Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 149: Run For Your Lives

"And this library really is wonderful! But don't you think it's a little wrong to keep hoarding all the books for yourself?" The Enchanter, Theodore asked the Spectre in a curious tone.

Han did not have high hopes in this situation—This was a being who had spent his entire lifetime to selfishly gather knowledge like some book hungry Scrooge. Someone like them wouldn't—

"Why is it wrong my boy? I struggled to get my books, these things are my private property!" The Spectre motioned to all of the floating tomes, spellbooks and scrolls available in the room. Their mood was growing darker. "Of course I'll finish all of you in the end for attempting to steal something of mine!"

Han's hand tightened over the energy saber but what exactly could this thing do?

He remembered his own conversation with the Wood Elf in regards to the pesky giant insects in the Enchanted Forest. The situation was somewhat similar but whether it would end well depended on how much of an adult this Spectre was—his age did not equate to 'maturity' after all. If everybody who held immense knowledge over magic was mature, well he doubted that Dark Lords would exist if that was the case.

It was time to stop them from blowing up.

"E-er, is there really no chance that we'll be able to leave?" Han asked as politely as he could. "Isn't their anything else we can do for you?" Never appeal to compassion, appeal to any possible use one could offer.

The world functioned this way to Han Jing.

Unlike the Spectre who seemed to tolerate the ginger-haired guy, it instead gave him a narrowed eye look. Their eyes burned as they gauged him, "You have inconvenienced me so why should I let you go? If I let any of you go, you'll come back here with numerous more people to chase me out of my library!"

Yeah, immortality really messed with moral compass didn't it? But the Spectre's mind was sharp enough to consider possible danger.

"It's useless to hoard all of these books." Someone spoke up with a touch of grouchiness in their voice.

Han really wished that they didn't speak up—Ellynn wasn't saying anything and neither was she… He tried not to blink. She had been just beside the ginger-haired guy but now the Half Elf was already close to the door?! He bit down his tongue from saying anything. He needed to back her up and distract the Spectre. She could probably call for backup or something else couldn't she?

But for now, the center stage was taken by someone else and the Spectre was focused on them, "Who said that?"

"I did."

The Spectre whirled to Timothy and narrowed his gaze at him, "Do you think you can appeal to gratitude or kindess? That I'd let you go or give a book away because if that's what you're thinking—you're the useless one."

"E-er, Mister Spectre—" Whether it was stupidness or some other reason, the ginger-haired guy spoke up again, "I think what he means is that you no longer have any use for the books because you're already an accomplished Mage-Scholar?"

Han wished that it was easy enough to take it that way. Although he doubted that Timothy meant something like that and despite his friend's obvious lack of weapons or any other item—their words cut deeply.

They were hitting a sore point.

Timothy shook his head and frowned, "No, it's this guy's fault that he ended up dead here in the first place." His friend didn't mince any worde and that was regardless of whether or not he had already been choked by the Spectre earlier. 

The man floated towards him and once again choked them, "It's easy for you to say that but you do not understand the pain that I have gone through."

Despite being choked, Timothy simply coughed and spoke up, "And that's why you suffered in the end—you thought that everyone was out to get you." 

"Shut up!"

"If you had shared the knowledge, then perhaps magical information wouldn't dwindle in the Human kingdom and we could still be a lot stronger than we are now." Timothy's eyes narrowed at them as he wheezed, "Perhaps you could have achieved much more breakthrough, but more importantly—you wouldn't be this fool who's only concern is this freaking library."

Before the Spectre could say anything else or choke his friend to death—Han ran and swung the energy saber towards them. The blade didn't just sweep helplessly through thin air but actually hit something solid.

A strangled sound escaped and echoed inside the room.

The 'Spectre's' arms was chopped off from their body while his friend, Timothy staggered to the ground. He lifted the guy by the arm and pushed them backward, "Run you idiots!" Han shouted and took advantage of the surprised attack and stabbed at the Spectre once again.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

A small ball of flame fired above his head and attacked the Spectre in the face. Han did another swing and once again hit something that was actually more physical than magical or ghost-like as their surroundings started to grow darker. He bit his tongue and yanked something from his Inventory and threw it at the Spectre's face before he moved back.

This was a terrible plan.

Han began to run towards the exit and Timothy was already moving. But once he looked back and—that ginger-haired boy was still standing frozen by the bookshelf.

His steps didn't stop all at once and he even moved a couple paces towards the exit. He didn't have anything to lose did he if he left the guy. He ground his teeth and yanked a dagger from his inventory and threw it at the Spectre and the Tiny Black Slime and watched it stick to the man's torso and made them stagger backwards. Han wasn't sure why the black thing was rampaging but there was no time to ask questions.

He threw a look at Timothy.

Run.contemporary romance

And he did that before he sprinted to the ginger-haired guy and grabbed them by the arm and hauled them forward. "Get moving!" He shouted and pushed them to rush to the exit as their surroundings started to wreak havoc with turmoil—the books, tomes and grimoires were flying rapidly and haphazardously through the air. He felt one of the stone tomes hit him in the back of his head but they kept moving.

Almost there!

The ginger-haired guy reached the exit and it was his turn—But in that moment, he felt his feet lose contact with the ground. Han immediately pushed the door to a close right before he started floating in the air. The terrible memory of being flung back and forth in the walls flashed through Han's brain but he didn't say anything.

He hoped that the others kept running and didn't turn back. Because he found enough reason to be a little more reckless since they were safe?? No, he still had a one last ditch. A real body ditching. And yet he wasn't sure if the others were truly safe if 'Han' died now. 

Improvision. "U-uh… sorry about that. Looks like you've got your arms back."

"Your insolence!" The Spectre screeched at him. "You'll pay for this and your companions too!" 

[ You Have Been Silenced ]

[ Ability: Will of the Player Has Broken Through Effect ]

[ Silence Spell Has Been Dispelled ]

Han kept talking, "You're just upset cause my friend was right! And what kind of Spectre has a physical body? You're just some kind or Ghoul aren't you?" Although this guy was "smart" enough to have a library and collect books. They forgot something once again—they still forgot to flung the energy saber in his hand.

Even the Black Slime had been able to throw it before he could use it.

[ Unerring Throw ]

The energy blade went zipping through the air and right towards the Spectre as it cut through them. Han quickly toppled down to the ground and caught himself before he splattered down like a pancake.

And then he stared running again.

That thing would no doubt repair itself once again if given enough time. Adieu to the dagger and toolstick, if he could survive then he would—he threw the door open and then scampered out.



He heard door shut but he couldn't rest easy and expect the Mister Spectre to rest back at his library. Now would really be a good time to get a useful Rogue Skill didn't he? Something like Shadow Travel or a Faster Speed. Or maybe the ability to scale through walls? 

The entrance to this level was way above them to climb through—he'd have to hope Ellynn helps them.

Han hurtled past the Races: Online logo with no problem and didn't find any of the three in the area. That was good. He rushed through the previous corridors and hoped that they were alright.

He couldn't even hear any footsteps right now except his own and the pounding of his blood. Surely it was due to the headstart they had, didn't it? Han pulled up the map screen and found the blue dot moving far ahead of him and they were nearly at the exit? Good. Good.

The young man didn't dare look back.


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