Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 28: Cut Scene of A Homecooked Meal

Han Jing reluctantly woke up from his 'sleep' and let out a yawn. "Oh, you guys are here. Good evening!" He even stretched his arms for good measure.

"Did you sleep all day?" His mother sighed at him, although she immediately placed his younger sister's things on the table. "You'll be messing up your body clock if you keep doing that."

It was already kind of cuckoo if he had to be honest. He had to deal with two clocks!

"It was a short nap, Mother." He replied and pulled himself up from his bed. "What's up Jinjing? How's school today?"

"Fine." His sister was already nestled in their couch.

A terse reply, well he was used to it. He turned to his mother, "So what's for dinner tonight? I'll help you prepare." His body felt lethargic, probably because he had been lying down all day.

"Why, aren't you being so helpful, Han Jing?" His mother let out a laugh, the corner of her eyes crinkling as she looked at him. "We're having stir-fried eggplant for dinner. I don't really need help but why not?"

That was how Han Jing found himself in their apartment's shared kitchen. He was tasked with cutting the eggplants along with the garlic cloves and the chili while his mom prepared the rice. He really didn't mind it, it was a somewhat relaxing thing to do—that was until somebody else walked inside the kitchen.contemporary romance

"Oh Mrs. Han and Han Jing, it's been awhile." A familiar voice sounded.

"Ah, Madam Dongxia, it's good to see you! Are you preparing for dinner as well?" His mother was quick to greet their landlady.

"Good evening Madam Dongxia." He managed to nod before returning to his work of chopping vegetables… Why did he have a feeling that he would finish this on his own?

Madam Dongxia was carrying a food bowl, "I'm getting my cat's food. How has it been going?" She moved towards the cupboards. "Your husband is still away?"

"He had to attend this conference or seminar for a few days." His mother sighed. "He always works too hard."

"Ah that must be rough." The woman nodded. "Oh did you hear about the news—"

And that was where Han Jing tuned out the conversation. Frankly he should have done that immediately. Instead he decided to pour his attention to cooking.

He heated the oil in the wok before he placed the garlic cloves and chili for a couple of seconds. Removing the chili, he then placed the sliced eggplants for stir-frying, watching it absorb the oil.

Despite eating dinner or supper as Han with the food prepared by the Innkeeper, he could feel his own appetite. Especially, when he added the soy sauce mixed with the sugar. It was a reminder that the experiences in that world simulation was different from his own.

Within fifteen minutes, he was finally done with the dish and had placed it on the plate.


It wasn't his forte but he could get things done. He half wondered if there was a skill like [ Expert Cooking ] because he really could use something like that if he wanted to make something beyond simple dishes. Han Jing sighed as he looked at the two women still talking. He didn't really understand how many things they could converse about.

Maybe he should bring up the food to their room already?

"Oh, Han Jing! Did you hear that we have a new resident in this apartment?" His mother smiled. "Why don't you bring up some of that stir-fried eggplant to them? Ahh, if I only knew, I would have prepared a sweet dessert as a welcome gift."

He bit back a sigh, he didn't really know why that was necessary. They had a lot of transient neighbors but his mother fussed over each new arrival like they would become bosom buddies. "I don't think we'll have enough food, Mother."

"Nonsense, we can always cook more. Go on, what's the floor and number, Madam Dongxia?" His mother asked their landlady before she began to prepare for cooking again.

"Hmmm…" Madam Dongxia paused for a moment, a bit more contemplative than he was used to. "I suppose it's still within the acceptable time."

Acceptable time?

The landlady gave him the directions and a slap on the back. It hurt more than it ought to but all he could do was thank her as he then made his way up the stairs.

It was kind of a drag.

Five flights of stairs and he had to make sure that the food didn't fall off the plate nor should it grow cold under his watch. He wanted to put it in a container but his mom fussed over the food presentation. Sometimes, women really were troublesome. If his mother heard that, he would have received a whack no doubt.

His steps were light and nimble as he made his way to the last floor, thankfully he didn't break in a sweat. It was usually tiring but perhaps he was refreshed from not exactly doing anything.

Now where was that door?

He blinked at it and realized something, the room was exactly just above their own—they had the exact number, ignoring the fact that the first digit differed. The new neighbor was staying 503 while his family's was 403, his mother would have said it was an auspicious thing.

If only they would open the door now to receive their food, then it would be a lucky thing for him.

It had already been a minute or so. Han Jing tapped his foot, inwardly sighing.

What if the person wasn't even home yet?

It wasn't like the landlady or his mother knew the resident's schedule. "We didn't think this through—"

"Uh, hi! Sorry for taking so long!" The door opened as a person ducked their head in front of him. "I wasn't expecting any visitors already." She looked up and gave him an apologetic smile until she blinked. "Wait, it's you!"

Han Jing stared for a moment.

"Big brother… how did you find me?" She tilted her head at him, her lips were in a sheepish smile. 

"Uh, landlady and my mother were talking. She wanted to give our new neighbor a welcome gift." Han Jing held out the meal towards her. He wanted to hang his head in shame—why did it have to be his cooking?

"Woah, how thoughtful." She accepted it with a small smile. "I don't know what to say… thank you! Please thank your mother for me, big brother!" She looked at him with an insistent expression.

He couldn't say no to that. 

He rubbed the back of his neck. "And it's uh, Han Jing. You really don't have to call me big brother or anything..." What was he saying?

She blinked and looked at him. "Han Jing? Right, right… I just like calling you big brother, but I'll try to call you by your name." She gave him another one of her smiles.

Why did it feel like she forgot his name? It wouldn't be the first time though, but he'd like to take her word for it. She just saw him as an older brother.

"That's great! I'm not that old." Han Jing couldn't have dug up his own grave faster than this. "Oh, how did your day go by, Chan Lee? It was your first day at university right?"

Seriously, were they close friends now for him to ask her that? This wasn't some dating sim—mission abort!

"Oh… it was alright." She scratched her cheek and averted her gaze. "I guess I'm not really used to being in such a huge crowd, there were a lot of students..."

"The food will grow cold." He blurted.

"Huh?" She looked back at him with furrowed brows.

He motioned at her, "I mean, I guess it's a little overwhelming on your first day. I wasn't really good at socializing myself, but you'll make friends. I hope you can enjoy the stir-fried eggplant while it's still hot too."

"I see… and I will. Thank you big brother Han Jing." She bowed her head. "It must have been a bit burdensome for you to bring this to me."

"Not at all! You have a good evening, alright?" He managed a smile. "I'll see you around, Chan Lee?"

"You too, thanks."

A moment passed before Han Jing awkwardly shuffled along and he heard the door clicked as it closed. He slapped a hand on his face and sighed, "That was one way to make a fool of myself. Is this how Timothy bumbled along with Miss Becky?" He asked himself as he went downstairs.

He wasn't that bad.



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