
Chapter CHAPTER 22

Chapter 22

“Anyway, I sigh, suddenly wanting to move on from the subject How’syourlove life going. Liss? It’s been a while since I heard you talk about a guy. Tell me the latest.” I notice how Eliss’s big, brown eyes go soft as she absentmindedly arranges some of the bottles on my display.

“There isn’t really a guy in my life right now,” she starts hesitantly, “but there is someone I’m really intrigued by

“Ohhh, “I purr. “Spill!”

“It’s a little taboo, she giggles.

“Please, you’re talking to someone who’s been pretending to be sex doll so she can get her mom’s ex-boyfriend into bed. I think I’ve got the taboo part covered,” I say in a droll voice as Elissa laughs.

“Okay,” she agrees. “But keep it on the downlow.”

“Of course!” I exclaim. “So who’s the mystery man?”

“It’s my aunt’s boyfriend.” she says, blushing, and I whistle.

“Okay, so you’re almost up there with me in terms of taboo. I mean, is hecheating? That’s forbidden and so wrong.”


“I don’t know if it’s cheating exactly, Elissa hedges. “But like you can’t help it. Edward is just so hot. And what makes it harder is that I think he’s into me too. What am I supposed to do?”

“Are you serious? How do you know he’s into you?” I ask with interest. “And how does your aunt not know? Surely there must. be signs

Elissa shrugs.

“So my aunt is always running ultramarathons.”

“Okay,” I reply. “And that’s relevant because?”

My buddy shrugs.

“Well, it’s marathon season, so Brenda’s been traveling all over the country for the past few months and she’s hardly ever home. I actually think she and her boyfriend might be breaking up soon because they really haven’t been getting along lately. And it’s clearly my aunt’s fault. Edward’s tried to bring up the topic, but what can you do if your partner’s never around!”

“Oh wow, that’s tricky.” I reply.

“Yeah, my aunt’s become kind of estranged from the family because of her addiction to running murmurs Elissa. “But as a result, I’ve been spending more time with her boyfriend, and Chris, the sparks are flying!”

“Really?” I ask. “Has anything happened?”

“Nothing insane,” Elissa confides. “Mostly just hanging out and talking. But the other night Edward asked me to put on my aunt’s panties.”

“What?” I gasp. Now it’s my turn to be shocked. “Are you serious? That’s some f**d-up *t, *Liss. I mean, I thought my situation was messed up, but your situation is downright ****







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