Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 131: The Descent

"It's a simple task, all that you two would need to do is head down here—you'll find a library but that's not the hidden one." The Illusory Mage nodded at Timothy and the Half Elf.

The moment he had been waiting for had finally arrived. Night had already descended but there was no light from the stars or moon that could tell him that, they were stuck in a place with no windows to the outside. A young man stood with neither friends or foes. In this particular occasion, the Mage's appearance resembled that of Professor Liddell for some reason. Perhaps to adopt a more lecturing tone? He gave them a look and continued, "I trust that the two of you will be able to locate and bring back the title for me."

"When we give it… if we locate it—you need to fulfill your end of the bargain right? As discussed by you and my friend." Timothy asked. He noticed what seemed to be the glance that Ellynn threw him. She was probably questioning it in the back of her mind.

It wasn't Han of course.

Now he didn't know the specifics since he had been asked to leave his room but somehow it happened that when he brought the Illusory Mage to Iola—they stepped out of his room with a little air of somberness. How Iola had made it worked, he didn't know how but the fact that it did was enough to soothe his nerves.

They were now more or less in equal footing in this situation.

The Mage in front of him clicked his tongue and flicked his sleeve, "Of course, I won't repeat this particular set of events to anybody else and this is the only thing I'll ask from you and your pretty friend here."

Relief flooded into Timothy's chest. He hadn't seen Han since lunch time but that was alright—he was just a bit curious on why the boy hadn't been looking for him. Surely someone like them seemed to be the type to approach first. But this kind of situation was perfect. Han didn't need to be here. Glancing around their current position, it was strange that he had never noticed this particular empty corridor before.

And it was empty. 

No doors. No windows.

Nothing at all.

But he had already passed by here twice now—it was near the Potions room where Professor Lavelda had been teaching but he seemed to have missed this every time they travelled here.

"Glamor spells," Ellynn muttered aloud as if she could read his thoughts. And yet her gaze simply focused on the man in front of them.

Or at least that was as much as Timothy could tell, she was wearing her cloak but she was still facing the Illusory Mage. Perhaps he should have been more wary… but he would trust Iola's Skill for now.

"Quite true, only a certain number of second year Mages and above have access to this library. One needs to particularly look for it but most are content to stow their day away with the lessons when this particular library was right under their noses." The Mage seemed to enjoy the attention they were giving him. But he glanced at the Half Elf, "Although someone of your stature should have been able to see this before, Miss Ellynn was it?"

She didn't say anything this time.

The Mage coughed and glanced at Timothy, "Most of us students who are aware of its location don't share this particular detail to younger Mages or even friends, it is quite inconvenient if the library is crowded after all." 

"Or you guys simply want to keep it to yourselves." He narrowed his eyes at them.

A small chuckle erupted from the Mage, "Quite straightforward are you? You are right though. Knowledge is power afterall. It is useful if one were to keep it for themselves instead of sharing. So this is quite a favor to you and your friend."

And it really would be, Timothy couldn't deny it. A library of spellbooks and other kind of books perhaps? It was enough to make his blood pump with feverish energy. This was their chance to catch up with the lessons, he was sure of it.

But he needed to be wary.

Why a senior Student approached them for this situation made his nerves spike. There was danger no doubt about it. But they were willing to risk it.

The Illusory Mage walked past them and towards the wall, he placed his hand into a particular portion of the stone walls, "Now the way to enter the first library is to imbue this stone with a set amount of mana until you hear a certain click or gauge that this stone has been charged and voila, it'll open up—might I say, to a true Mage's nook."

Timothy blinked as the sound of the walls moving and parting erupted as a passageway opened. It was a flight of stairs that led down the building. He was pretty certain that if the walls closed up and he was with Han… the two of them would end up stuck inside of it.

It was a good thing that he had asked Ellynn.

The Mage gave them a pleased look, "Startling isn't it? Once you get to the section of Astronomy and Astrology Books, find the one with the blank pages and switch it with its counterpart in the Zestir and Zo​ro​as​tri​an​ism Book section. You'll find another passageway opening up… and what comes next, I'll leave it to the both of you. Grab my book and try not to die."

"You don't know what's in there?" He asked.

Although he and Ellynn had already talked about some safety precautions, it was far better to learn of the risks.

The Illusory Mage shrugged, "Heard one of my classmates went down their on their own—they haven't returned in a couple of days. They're probably dead."

"W-What?!" This person was joking right? This was an Academy and not some dungeon or labyrinth for them to die in—Timothy and Ellynn were prepared for danger but it was that hazardous?

A smile curled on the Mage's lips, their appearance flickered back to the first one that Timothy encountered. Was it their true self, he didn't know but it unnerved him all the same, they began to pace back and forth.

"It's time for a little history lesson, courtesy of me, seems like they don't particularly tell this anymore—then again, this should be common knowledge. This Academy has been around for far longer than you'd ever know. Even before our Headmaster had even been born. It's a fortress." The Mage paused and glanced at them… waiting for an applause?

He didn't get how that related to his classmate possibly dying in the library.

"I already knew that." Timothy would hate to admit it to himself right now, but he had remembered what that old Farmer had been spouting when they first arrived in the city, "The City of Gloria is the Capital City and many Races have tried to conquer it but couldn't thanks to the fortress that is this Academy."

He should have been a little more considerate since Ellynn was with them—but it was the truth.

The Mage narrowed his eyes at him before continuing his explanation, "Rumors even say that this was a dungeon before we Humans came around and tamed it. And so turning it into this Academy we know today. So is it dangerous? Very."

Alright now that did it for Timothy. Dungeons were another matter. His gaze flickered to the flight of stairs downwards, it was entirely dark and yet it seemed to beckon him to go down. A shudder went down his spine to which he ignored and glanced back at the older Student, "And yet you expect me and Ellynn to go down and fetch it for you."

It was a cowardly move and yet a strategic one nonetheless.

"I had expected you and your other friend to go down. Even if he wasn't quite a Mage, far from it, he was creative enough to get around traps. We need people who can use their heads."

Was it a jab or something at him?

Timothy didn't say anything at first. Even a senior Mage to him and Ellynn had praised… that idiot. Their entire village had done so already—had called him a Hero and built him a monument. He had been coerced into helping in the building of it. And even if they weren't here right now, Han was still brought up. 

Somehow this person had a particular talent into getting the attention of everyone around them whether good or bad. But so far, it had always been good hasn't it?

A resigned sigh escaped his lips. How would it be like in his shoes? But there was no time to think about that. Timothy snapped his fingers and procured a flame, [ Firestarter ]. It didn't matter to him that it wasn't magic. It was his Skill still—he began to walk down the stairs, "Doesn't matter if he's here or not. We'll get you the book."

"Of course~ Nothing less of that and you'll get yourself into trouble." The Illusory Mage purred. Was that a threat or a warning?

He looked back once and it was at the Half Elf, another person who was here because of that idiot. And yet he couldn't kick her out—regardless of his emotions right now. This was a person who could do so much more than him. "What are you standing there for?" He snapped, "Are you coming with me or not?"

No longer waiting for any response, Timothy descended the stairs.contemporary romance


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