Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 45: Cut Scene of a Begging Man

Bo Lifen's lips curled into a huge grin as she dismissively waved a hand, "You have the nerve to talk back when you came here to see me. I should have made Ning Bi kick you out."

"Ah, easy there. Don't you miss your favorite junior?" Han Jing raised his hands in the air and tried for his most charming grin. "I decided to drop by and visit after all..."

The older woman simply rolled her eyes, "I always had the notion that you'd come running here some day in the future when you needed my help."contemporary romance

"Ouch. Don't you have any faith in my abilities?" Han Jing clutched wiped some crocodile tears. "Didn't you say that I have a lot of potential?"

"Potential for trouble, go sit your ass over there. The tea is getting cold." She motioned to the floor with a pillow.

"You really do love me~"

"Shush your mouth, people may hear and misunderstand you." She sent him a glare.

Han Jing scratched his cheek and ducked his head, "My bad and thank you for this, you really didn't have to do this much for me." Maybe some things do change? She never really paid attention to what other people cared about before—but it must be due to her line of work.

"It's not everyday that a junior of mine comes to visit an old lady like me."

"You're not that old, I mean aren't you just—"

"If you speak out a number, I won't hesitate kicking you out." She gave him a look.

"Ahaha, I'll talk less, yes. My mouth is completely zipped."




"So how are you?" It wouldn't do much to just jump into his reason for coming here. And unlike Mou Gu, Bo Lifen and he knew each other and kept in touch more than him.

Perhaps somewhere in the city, a young chef would drop a plate and shatter it. But right now, Han Jing was paying attention to his respected senior. 

"Oh nothing really…" She scratched her cheek, as Han Jing stayed silent and waited for her to continue. "I mean, me? I'm always just fine." She rolled her eyes.

His friend wasn't one to talk a lot about herself, but she probably had a lot to tell if given a chance. At least that was something he learned by living primarily with his mother and sister—and also having a landlady who spoke a lot. 

A soft sigh escaped Bo Lifen's lips as she shrugged, "Well my younger brother just arrived here from our main house. He's a first year now, time does fly by quickly." She clapped her hand together and stared at him, a smile on her lips. "I still remember when you were a first year and now you're a graduate. A jobless one at that."

"Oh neat, I know someone who also became a first year." Han Jing smiled a bit, finding a topic. "She's actually pretty nice, a bit quiet but she's actually talkative when you give her a chance."

"How do you know a first year student?" Her face scrunched up.

He scratched his head, he probably shouldn't have mentioned this. "I met them recently, they're my neighbor in the apartment."

"Don't creep young women by approaching them Han Jing." The woman wagged a finger at him. 

He clicked his tongue and pouted, "Very funny, Bo Lifen. If it works that way, then you're a cougar for talking with me when I was a first year."

"What did you say?" She gave him a closed-eye smile.

"Oh nothing! You're always such a feisty person." Han Jing laughed, "I remembered getting my butt wiped out when I tried out for the martial arts club. You were the one in charge under swordsmanship, and I thought I could defeat you."

"You were yelling out nonsensical 'attack names'." Bo Lifen stared at him with a blank expression. "What were the names? Death Shadow Scythe and Cutting Claw Swipe and some other names like that."

Han Jing choked on his tea, "You don't have to remind me of that time."

"You've finally outgrown that phase?" A chuckle escaped her lips.

"Psh. I have better names now," Han Jing grinned before shuddering a bit. "Seriously that Cutting Claw Swipe is just ugh… Death Shadow Scythe could use a little editing and it'd sound like a killer attack name."

"Nobody really shouts their attack—that's just idiotic." Bo Lifen sipped some tea.

He shrugged, "Where's the fun in that? What can you possibly do if you don't shout out the attack name?"

"It'd be called a sneak attack." The older woman shrugged as she took some of the snacks that were available on the table and popped them into her mouth. She continued talking despite that, "Wouldn't that be more fun? Striking your enemy down before they have any clue of what happened."

"Hah! Sneak attack!"

She raised a brow at him, "What? Sneaking is a normal word."

"Alright, good point." Han Jing decided that it wouldn't be of use trying to debate otherwise, besides it might also be a good time to— "So uh... about work." He blurted it out.

She eyed him sharply but flicked a wrist, "Of course let's talk about that. Are you actually ready to work a full time job? I recounted you needing some time to recuperate after graduating." 

"...Well, uh no. I don't think I can do it full time due to some project I'm working on." Han Jing scratched the back of his head. This Races: Online was kind of a project right? He was beta-testing it according to the email! "I found a neat little beta-tester job but the rewards for it aren't exactly sure… but I'm putting my attention on it. And yet I still need a job, you know a chance to be more responsible?" 

"Let's see, you want to work but at a part time schedule. You'll probably have some irregular hours and even get some days off if you happen to get too tired working on that project of yours?"

"Uh huh… well if you don't mind, I mean—it'd be a salary cut if that happens right?" 

"If I let you work, do you know what others will say?"

"That you're such a magnificent lady that's so generous and helpful to people like me."

"Heh. Nice one, Han Jing." Bo Lifen's lips twitched before she stared at him more seriously. "They'd say I'm an idiot who's showing favouritism by employing someone who'd probably slack off. Do you want that?"

"...er, other people's words don't really matter as long as you do what's right?" Han Jing tried to find the right answer. Somehow it was much easier to find answers whenever he was 'Han'. 

"Technically yes. But not in this case, it will reflect poorly on me if you slack off and get too many benefits than other people here. This is my family's business." She gave him a weary smile. "Are you still going to beg me for a job here?"


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