Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 80: You're His What—?!

The [ Mermaid ] left him with the [ Black Pearl ] in his hands, he didn't even get the chance to say goodbye or even give a warning or a hint at all. Well, this was no good. Meeting up with others would only solidify his pre-existing mission at the moment.

Trouble would continue brewing up.

The feature wasn't quite well-known to a lot of [ Players ] except for those who have theorized or realized something occurring frequently whenever the number of them increased and converged in one spot. Mostly the oldest ones of them knew of it but never spoke of it. Especially nowadays that most of the newer [ Races ] were mostly concerned with their kingdoms, people and maintaining it.

Not a lot of them gathered together unless it was for war, and even then, it was mostly their subjugation that did all of the fighting.

And so this knowledge wasn't shared for free and one of the fewest who knew of this was the [ Wood Elf ], he hadn't isolated himself for no reason.

It wasn't because he was ostracized.

Don't believe the lies that the [ High Elf ] would gabber about him being a country bumpkin, he wasn't a [ Shadow Elf ] for pete's sake. He was doing this for his own survival. He believed that the Creators' way of thinking were along these lines: If numerous [ Players ] are gathered in one spot, there's a wonderful opportunity for them to work together and overcome their differences—let's throw in a god-level, heaven-shaking disaster for them to take care of! 

Surely that would make them all friends!

The [ Wood Elf ] rubbed their face and glanced down at their progeny. He handed her the [ Black Pearl ] and considered his prospects, if they had run off back into the city then the mission might have not included them at all. But now that they were here, there was no more denying it. "Since you're here, follow me, we need to hunt someone down." Turning into a certain direction, he whistled as a gale blew past them and carried fallen leaves into the distance.

Without awaiting for any yes or no, he began to walk down.

There really was no doubt that his Ally would find himself surrounded with the other [ Players ] but he had to wonder how they'd end up in terms of forming relationships and bonds. It was him who had generously and graciously initiated the alliance the last time so they weren't sure how the human would react. Hopefully they wouldn't go around making any enemies or doing anything drastic.contemporary romance

Speaking of relationships however, he glanced at the cloaked figure and gave them a smile, "Dear, you haven't found someone special since we last met have you?"

.. .

Now it hadn't actually been much time since he first heard one version of the game development's desire:

'Races: Online 

This virtual simulation is intended to broker peace across the multiple races. Thank you for your participation!'

The Creators' wish and hope were clearly not being fulfilled in this simulation, everyone who had accepted the opportunity to access it were clearly not trying at all to 'broker' peace. This particular moment was a good example. The idea of the Creators may have been well-intended but unfortunately the newest player was calling out an older player, not a veteran in any sense, but a much more adept player into attacking his city if they were prepared for a war.

And though Han may not exactly know it, he actually had something to boot. He wasn't tooting his own horn, if only because the other [ Players ] were wary of someone else. Now that the [ Light Elf ] was somewhat taking his side, there was no time for him to relax. Instead he nodded, "I don't think that it would do any good if you harm someone who still has the Creator's Protection… or whatever you actually call it."

He really should read and memorize the terminologies more.

The [ Tiefling ] clicked their tongue, crossing their arms over their chest. She glanced at the [ Shadow Elf ] for support, "Fine, but we don't need this [ Human ] breathing down our backs, don't you agree, Bleu?"

A nod was given in reply.

Han tried not to hesitate, he might believe the word of the [ Light Elf ] if they said so, but he wasn't exactly that trustful that the others would keep their word of peace. The group of them had barely made their way into the city when the fight started, and honestly, even the [ Light Elf ] hadn't even tried to stop it all. So light being good wasn't actually true in this scenario.

It was the same for almost everyone with him actually.

They had seen and spectated the [ Demon Lord ] attacking the village he started in and nobody had even lifted a finger. He almost forgot about it with the mission, making him nervous of the City of Gloria's safety. But now that he remembered it, his lips pressed hard together. It really was hard to bury the hatchet.

