Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 69: All Coming Together

When it came to actual combat, Han had to say that he was impressed and had been blinded—literally and figuratively by Penelope Primrose. He tried to blink and still couldn't see. She actually had enough talent and skills to back up her own attitude when they first met in Miss Orléans' class. 

Han Jing rubbed his eyes for a moment and tried to get over his status that rung in his ear, an audible report given due to the specific ailment he had received:contemporary romance

[ You Have Been Temporarily Blinded! Vision Will Return In 20 Seconds ]

Needless to say, Han had been semi-confident with his preparation but now it simply looked like he had been playing with cutlery rather than actually being ready for the spar. If Penelope Primrose actually managed to win a fight against Donovan, who he had struggled with during their last scuffle—how would he fare against someone he never met yet?

"Sir Elliot vs Han will be the next pair that will be fighting, please step into the combat area."

He only knew so little from what he had grasped earlier from their lunch time and how their name was called. They were a [ Sir ] and a close companion of Sir Leon de Harrington. Han was already trying to hope that his Will was enough to negate such effects. Because if such [ Skills ] were prevalent, then he ought to invest in that status more than anything else.

And another thing was that it was a definite case of a [ Mage ] that they'd be up against so he also had to worry about [ Spells ]!

"I'll be right there." Han pulled himself up reluctantly to his feet.

Until he felt someone grab his hand and he looked down to see a cloaked figure being the one responsible, "Please be careful, Han." It was all Ellynn said before she let go of his hand and allowed him to move forward.

Instead of being comforted however, it just seemed to prove his own need to be vigilant. That was great. He didn't even have time to feel his heart flutter at a pretty girl holding his hand—he had to focus. He slapped his cheeks to ready himself. And so Han made his way to the centre of the square for the spar. 

He carried nothing but his own body and had no notable equipment or weapon on the surface.

Unlike his companion, Timothy, who had lugged around their bag filled with items—Han had his [ Inventory ] to rely on which was a lot more convenient. And he had also happened to use his [ Gather Resources ] and picked up ten other random items from Oaken Ashwoods. He would only use them when necessary.

Han Jing wanted to win this fight but his chances seemed low.

And though his already poor  [ Rank 999+ ] at the moment was pitiful, this occasion may be his time to learn and it was only his first day of classes so there were multiple more opportunities to prove himself.

He had no idea about hardly anything substantial about his enemy.

Would he be able to handle their opponent?

And where were they now? They still haven't even stepped into the square!

"Sir Elliot?" [ Professor ] Owen peered around the group of [ Students ] in search of their opponent.




After a couple of hours zipping through the air, the sight of their destination was now apparent. The City of Gloria was within viewpoint and the [ Wood Elf ] let out a sigh of relief and glanced down at the forest as he gently lowered his [ Zephyr Ship ] while still maintaining an illusion thanks to his companion.

It may have been a favor in exchange for the [ Black Pearl ].

But there was always the opportunity to visit a certain someone.

The [ Mermaid ] would be trading with other young folks, but his attention would be elsewhere. "Alright, a few pointers. We need to be able to get inside the city of Gloria without any problem."

"Oh, it shouldn't be a problem, Sir [ Wood Elf ]—I can use my voice." The young [ Mermaid ] before him gave him a disarming smile.

A [ Mermaid's Allure ] was certainly something else. Several people had commended Elves for their dazzling beauty that spoke of eternity, but Mermaids were another level entirely. They lured men into the deep.

He coughed and waved a hand, "It should be easy enough to get into the city without the need for you to use a [ Skill ], consider this as training in espionage and you need to be convinced that you're this new persona so you'll be able to trick the truth stones."

.. .

Someplace else, three [ Players ] blinked into existence into one of the spots close to the City of Gloria. Two [ Elves ] and a [ Tiefling ] appeared as the magic circle disappeared from the bottom of their feet.

"This doesn't look like the city at all." The [ Tiefling ] frowned and eyed the flora and fauna around them. They didn't like it one bit.

[ Shadow Elf ], Bleu simply pointed into a direction, "That way." He said it without any other necessary words, he fixed his clothing once again to ensure that no amount of light would filter past their attire.

Which was ironic as they were standing beside a Light Elf.

"My apologies, if we were to teleport directly into the city as said by [ High Elf ], we may have to end up fighting the entire city's inhabitants as we would be intruders when all we're supposed to do here is trade and then relax a bit."

"Free experience points." Bleu muttered underneath their breath.

Tierra jabbed a thumb at the [ Shadow Elf ] and shrugged, "He's not wrong."

Lucia's lips pursed together in a frown, "We don't need to make more enemies, besides the new [ Player ] arrived and they're [ Human ]... what do you think he would feel if we arrived into this city and slaughtered all his friends and loved ones?"

The [ Tiefling ] raised a hand.

"That was a rhetorical question, Tierra. Please don't answer that." The [ Light Elf ] rubbed her face.


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