Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 73: Re: Into The City

A soft whistle emanated within the bedroom as Han changed his clothes and hummed a tune. He took off the bloodied and muddied shirt and threw it down on the floor. Glancing down at his abdomen revealed it free from any tissue scarring and raised a brow, "Must have healed really well." But would it have done him better if he got any scars? A cool battle scar sounded nice.

After getting a clean change of a shirt from the only bag he had carried, he was ready to go into the city of Gloria. And although the shirt that Timothy had bought in the village was one size too large, it didn't actually look bad. Heck, Han Jing could wear anything as long as it came out from his closet. No mix and match needed.

But there was something he needed to check first:

[ Level 3 ]

[Status Points: 3 available for use ]

[ Will: 9 ]

[ Talent: 4 ]

[ Comprehension: 5 ]

[ Luck: 3 (+??? Creator's Temporary Favor) ]

"Huh, I got some increase in the stats this time around, two points to each stat… though I don't feel anything special has changed." On top of that, it seemed like each level up granted him three points to distribute, still he didn't exactly like the 'stats' he was given with. It wasn't as plain and clear as Strength, Dexterity and the regular ones that you'd get from a normal RPG or MMORPG game. "And I can't compare it to anyone else…"

That was a lie.

The folks in the server probably would have something to say about it and even his fellow 'ally' the Wood Elf might know what's exactly up with these values. He'd have to ask them later or maybe the Moderator would be better to ask? Shaking his head for a moment. He finally stepped out of the room to see Timothy awaiting him, the man was leaning against the wall and backed off at the sight of him. He waved at his friend, "I'm ready, let's go."

Han had expected that the other people would have wanted to join them, but it seemed like the world didn't really seem to revolve around him—story plotline and all that. It really was more of a sandbox game than a linear one, which he actually didn't mind.

"Took you so long, we don't have all day." Timothy grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest. He was also wearing a fresh new shirt like him as they stepped closer, "How much money do you have?"

He blinked.

One look at the inventory provided the reality of things.

[ Inventory: 3 Silver coins ]

He recalled Grandma Moe mentioning that attending schooling in Kraelonia Academy would cost at an expensive sum of twenty gold coins a month. When he first arrived, he only had three copper coins in his hut before it was blown away. Old Man Joe Light gave him the three silver coins when he had fought those freak vegetables and fruits at their farm.

It might actually be a good sum if twenty gold coins was a lot.

Han gave his friend what he hoped to be a convincing grin, "...I've got some money. What about you? You've got cash to burn don't you? I don't recall you getting called to pay the monthly fee." Maybe his friend was accepted by the Headmaster without any further need of payments.

There hadn't been any actual conversation between Old Man Joe and Headmaster Pierce except with the latter calling the former as 'Joseph', as if there had been some bad blood between them. 

Now the young man in front of him had turned silent, "Maybe they just didn't have time to collect it yet, it's only been one day." His expression and voice had turned chilly before he sighed and massaged his forehead, "But if you've got no money, I suppose I can lend some to you. It seems that the food is covered entirely by the Academy so our only problem is the equipment we're supposed to buy."

He really hadn't gone wrong from choosing Timothy as his companion at all, did he? Han waved a hand, "I want to drop at the market… I got some plants I want to trade. I found some before and I wonder if they're actually valuable. If they actually are, you don't even have to lend me money, I'll try to buy you something instead. Let's hope that I'm lucky."

.. .

What happened would soon prove to be a blur as another Guardsman went crashing down somewhere else. But who really was the one at fault with this occurrence? All that happened was them trying to enforce the rules of the city. How did it have to come to this? They had come in contact with three high-level individuals, Boaz couldn't even tell how high it was and all he could do was recall how this madness event started.

Ryden had initially blocked their path with a spear, "Sorry buddy, please head back to the end of the line. No special treatment."

It should have already been obvious from the get-go.