"Ah, well, if you still need to see the [ Wood Elf ], they're still in the forest in that direction, Han." The red haired [ Mermaid ] remarked with a nervous smile and gestured back, "Since they're talking with someone, I assume that they're not leaving any time soon. I don't mind waiting before we head back to the city. Don't you agree guys?"

"Of course, we all have time to spare." The [ Light Elf ] giggled with less enthusiastic replies from her friends.

Someone was trying to be helpful and though he found it somewhat cruel that they only watched, it made no sense that he held them accountable with his own moral standards. Perhaps only he was the one who could understand how precious? Han ran his fingers through his hair, simulation, artificial. Caught up in his own thoughts again.

Is that the reason why they were cool and alright with a lot of destruction? 

Even if this wasn't 'real' to them—a cold wind blasted from deep within the forest. It carried leaves that sprung up and caught up with them. Han grumbled and shook off the dried leaves that made its way to his face. "What the heck is this?"

"Leaves on their last adventure perhaps?" Somebody stepped out from the forest, as they had done in the past, the [ Wood Elf ] made an entrance. "Friends, kinsman, black sheep and acquaintance, did I miss anything vital?" A self-pompous smile curled on their lips as they flicked their long hair behind them.

It wasn't enough to pull his attention away from his still dour mood.

But something else did, or perhaps someone else did. 

Nighttime had already descended upon them, the last glimmers of the sun disappearing over the distance casted shadows around them but light was to be found. It hadn't only been leaves that had come out of the forest, small glittering glows began to erupt and flicker around them. Some of them were coming dangerously close to him for his comfort.

He swatted one of the lightning bugs and felt electricity jolt through his hand and he drew back. Eyeing them with a frown and wishing he had bug spray—but then someone else stepped out.

Han's eyes widened for a moment at the cloak and suddenly things began to click. He looked at the [ Wood Elf ], taking note once again of his long hair, androgynous look and green and back to the cloaked figure, "Ellynn?"

And when they raised their head, bright green eyes also met his own. A flicker of surprise crossed her face that quickly vanished as they ducked their head.

"Oh?" The [ Wood Elf ] tilted their head for a moment, glancing at Ellynn and then back to him before chuckling. "I suppose it would have made sense that you would encounter my daughter. You went to Kraelonia Academy after all... "

Somebody spoke up, bewilderment in their eyes. "D-Daughter?!"

It hadn't been Han who spoke up, but Odele. She immediately stepped closer and gestured to Ellynn with a confused expression, "H-How did you get a little [ Wood Elf ]?! Are you sure that it's yours?"

Once again, a chuckle escaped the lips of the [ Wood Elf ], "My, my, it seems like you're not taught on how procreation works? Of course it began when a—" A sharp gust of wind made them topple forward and he looked back to see Ellynn pointing a finger at him. He shook his head and patted down the leaves that decorated and made up his clothes, "This is a realistic world, of course you can make babies if you wanted to."

Han Jing was quite aware of a game that involved forming relationships and even making babies, he played life simulation games… but he still gawked for a moment and rubbed his eyes, he didn't look at the [ Wood Elf ] and directed the question to her instead. "So you're his…?"

Ellynn lowered her arm and looked away from him, giving him the silent treatment. "Yes, surprise. I'm 'Ellynn's father." The [ Wood Elf ] waved a hand at him, turning to the other people surrounding them and crossed his arms. Somewhat challengingly actually, "And for clarification, she's not a pure blooded Elf."

Unlike Odele who seemed completely surprised at the prospect of making babies, the [ Light Elf ] scratched the back of their head, "...so you slept with a [ Human ] here?" A silence drew on for a second before she shifted her attention to the cloaked figure and gave a bright smile, "I mean, hello dear!"

"Ew." The [ Shadow Elf ] muttered.

The [ Tiefling ] made a face.

The [ Wood Elf ] rubbed their face and turned to Han, "My daughter is lovely, thank you very much. I think we're getting sidetracked here though."


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