest of the glowing tiles and he noticed another surge.

He also noticed that the resistance upward reduced a little bit more. He finally understood what the task it. These glowing tiles are related to the resistance to move up. And they are responsible for creating obstacles that could kill Sam. He needs to destroy these tiles and he can only use the surrounding tiles to create formations to do so.

Luckily, the resonance is working extremely well.

Elemental energy conjured in Sam's palm. The orbs turned and arranged themselves into a formation. The next movement, two more sets of orbs of much larger scale appeared at the walls and they immersed themselves into the tiles.


The glowing tiles were destroyed. Once the trick is found out, it is easy. It wouldn't be much of a challenge. Sam just went on to deal with the remaining tiles. Once the surrounding tiles were destroyed, Sam was free to swim up.

But after he swam for a few meters, another set of tiles on the walls started glowing and this time, the number is twice as many. Two conjured beasts came at the same time. It seems like there are sublevels within the test.

Still, once the trick is revealed it is much easier for Sam. He kept on moving up the levels and soon he came across a patch of the wall that is glowing as a whole. It is the exact fit for a person to enter.


With one more formation, Sam destroyed the entrance and along with the water he was also dragged into that path. In the next room is once again a small room with a path ahead. The water that came along with him went through the path.

Sam sat down and closed his eyes.

"It seems like he is at least having a challenge. But that speed in which he came past that third obstacle, he almost made it look easy."

Elder from Hel spoke and the Elder from Thor Academy cursed under his breath. Everyone almost abandoned the rest of the screens. They are all looking at Sam's screen to witness how he is going to pass a higher grade test.

They thought Sam was resting since he sat there.

"He better not waste too much time. The third obstacle was cleared by the others long before and the boundary is moving. That room is not exactly the safe spot he thinks it is." The Elder said and it is apparent that he wanted to see Sam fail.

But at this moment, Sam is actually sensing something.

After twenty minutes or so, he conjured a lot of energy on his palm and a bunch of formations started appearing on various spots on the floor. After they touched the floor though, they disappeared. The elders were puzzled.

"What formation is that? Why did lay down so many?"

One of them asked. Elder in charge of the exam contacted the team to get the answer, but they couldn't find out. Sam walked forward and entered the path. His palm is still glowing as he conjured up various formations and they dissolved after they touched the stone.

After some time, the team figured that the formation is just a dummy formation and Sam is using that as a make shift detection formation. The formation is indeed being absorbed into the stones of the walls and the floor, but it is going dormant with no effect whatsoever. contemporary romance

They could scrub this off after the test.

Sam moved to the next test area.

He chuckled at what he saw. The whole room is filled with knee deep water. There are some platforms in the middle and they have a bunch of heavy puppets laying down dormant.

He couldn't see past the water, but he could guess the depth.

He placed his hand in the water and the next moment, the puppets started moving. Most of them are puppets designed after the amphibious creatures. And they pumped the water out and started shooting water spears at Sam.

He jumped into the air and dodged it with his wind element.

The only problem is that he couldn't levitate once again. Sam dove into the water and submerged underneath it. He activated water fusion once again and spread his body as much as possible before activating observation ability.

He knew there should be some sort of indication here and he is right. Glowing tiles once again.

Sam moved to that point and barely dodged a water spear aimed at him. A turtle came at Sam at unimaginable speed and tackled him. He crashed into the wall and barely dodged the next attack. He spread another formation underneath the turtle.


The turtle was launched into the air, crashed into the ceiling and fell back into the water again. Its power fluctuated a bit. Sam came to the glowing tile and started examining it.

As soon as he injected his energy into it, a bunch of tiles glowed around it activated a formation. It is an attack formation. Sam instantly understood. He has to take control over the formation and attack, but to take control he needs to crack the formation that is acting as a lock.

As everyone watched, Sam cracked it in five seconds before he occupied the attack formation and just like that, the battle became easy. The puppets are destroyed one by one and he collected the cores that acted as nodes to create a formation in the middle of the room that opened the path for the next area.

The fourth obstacle is cleared and this time he cleared it almost at the same time as the Grade 1 people.

Sam walked forward and started releasing the formations once again.

As the surprised elders watched, Sam passed through the second-grade test like the Freshmen passing through the first-grade test. He made it look easy and somewhere he overtook the first graders and started solving the obstacles faster than them.

Soon, he is almost at the end of it.

There is only one final obstacle in the final room. It is a giant room with a platform in the middle of it. The trophy is on that platform. The whole room is covered with red tiles, except for the tiles that created a path connecting the entrances into the room and the platform.

There are fifteen large tiles forming the path and each tile has a formation. He needs to crack them and the formation that is covering the platform to get the trophy.

An energy thread extended from Sam and touched the formation on the first tile. The thread extended and started dissolving into the formation, after a couple of minutes the thread came from the other side of that formation and went past it to reach the second one.

Sam repeated this and reached the fifteenth formation as he waited for rest of the geniuses to come.

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