Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 75: One's Resolve

Humans were resilient creatures, unwavering in spite of the danger that held before them. It was said that through resolve—they would conquer the stronger Races and emerge victorious. Or was that a lie? All around her was contrasting evidence, the people were fleeing from them without even any heed to their companions. The ones that were supposed to be their guards and enforcers of peace were mauled down by an indomitable strength.

A bright column of heavenly light struck down from the sky, a pillar that consumed and emanated from a deity's intervention. A faith's game. The already dimming sky was illuminated by a holy burst of light.

Lucia unflinchingly watched the bolt strike down Tierra. 

An agonizing scream pierced through the chaos.

One of humanity's challenges against the more powerful Races, she pursed her lips and turned to the Human she was with and only found a man staring listlessly, their eyes had gone cloudy white. She tsked and waved a hand in front of the man, sighing softly she placed her hand over his eyes and muttered an incantation. 

Compared to the burning light before, this time a warm glow was cast and she pulled her hand back from their eyes and smiled, "Well that's better." He blinked and jumped away from her and that much was understandable. 

"W-What?" His gaze tore away from her and into the aftermath of the attack.

Despite the debilitating light that purged evil and consumed whatever was in its path, her friend was on the ground and huddled over as a blue layer of light covered their entire form. The only show of the light even occurring was the crater that formed around the Tiefling. Until they looked up, they were shaking—presumably in anger.

Sometimes people were willing to sacrifice for their ideals—and it burned.

Unfortunately the woman was facing something much larger than they probably expected to handle, she sighed and turned once more to the Guardsman, "Are you sure that we can't settle this in a much more civil manner? I'm afraid that poor girl would have to battle two of my friends."




"Well, isn't this unfair?" The Tiefling held back a shudder and pointed a finger at the man near the wall, their eyes flashing red, "I agreed to fight this guy but not this one. Where's the honor in this fight?"

Shaking her head, the Cleric was undeterred and readied herself. She wouldn't allow this—something swooshed behind her and she glanced back to see the Spearman blocking the fiend's fellow companion. 

There was no time to slow down at all.

She measured her opponent before her, despite such bravado, the earlier attack had dealt enough damage, the burns and sizzling across their clothes and even skin was evident of the fiendish lineage before her. She sent a [ Message ] to the Kraelonia Academy before summoning her weapon and shield. "Unfortunately, they're a little bit preoccupied."

The creature leapt towards her and the two of them engaged in combat.

The Tiefling's movements were rapid as they threw punches and kicks at her that were blocked as she swung her blade towards them. The fiend simply blocked her blade with their arm but even mere contact singed their skin and they backed out.

The creature hissed at them, their friend's [ Illusion ] no longer hid their appearances.

A filthy demon's spawn.

"[ Binding Lights ]"

Bright chains of lights emerged from her sword and swept towards the fiend and bound her. Somehow despite the divine light of Eemis entangling the monster, their soul wasn't being burned and destroyed.

They broke through the chains.

And they attacked back with vengeance.

She had to mostly stay on guard and defensive, blocking the attacks and trying to pierce through her opponent's defenses and yet somehow they still managed to elude her.

Even the light affinity had brought no real advantage into their combat.contemporary romance

Orleans knew she was currently outleveled as she sent a [ Blessing ] towards the Spearman fighting alongside her but she had to keep going until their reinforcements arrived. 


"It's a little underhanded to attack someone behind their back, don't you think?" Ryden asked with a grin as they blocked off the person in front of them. They didn't bother giving him a reply as they drew back their dagger.

His precious spear had been chipped.

He was not a happy Guardsman and twirled his spear around and fought against the Rogue like opponent. He attacked and jabbed the enchanted tip of his weapon left and but found the rogue quick on their feet as they lashed back at him—and slashed across his face.

