Raven (Book One of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Two: Revenge

"Blackwood?" I stuttered. He nodded, and I stepped away from him in surprise.

"But the Blackwoods are dead, they were all killed."

He shrugged, "Obviously not all of them."

I shook my head, not believing that this was real. "Who are your parents?"

"Luna May Blackwood, and I don't know who my father is," he said. I gasped in shock, We have the same mother!

"It was nice to meet you, but I have to go," I said quickly and turned away, ignoring his protests at my sudden absence. I can't deal with this right now, I thought.

Speeding from Derek, I grabbed Jinx's arm and pulled her away with me. She whined but followed me back to our table. Crossing her arms, she pouted her lower lip.

"I was having fun." Her mouth was twisted in a frown. I rolled my eyes at her childishness.

"The man I was dancing with is my brother!" I hissed at her under my breath. Her eyes widened significantly at this announcement.

"Are you sure?" She whispered. I nodded.

"How though? The Blackwoods are dead?"

I shook my head and shrugged. "That's what I said, but his mother is May Blackwood."

Jinx covered her mouth and gasped. "And the father?"

"See that's the weird part, he doesn't know who his father is," I explained with a worried expression.

"Is he like you?" Jinx asked carefully, keeping her voice low so no one would hear.

"I don't think so, he smells like a wolf. Also, he doesn't have my birthmark." I pointed to the chain around my neck as a reminder. Thankfully, my hair covered it as it usually does, so it wasn't very visible.

"That's a good thing though, I don't really think the world needs two of you," she said with a laugh. I slapped her arm but then agreed.

"Come on, let's get a drink." Jinx said dragging me back to the bar. I decided to get another bottle of vodka, while Jinx got a bottle of whiskey.

We downed the liquor quickly, but I almost choked when my Mark started burning again.

"I am going to kill that asshole!" I yelped slapping a hand over my Mark.

"If you don't, then I will," Jinx said firmly.

"Wait, is he here yet?" I asked, and Jinx nodded.

"Jackson mind linked me that he drove here a few minutes ago." Her eyes glazed over as she mind linked her mate.

"Well?" I asked when her eyes returned to normal.

"He's coming in now." We turned to see the entrance suddenly fill up with the presence of my mate. He was wearing a tailored suit, and I felt my wolf purr.

My eyes suddenly turned black though, when I noticed the woman next to him. I started growling, and my eyes never left the brunette clinging to my mate's waist. Jinx then had to drag me away into the women's restroom.

She shoved me inside and slammed the door. My name was called but I wasn't paying attention. Frustrated, Jinx yelled at me.

"Hey!" I stopped furiously glaring at the door and looked at her.

"Why would he do something like this?" I seethed with gritted teeth.

She shrugged, utterly confused.

"Maybe Jackson can find out," She suggested. I let out a frustrated breath, and ran my hand roughly through my hair, tugging on the strands slightly.

"I hope so, because I don't know what else to do," I sighed tiredly.

"I think its time we get revenge on that cheating bastard." Jinx said putting a hand on her hip in a sassy pose. I grinned evilly as an idea popped into my mind.

"I think your right, come on." I grabbed my friend's hand, and we snuck out of the bathroom. Quietly, I told her that we have to get out without being seen by Blake, and our sneaky mission began.

It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be though, because according to Jackson, Blake had gone to his office. Unfortunately, the pain from my Mark, while still present, was becoming easier to deal with. It made me sad that it had happened so many times that I almost didn't feel it anymore.

I walked outside and almost let out a cheer of excitement when I saw Blake's Lamborghini in the VIP parking.

I turned to Jinx beside me, "Does Jackson play baseball?"

She gave me a strange look before answering, "Yes, how did you know and why?"

I smiled mischievously, and ran over to Jackson's car quickly and popped the trunk. Inside, I found two baseball bats, and I did a fist pump into the air at my find.

Taking both, I then handed the silver one to Jinx and kept the black one for myself.

"I'll be right back," I told her and walked up to the Valet. He caught sight of me and gave me a sweet smile.

"What can I do for you Miss?" Perfect, he's a wolf!

"I need to get something out of my mate's car, and he gave you the keys. Would you mind if I borrowed them for a second?" I asked in an innocent voice.

"Who is your mate?"

