Rage of the Alpha (Part 2 of the Alpha Queen series)

Chapter 3


As the sun crept slowly below beyond the horizon, everyone started making their way toward the center of the village or as close as they could get to it. Being in the crowd would be suffocating under the best conditions, so Saber drifted along the edges.

She allowed Sebastian to guide her along the mass of people toward the front, where they had erected a small stage for the alphas. The success of their meeting earlier was still undecided.

Saber much rather would have each of the alphas pledge loyalty and be done with it. But she could also understand that this was the first they had heard of war. And war with an unknown entity had even more complications.

Each alpha had agreed to send word of their decision before the next new moon in two weeks’ time. It wasn’t to be considered lightly. And it also gave Saber a chance to vet out other possible alliances. It only made sense that all factions were to be included, this fight would be for the realm, not just a castle or a kingdom.

They finally came to the stage and were seated, drinks poured by a young girl moving down the line of alphas. When she was done, Sebastian took his in hand and shouted for everyone’s attention.

“A toast!” He said loudly so all could hear. They all took up their drinks and waited.

“Tonight we celebrate Luna’s ascent to godhood. May she always smile upon her children. May she also feel our happiness at having our Queen back. Finally, may Luna guide us all for another generation. Thank the Goddess!” He shouted the last and everyone cheered at the top of their lungs.

A man leapt onto the stage and Saber was instantly alert. He held his hands out widely then pointed at the slowly ascending moon, shouting, “Let the party begin!”

He put a flute to his mouth and the most mesmerizing sounds flowed from it, causing another eruption of cheers and laughter.

Saber finally relaxed and was pleased to behold the wolves’ inhibition as they reveled for their Goddess. She was happy to notice that none of the alphas were succumbing to the minstrel’s magic. That meant their power protected them sufficiently.

All the merriment around them was infectious though, as made apparent when Sebastian suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her off the stage. Saber laughed as he started dancing around her, pulling her along because he hadn’t let go of her hand yet.

Eventually the two of them found a rhythm which Saber found delightful. She saw the other alphas had also decided to take to the floor, making her laugh even more. She let Sebastian twirl her around, throw her in the air, and together they flowed like the music.

He was fast becoming a true friend. Their squabbling was only cementing their understanding of each other. And Saber felt good about that. At least there was one light in her darkness. He also wasn’t afraid to say things she didn’t want to hear.

They danced and danced, then ate delicious food from one of the buffet tables. Then they danced some more. When at last Saber’s feet could take no more, she led Sebastian back to their table and sat down with him beside her.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. You can still dance if you want to,” she apologized as she reached for her wine.

“That’s okay, maybe in a little while. I haven’t danced in years,” he admitted, taking a sip as well. “My feet are burning,” he chuckled.

“You must like pain if you’re laughing about it,” Saber retorted, taking another sip.

“Sometimes, under the right conditions…” Sebastian playfully clinked his glass to hers.

Saber blushed at the innuendo. She hadn’t even considered such a thing. Truthfully, the thought of being with him had never crossed her mind. Her blush became deeper as the thought took hold and she had to reel herself in for fear of choking on the berry-infused wine.

His watchful gaze still hadn’t left her when she turned her eyes to the dancing revelers. Sebastian downed the rest of his wine and took her hand once more. Saber couldn’t help but look at him.

“Will you let me give you something?” He wondered out loud.

“Only if you feel it’s necessary,” Saber blinked at him.

“Come with me,” Sebastian pulled her to her feet with a smile.

It became apparent where he was taking her when they entered the cottage just beyond the pack-house, which was his personal dwelling. There was a triangular roof with a circular window which complemented the cottage quite nicely.

“This isn’t suspicious at all…” she teased feeling slightly nervous.

Sebastian laughed, “I was hoping it would be,” he just grinned and pulled her up the stairs. Saber wasn’t sure what he meant, but she followed because she was intrigued.

Sebastian led her into what seemed to be his bedroom and seated her on the bed. He walked over to the fireplace and picked up a small box from the mantel. Bringing it back to her, he sat on the bed beside her and held it out.

Taking the box, she opened it slowly holding her breath. Inside lay a beautifully crafted piece of jewelry. When she removed it, it showed six elongated pieces, pressed flat and forming a seamless choker when pieced together. At it’s centre lay a gorgeous purple stone, shining like a full moon.

“I have no words Sebastian,” Saber told him in a whisper.

Sebastian closed his eyes and said, “Say that again.”

“What?” Saber frowned slightly.

“Say my name again,” he pleaded.

Saber immediately knew where this was headed. She just didn’t want to fight for once. She didn’t think she was nearly drunk enough for this, but she willed herself to say it, “Sebastian.”

He inhaled sharply and opened his eyes, taking the jewelry from her. He lifted the braid while scraping her neck with his fingers lightly, making her shiver with every touch. Letting her braid down again, he inhaled deeply behind her ear. It felt like he could lose himself in her scent alone.

