Raging Barons MC – Book Three – Silver

Raging Barons – Silver: Chapter 31

-:- MEAT -:-

I notice a few brothers are not here for the evening meal, but after the capture of that motherfucker Tommo, I’m not surprised. Some brothers went to Club Whisky as Silver’s here with Eden tonight, obviously busy in their room, and I have to grin because they are eventually getting it together.

Chaos and Target have gone to the club along with Knuckles, Mallet, Mav and Ruger, so a good showing to make sure the club runs properly. Once I have the kitchen cleaned as I want it for morning I’ll head outside and work in the cooler air.

We’ve made a lot of headway with the treehouse thanks to some brothers pitching in, and I’m going back tonight while it’s quiet to work some more. I need some space away from people and that’s going to be ideal.

Stacking dishes for tomorrow, I turn when I hear my name called and Mia dashes into the kitchen. “Meat, tomorrow we have a lady called Heather coming over to the clubhouse, she has her own cleaning company, and if she gives us a decent price, her company will take over all the cleaning throughout the clubhouse, but I need to know if you want them to help in here?”


“No? You don’t want them in here helping you clean?”


“Oh, okay then. If I’m not around for any reason, would you show her around the clubhouse or make sure PT or TwoCents show her around, please?”

“Yes, I can do that.” I respond. I’m not one for saying more words than necessary, so I wait for anything else she has to say.

“Okay, thanks Meat,” she turns to leave the kitchen then spins around again, “Oh, we’re going to look at a bar, would you be interested in coming along with us, since we’re not to go out on our own.”

“I can do that.”

“Thank you, Meat.” Smiling, she walks out the kitchen again, “I’ll let you know when we’re going,” she shouts over her shoulder.

Quickly finishing up, I head outside to work some more on the treehouse. I’m further on it than they all know because the inside of the treehouse is nearly finished and I’ve added a few pieces in it I’ve not told anyone about.

After working outside most of the night, I leaned against the wall inside the treehouse and rest my head back for a couple of hours of sleep. Hearing the changing of the gatehouse prospects, I head into the clubhouse to have a quick shower and set about making breakfast.

Breakfast fly’s past and I get cleanup finished when a cough catches my attention and as I look around Stitch is standing with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever set eyes upon. She has to be 5’ 4” at a guess, mixed heritage, all woman with curves to grab ahold of, black hair tied in a bun on the back of her head. Raising my eyebrow in question, I stare at Stitch.

“Meat, can you take Heather around the clubhouse so she can make an evaluation for the cleaning contract that she may offer?”

“Yeah.” I grunt out because I wanted to get back outside. Grinding my teeth a little, I ask where Mia is and am told she had to go out with Axel. I give Stitch my ‘you do it’ look, but he shakes his head and walks away.

The woman is standing watching me and I have to admit she has an amused look on her face rather than an annoyed one. Then she smiles and her entire face lights up, then I know I could be in trouble here, as she has that mischievous type of look that has me thinking she would be a partner in crime, so to speak.

“Okay. Meat was it? Let’s get this show on the road, as I have a full day ahead of me. Where would you like to start? In the main room or the bedroom?” said with a damn tip on the side of her mouth so I know she is saying this with tongue in cheek.

“Follow.” I growl at her and then walk out to the common room, point around the room and fold my arms over my chest, giving her the hurry the fuck up look. What I really want to do is tweak my cock, which has seemed to wake up after being dormant for quite some time.

As Heather is looking around, I notice her uniform which is blue trousers and a white tunic that has a logo on the front that states, ‘Helping Hands’–Private and Commercial cleaning company.

She is making notes on the tablet she is carrying and I step a little closer to see she is estimating the size of the room, my eyebrows raise in surprise when she takes out a laser measuring tape and gets a reading on the size of the room before jotting it on her notes, then turns to me grinning. “Next.” She sweetly says, receiving a grunt from me and follows me through to the offices.

We go from one place to the next until we’ve covered all the offices, bedrooms, laundry room and everywhere else. Arriving back at the main door of the clubhouse she turns to me, smiles, and states in a no non-sense voice, “Please tell Mia I’ll have her estimate within a few days and I’ll email it to the address she gave me. She will have 14 days to respond or we’ll have to redo the whole thing.” Without another word, she exits the door and leaves me standing, looking like an idiot.

-:- EDEN -:-

Checking my cellphone, I read the message from Mia telling me to be ready to go look at this bar we found. Changing into skinny jeans, my new Raging Barons MC t-shirt that I snatched from TwoCents when he brought a box of them into the common room, and a pair of biker boots Shar found for me when I told her I liked hers. I feel good and since my parents’ death, I really feel part of a family and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

Snatching my purse, I rush downstairs and see Mia and Meat standing at the main door. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were waiting for me.”

“We just got here, so don’t worry. Silver said he’ll see you later. He had to go see about the new cleaner at Club Whisky, who is not working out very well.” Giggling, Mia tells me the mess that Silver found when he got to the club and how he was raging about paying someone for shit work when he could do better with his eyes fucking shut.

Of course, Meat drives the SUV that Mia took from the club’s car pool, well that’s what I call it, anyway. I sit listening to Mia talking to Meat who’s not answered anything she asked or commented. He’s just driving, but I can see from his rear view that he has a sparkle in his eyes of amusement.