"Alpha Blake Redthorne." I said with a smirk. The man's eyes widened a fraction.

"Didn't he come here with a different girl?"

"Yes he did, I made an agreement with him. Its complicated," I lied smoothly. The man nodded and dropped a set of keys in my open palm. I thanked him before rushing back to Jinx.

"What are you doing?" She asked with wide eyes. I gave her a huge smile, suddenly feeling very excited.

"Remember that video of Carrie Underwood, the song Before He Cheats?" I watched as Jinx's memory came back and the corners of her lips lifted into an excited grin that matched mine.

I took the keys and dragged them along the side of the car making a long scratch. Then I unlocked it and carved "Raven" into the leather seats. Remembering the glove box, I opened it to find the silver dagger from before back in its velvet bed.

I took it out and used it to slash every one of the tires, then hooked it into a thigh strap. Jinx stood by watching, until it came to use the bats. We gave each other big grins, before smashing the Lamborghini, letting all of our anger out.

We stepped back to admire our work, the car was totalled, and would not be able to be fixed. I turned and gave Jinx a high five.

Just as we were about to go back inside, I decided to grab Blake's aviators from the center console, and I hung them on the lowest part of my dress's neckline.

The bats still in our hands, we walked back into the bustling nightclub just as an announcement was being made. I saw that there was a man on a stage with a microphone, announcing it was karaoke night.

"We have perfect timing don't we?" Jinx said, nudging me. She was the only person besides Lilli's kids who knew that I could sing. I decided that it was pointless to keep it a secret any longer.

"Come on," I said and we walked up next to the stage. The man was coming down and met us at the base of the steps onto the stage.

"We want to do the karaoke, Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood." J told him quickly, and he nodded before walking to the DJ's booth.

My best friend and I got onto the stages, our bats still in our hands. Two microphones were already set up. The bar got quiet as the music started to play.

Jinx and I knew what parts to sing, since we used to sing this exact song at other bars.

I began with a light country accent, "Right now, he's probably slow dancing with a bleach-blonde tramp, and she's probably gettin' frisky.

Right now, he's probably buyin' her some fruity little drink cause she can't shoot whiskey.

Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool stick showin' her how to shoot a combo," I dragged.

Jinx joined me for the hook and chorus,"And he don't know,

That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up four-wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seats,

I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all four tires. Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats." I grabbed the mic stand with my left hand so I could be all badass. In my right hand, I expertly spun the bat around.

People were cheering for Jinx and I, and we kept singing happily.

"Right now, she's probably up singing' some white trash version of shania karaoke.

Right now, she's probably saying I'm drunk, and he's a-thinkin' that he's gonna get lucky.

Right now, he's probably dabbin' on three dollars worth of that bathroom Polo," Jinx and I sang out strong, making cheers fill the air again.

"Oh, and he don't know!" I let myself fall into the words of the song, making them more powerful. As we sang the chorus, people began dancing.

"I might've saved a little trouble for the next girl, cause the next time that he cheats... Oh you know it won't be on me. No, not on me," Our voices softened, beforing jumping up again to sing the chorus one last time.

I hung the end of my bat over my shoulder, and took a bow with Jinx. Wolfwhistles and hoots came from every direction as we walked off stage. I walked past everyone and directly back to the bar. I got another Salt and a bottle of rum to wash it down.

Drinking and swallowing in one gulp, I felt my body start to buzz. From the multiple bottles of alcohol, and two Salts, I was very close to being considered drunk. My vision was slightly fuzzy, and I would have been concerned but I felt euphoric at the moment.

The corners of lips lifted into a grin, and my hips started to sway to the beat of the music. I found my way to the dance floor, where I began to grind on the guys closest to me. One guy in particular, stood out to me for some reason. He had dark hair and blue eyes, and a very muscular build. Walking over to me, he grabbed my hands and dragged me gently away from the dancefloor. Standing before him, I realized how he was still taller than me, even in my stilettos.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He asked in a very deep voice.

"Raven, yours?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He chuckled at my suspicion.

"William, and aren't you a pretty little thing in that dress," he said in a husky voice.

I got on my toes and put my lips right next to his ear, "You should see what I look like underneath it." I whispered seductively.

I stepped back to see him smirk at me,"I intend to."

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