Saber closed her eyes and decided to let this play out as far as she was able to. Her life at the moment felt so empty without Asher, and she had to move on eventually. Maybe she would be able to forgive him someday, but not now.

Saber gasped when Sebastian licked from the base of her neck right up the shell of her ear. He exhaled into her ear and the sound and heat from it had her pulse speeding up. He took her hand with his and moved her palm along her thigh.

Saber closed her eyes and felt her hand spread along her tummy to her other thigh with Sebastian’s whispering to her.

“The most important love isn’t what we have for others Saber. It’s the love we have for ourselves. I want you to love yourself. Can you do that?”

Saber couldn’t answer that, not in any way, but her body was reacting to the stimuli. Common sense told her that her mind was in the way. The cherry on the top was that even Sebastian could find an answer to her questions. He knew instinctively how to open her eyes.

He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the knuckles. “The only way to face your demons are to accept them as part of you, like scars. They prove what made you.” He caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers and stood.

When she looked at him, she finally understood what Asher had been trying to get her to understand when they trained. Even though the scars are no longer visible on my body, the emotional ones are still there - still part of me. Saber felt her eyes tear up as she stood in front of Sebastian.

“That meant more to me than you probably know. And the necklace is gorgeous,” Saber told him.

“Then I’ve succeeded,” he replied with a huge smile.

The throne room had always felt massive to Mab, but it was designed to hold a thousand people at any given time. This was why she had called the meeting with her sons in her chambers. At least here there was privacy.

Liffin and Ferian had already arrived a little while ago, currently they were waiting for Asher to refresh himself. Apparently his emotional little stint had left him quite filthy. Mab could not relate. Maybe she just hadn’t had the misfortune yet.

As soon as she saw Asher though, she could feel nothing, which was surprising to say the least. Usually she felt whatever was occupying anyone’s mind.

“I’m happy to see you return unharmed.” Mab delivered quietly.

“As am I my Queen. What is this meeting about?” Asher prodded uncharacteristically.

“I’ve summoned the three of you to better explain the situation. As well as why this impending war is so important. We cannot lose.”

“That much is usually apparent,” Ferian mumbled.

“You may be seated Asher,” Mab ignored her youngest and focused on what needed to be said. The truth might just be the only way here. She couldn’t afford another mistake here as with Saber.

Asher took a seat and crossed one leg over the other. What’s wrong with him? Mab wondered if he just didn’t care enough any more.

“I think we need to explain Asher’s situation before you continue my Queen,” Liffin looked his brother over. “Lamia has nullified his emotions for the time being. They will be returned once he wants them back. For now, he cannot be himself fully. I’m sure you understand.”

That certainly explains it. “Alright.” Mab closed her eyes to fortify her spirit. “You are not, biologically, my children.” She waited a moment for that to sink in, not knowing what impact it might have.

The three Fae males regarded her somberly, but didn’t interrupt, so she continued.

“As you know, I only had one consort before, he was my mate, my true mate,” she looked at Asher. “I thought I loved him. He brought me to this realm. To show me its beauty as a mating present. But all I saw was the opportunity to rule it. To make it mine.”

Mab was staring into space as she continued, letting the past consume her.

“He was opposed to the idea, arguing that we could not better anything in this realm. He wanted to leave it in peace and just come here for holidays. I agreed eventually, but when we were departing through the portal, I acted like I forgot something.”

“He was still waiting for me when I returned, having sent our entourage ahead. I made as if to hug him but pushed him through the portal and sealed it. You see, it takes about twenty minutes to open one between worlds. I acted fast and removed a few of the stones necessary to create the conduit, thereby eliminating their return.”

“I am not Fae. I am not your mother. I stole the crown for myself after your goddesses denied me, and placed all the creatures in this realm under the illusion that the rightful firstborn heir had returned as a benevolent ruler.”

“My species are different from yours in some ways. We are Daemons, what you would call ‘demons.’ Pregnancy in our case lasts two years. I discovered mine a short time after that. But when Neall was born, as you know, she was stillborn. I don’t know how she survived to later give birth to Saber.”

“There is no doubt in my mind that Saber is her daughter. Her eyes and coloring are mine though. But those markings are Daemon-marks. Saber is more powerful than any of us. She cannot turn against our realm. She wouldn’t need any help from my mate.” Mab shuddered as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

“Almost a thousand years ago, I became lonely. King Dusdan of Winter, had sent word to all that they were expecting a baby boy. I replaced that baby with another, and spent the next year in isolation, pretending to be pregnant. I did the same with the other three kings’ first born sons.”

“That is my whole truth. There are other secrets too. But they can be addressed after the war is over. Those do not have any effect on what is to come.” Mab sat expectantly, waiting for their judgement.

“Well Aunt Mab, first things first as you said. Show us how to win this thing.” Prince Liffin said with sarcasm, his eyes shining with hurt.

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