Parking at the bar you can see it’s been neglected and closed for a long time. The paintwork is peeling, and the sign is hanging on by a thread, swinging in the slight breeze. The windows and front door have been boarded, so you can tell nothing about the place at this point. We walk around the side of the building to the back, a car is sitting next to the back door, which is open.

Walking through the door, Mia shouts, “Can we come in?”

A man around 50 years of age walks towards us and holds his hand out, “Hi, I’m John Colson, you spoke to me on the telephone. I’m pleased we could get to look at the property early as I’m going on vacation with my family next week and I didn’t want you having to wait until I get back to look around.” He shakes all of our hands and leads us through the building.

The restaurant area is a total mess, and will certainly need ripping out and remodeling if it’s going to stay. If not, it will make a big room for hosting weddings, and the like.

The bar itself is in decent condition. It needs a good cleaning, and needs Fox to look at it because I’m sure it doesn’t need replacing, it just needs some TLC. The tables and seating areas once cleaned up will be good. Some seat leather needs replacing, but I’m sure Fox could do that too.

The office is in good condition, staff lockers are okay and the men’s and women’s rooms are not too bad. Kitchen will need all new appliances as those have certainly seen better days. The rest of the place, we just need to fix up a little for them to be functional.

I take hold of Mia’s arm and tell her I want to speak to her for a minute. She turns to Mr. Colson. “Can we have a moment to discuss a few things, please?” He doesn’t hesitate, which I think has us comfortable in the fact that he will not try to push this place on us.

Meat crosses his arms over his chest. “Okay, the place is good, and will work when it’s done up and ready. You can make money here. Is this a club business or for you two?”

Looking at Mia, I grin, “I will sink my money in Mia, if you want to get his place for us?”

“Well, I have money from the payout I got for false imprisonment, so I can go fifty-fifty.” Mia rubs her hands together, and I can see her eyes sparkling. Then we both jolt at Meat’s next comment.

“Okay, we go thirds. You need some meat for this venture and I got money, so we go thirds. You get the place for a fucking song, Mia, and we’ll have more money to spend on getting it ready.” Meat looks very impressed with his own pun and has Mia giggling.

I laugh, throw my arms around Meat’s waist and place my chin on his chest, looking up at him with nothing short of hero worship in my eyes. Leaning down, he kisses my nose and then grabs Mia into our hug.

Meat and I walk around once more while Mia throws the deal together with Mr. Colton, and we know she won’t stop until she gets what she wants.

Walking back to us, Mia winks, then nods for us to leave. We head back to the SUV and we three are full of excitement. Waiting is now the game we’re playing. We have to see if the niece will accept the offer that Mia made or not, but Mr. Colton thought it was promising and he said he wanted the place off his books and he’d be delighted to see it open again because it used to be a good business at one time.

Back at the clubhouse we have lunch, which Meat lays in front of us, it’s a sloppy joe sandwich, hmmm, ground beef, onions and all wrapped in a seasoned sauce which Meat brags is his own recipe, served in hamburger bun and an iced-tea on the side. Something else both Mia and I want to swap the recipe for and I remind myself I best find my mother’s book that she wrote all her favorite recipes in.

After lunch Mia grabs my arm as I’m leaving the kitchen and drags me into the common room and the bar, where we both sit and she gives me that look that tells me she is up to something. “What are you up to?” I ask, dreading what she’s going to involve me in next.

“Well, I’ve got interviews lined up for mechanics for the garage. Grease tells me, and I quote: I don’t have time for that shit. So, I’ve lined up the applicants and at the moment we have six mechanics, but I also put out for a receptionist/office helper, because shit, have you seen the state of that paperwork?”

Shaking my head, no I haven’t because I’ve never even been to the garage. I’m wondering where this is going.

“Well, I’ve put your name down to help me do interviews, and before you say anything you’re not set to go back to work at the club yet, so, you can help me and if we get the bar, then we’ll have our own business we’ll need to run.” Grinning broadly, she then giggles, “I think this is going to be a hell of an adventure.” Laughing at her enthusiasm, I give her the nod I’ll do interviews with her and then head back to our room, because both Mia and I promised we’d be available for Meat this afternoon.

Changing, I throw on a pair of coveralls as I don’t want to show off my outfit yet and I know Mia will do the same. When I open the door to leave the bedroom, and head back downstairs to meet up with Meat I run into Silver who looks pretty frazzled. When he sees me he throws his hands around my shoulders and pulls me into his body, kissing me on the top of my head, he then chuckles. “God, I needed to see you. This fucking cleaner, if you can call her that. She made more of a fucking mess cleaning than it needed to start with. Accident prone was not the word. She knocked over her bucket of water. It was all over the fucking corridor. Then she blocks the fucking drain in the small kitchen y’all use. I was just following her around putting things right, so I fucking ditched her, cleaned all up myself and now I’ve got to find someone else.”

Looking up at Silver’s face, I cannot help but bust out laughing because he has the look of disgust on his face, and when he hears me laughing, he grins, then bends and kisses me thoroughly.

“Come on Silver, I’ve got to get downstairs and help Meat, but tonight I’ll tell you all about my day. I think it’s been a better one than yours.” I smirk.

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