
Chapter CHAPTER 9


It was all I needed to come, to feel my pussy clench and relax around his cock as I milked him and worked him 

toward his own release. 

Damien made anímalistic sounds, no longer quiet like he was while plunging down my throat. I felt him pinching and tweaking my clit. And those tendrils of pleasure grew until I would never find sanity again. 

He pulled out just as I felt his cock jerk inside me. I stared with wide eyes as he started jerking himself off before he came hard and long, spewing his load all over my belly and breasts. Thick, white, hot ropes of liquid that covered 

my skin like he painted me. 

“Rub it in. Let your uncle see you do it.” 

I smeared my hands over my belly, along my chest, and over my nipples. His cock was leaking onto the dining. room floor as he watched, an audible sound of primal need spilling from him. 

And then he tucked himself back into his pants and helped me up. He cupped my face in his big hands but just stared at my lips. 

“Tomorrow night, baby girl, I’m coming for you to deliver on that promise of fucking you while you sleep.” He 

leaned in like he was going to kiss me but, at the last minute, pressed his lips to my forehead. “Don’t wear any 

pajamas or panties. Uncle Damien is gonna plow your cunt, and I don’t want anything slowing me down.” 

Then, he turned and left, and I stood there naked, my pussy sore from being fucked, my belly full of my uncle’s cum that was also drying all over my skin. But I had a smile on my face because I was already looking forward to 

tomorrow night. 

Illicit Obsession::: 

Chrissy Pov:: 

The house is dead quiet. Of course, this is technically more than a house. It’s a huge, six–bedroom, full–fledged mansion in Montclair, New Jersey. It’s a fancy family home, in a fancy family neighborhood…but without the family. When my mom, Janice, still lived here, there was a lot of life, but the kind I can do without. She was always having friends over and hosting parties, with strange people coming and going. Even when it was just her, she’d have the music blaring away while she cooked some obscure vegan meal, or did one of her intense aerobics classes in the middle of the living room, with the streamed video on the widescreen TV. What was even weirder is that Janice would talk back to the TV instructor sometimes. When Richard, Chrissy, or Jazz shrieked, “You got it, girl!” Janice would howl back, “I know, I got it! I’m torching these calories, yee–haw!” 

But eventually, the party lifestyle Janice was leading directly resulted in the end of her relationship with Brad, who 


actually owns the mansion we live in. It’s a simple story, actually. Mom and I moved in with Brad last year, right at the start of my senior year of high school. She and Brad were dating and intended on making a real go of it. But a couple of months later, Mom realized that she was craving a polyamorous lifestyle. Crazy, right? But it makes sense in a weird, twisted sort–of way because Janice had me as a teenager in high school. She never got a chance to “sow her wild oats” because she was always looking after me, and now, Janice wanted to spread her wings and fly. Honestly, it sounded like a mid–life crisis. 

But the long and the short of it is that my mom broke up with Brad, and moved out. She left me here with her ex- boyfriend, but it’s more or less okay because Brad and I hardly ever interact since the place is so big. Plus, I really appreciate his generosity, and can’t imagine living with my mom as she pursues her life of polyamory with grizzled ald dudes sporting graying chest hair. Gross. 

s1 lie curled up on a lush designer couch, a book nestled on my lap, I scoop another helping of rocky road ice Feam into my mouth and let the delicious sweetness melt on my tongue. This is my favorite thing to do – binge -ad the latest romance novel while I snack on a delicious treat. I have a serious sweet tooth, something Mom ten shames me about, although I don’t think Janice necessarily intends to be mean. I think she’s mostly ojecting because with her long blonde hair, big blue eyes, and killer body, Mom is still very beautiful at age 35. aying thin and attractive has always been a priority for Janice, and I think it’s helped her maintain a sense of nfidence even when she was a single mom struggling with the pressures of raising a child on her own. I preciate my mom’s sacrifice. I really do. 

at the same time, I’m very different. Although I inherited Janice’s blonde hair and blue eyes, my body is curvy soft. I have large double D’s, a wide ass and milky thighs. While Mom was always showing off her toned abs in crop tops and other revealing shirts, my tummy is soft, with gentle rolls. Whereas Mom diets and exercises like aniac, doing SoulCycle, TaeBo, Jane Fonda, as well as Atkins, South Beach, and intermittent fasting, I’m happy ay I’ve never bought into that stuff. Those programs are just fads that will help you lose weight in the short 

, but nothing ever sticks in the long. 

‘s not to say I don’t enjoy being sassy and flirty. I’m definitely interested in men because size is nothing but a ber. In fact, I’ve always found Brad, my mom’s ex, to be super–hot. Is that wrong? He used to date Janice, but have to be blind not to go ga–ga at the sight of this guy. He’s tall, at least six four, with a strong, muscular e, and thick black hair from which strands are always escaping into his eyes, which are a vibrant blue. Most of here’s a raw masculinity about Brad that I find completely irresistible. It’s the way he holds himself with dence, and how he makes a woman feel seen with a mere flash of those piercing blue eyes. 

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