The man—woman replied, their eyes flashing, "You carelessly shove a weapon at me? Do you not know how much I'm itching for a fight?" 

It was already a red flag, their attire told Boaz that this one was probably some kind of Rogue or Assassin, something dangerous. His [ Dangersense ] was already prickling the back of his neck. He glanced at his other more levelheaded colleagues already leaving the scene and abandoning the gates, "Ryden—"

"Tierra, don't start plea—"

"Well, sounds like we both have the same goal, si—ma'am." The Spearman who blocked them grinned. One of the more combat-prone folks.

"Tell me, if I'm able to defeat you with one strike, no weapons, won't you allow us to head in directly without waiting for any of these lines?" 

Boaz wanted to protest and protest he did, "We have ru—"

"Sounds like a fair bargain. I'll even let you hit me first without me defending."

His friend was an idiot.

That was how a moderately high-level Spearman crashed into the wall as a cloud of smoke emanated around them. The wise folks had already made their distance as the woman blew at her fist and turned to her companions, "I think we're free to go. That was a nice way to blow some steam."

Ryden let out a laugh and moved forward, as if them crashing against the walls and crumbling some stones hadn't hurt him at all. "Not so fast—I'm not done yet!" He stabbed his spear against the woman.

They dodged and threw back another punch.

Spearman and Guardsman Ryden evaded them and began to throw blows back. Stabbing his weapon and dodging the punches that were thrown his way, "You're good, I got to admit that it kind of hurt. But you're not going to get away too easily."

Boaz could only gape before throwing a look at the two companions of the woman. One was a person completely covered from head to toe and another looked like a young maiden, they were an odd trio. "Excuse me, can you call your friend back? We don't want to harm anyone—"

"Oh? I was actually afraid that she would accidentally kill him. She does get carried away sometimes, my apologies." The blonde young woman gave him a sheepish smile. "Your fellow Guardsman is actually somewhat strong. Don't you agree Bleu?"

"Ngh." Her companion replied with a shrug.

Chills went down his spine as he stepped back involuntarily, glancing momentarily at the truth stone in his pendant said that the woman before him was a confirmation that she believed everything she said. Her friend was going to kill Ryden. Not 'defeat' but kill. "If your friend won't hold back from fighting the Guardsman, it shall be considered as an assault against the orders of the city itself."

"...but, that's a shame. We didn't actually plan to do anything." The woman massaged her forehead. She acted as if this was merely a minor inconvenience. "I suppose your other friends went out to warn the city, Bleu, would you mind?"

Her friend was gone in a flash.

She gave him an apologetic look, "We're only here to trade really and sightsee, surely we can pay for damages or something perhaps? Or perchance change your mind?"

It took him some guts to give the lady a firm reply, somehow despite her being completely devoid of any weapons—his [ Dangersense ] was still ringing in his ears. He shook his head, "I'm afraid that you'll have to talk to the officials in the office when it comes down to that." contemporary romance

Soon enough, reinforcements would arrive.

But it would soon prove to not be enough.

The one that had been called 'Bleu' had quickly dealt with his fellow Guardsmen and it seemed that Boaz was only left standing because he hadn't been doing anything else but talking with the lady that he was with. 

Once again, the woman, who Boaz now deemed to be more a barehand fighter, landed another blow against his friend and sent him flying once more. Amidst the dust of earth that covered the entire vicinity, someone stepped out from the cloud and approached the fallen Guardsman with the spear. "Are you alright?" 



Unperturbed by the events occurring within the city itself, an Elf and a Mermaid would soon descend from the wooden ship that had carried them from across the Enchanted Forest to the City of Gloria, shortening the travel time by a great measure. The Wood Elf would gladly hop out of the boat and offer his hand to his companion, as far as he knew, they were still a little wet behind the ears. "Alright, Miss Odele, we've discussed our alibis and how to get past the truth stones by using our words carefully. We'll be able to get into the city without any problems."

"I'm ready!"


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