Their speed was unbelievably fast that they managed to break through his spear's reach. And liquid stung and burned on his skin but he gritted his teeth and continued on. He was pretty sure that the dagger had been laced with poison but he fought on, he couldn't let these monsters into the city after all. He hoped that his strength would not fail him as they continued their game of cat and mouse.

He was being led on but he had to stay on the offensive and ensure their attention didn't swerve away from him—he swatted down a flying dagger with the butt of his spear and frowned. "Quit playing foul, your fight is with me buddy."

The fight continued to what felt like hours but he was sure that it had only been minutes. Numerous cuts were placed along his body, but he had also slowed the person in front of him by a good deal. And when they finally lowered their guard he activated his [ Skill ] as his speed quadrupled and he stabbed and reached a length far longer than—

They ended up atop his spear and kicked him right across his face.

.. .

And before Han could even consider the implications of being blocked by the Demon Lord, something tore his sight away from it. The bright pillar of light that shone down and practically lit up the already darkening sky was an indicator as many that something was up within the city, or perhaps the kingdom itself—Timothy froze beside him. And Han paused in his steps as well. He had already seen [ Skills ] and [ Spells ] in effect, had seen Old Man Joe pull up a [ Skill ] that had erased a scry from a Demon Lord, a Battle Mage form numerous ice spears and shields that blocked those attacks—and yet this one was large scale.

He feared what was happening.

Already the tension within their atmosphere changed, what had ought to be a peaceful and lazy late afternoon had changed as the citizens of the city began to run amok. A frenzy energy zipped through the air as men and women began to move along.

Some shouts could be heard across the din of the city.

There were men and women wearing uniforms trying to reign them in and yet the people were starting to flee. Some stood still, staring out into the distance at where the light had plunged in from the skies.

But most were already rushing backwards, even the flow of traffic had gotten stuck as the ones in their cart and carriages had gotten off. Some of them were even upturned right now due to the riots as chaos filled the entire place.

And a bright blue menu screen confirmed them:

[ Special Quest! A Man On A Mission ]

Six Players All Gather Together In One Place

Either Fight Together Or Put Them Back In Their Place 

Despite What The Creators Hoped For All Of The Different Races

The Bloodshed Continues, A War Endlessly Rages

It sounded more like a looming prophecy from a doomsayer than an actual mission—and yet he had to do something. He needed to do this or else the entire city would have to collapse underneath this pressure.

There were six Players .

One of them was him.

So he was down to five other players.

The chances of one of them being the Wood Elf was possible due to the distance and yet it could be anyone else. He couldn't just abandon his fellow people now could he? He glanced at Timothy and steeled himself for the next words, "You should go back to the Academy."

There was no need to risk someone else's life.

"You're supposed to go back along with me, you dolt!" The fear had quickly washed away and changed over to anger, "You're not going to think of doing anything are you? We're in the City of Gloria, someone else can take care of this matter."

Han managed a laugh, "You already assumed I was going to do something reckless? How do you know me so well?" He motioned for him to go ahead. "Riots and panic like these can't be stopped, so you should get back if you don't want to get hurt."

There was no time for jokes.

"Whatever you're planning…" Hesitation laced on the young man's face. This was the real world to him, if he died, then it would be the end for him. And though Han Jing hadn't exactly gotten an explicit answer from the Moderator regarding his death in-game… he had to think that it was the same case with him.

But he needed to do the mission.

If Timothy wasn't going anywhere despite his words, Han sighed as he gazed around the chaos in the crowds, a stampede was surely in order, people were already pushing back against them. "We might die but this is a situation I can't run away from. So if you're going to follow me—"

He spun on his heels and pushed his way through the crowd of people. He would have to make sure that he couldn't be followed.




Not too far from where the two friends separated was a young woman stuck within the alleys, hiding and slinking in the walls as they escaped the eyes of searching and prying eyes. The bright pillar of light had drawn the people's attention from her along with the panic and terror that seized the heart of people. She was able to get away from them. Carefully grabbing the pendant that hung around their neck, she would soon completely disappear and vanished without a trace.


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