Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 126: Different Questions and Goals

There were certain knowledge that hadn't been completely presented to the newest students of Kraelonia Academy and while most of the senior students would pay no heed to their juniors—most caught up with their personal endeavors, senior missions, and such, there were those who tended to see a chance to use others for their advantage.

And one of them had been the Illusory Mage.

It wasn't suffice to say that they were the only one who could perform such a Spell but this particular Mage completely reveled in it that even he, a Primary Combat Student was all too aware of the antics and shenanigans of such a student.

Certain areas were restricted and clearly out of the way and path of students—even if they wandered for hours, they'd be ill pressed to find the Headmaster's Office. But there were also locations that only a senior year student were allowed to know.

And someone of his stature wasn't even made aware of. Dangers were posed to those who found them.

Someone in their year had experienced falling and getting stuck in a labyrinth when they were told of a secret room. Another had been stored in a suit of armor by "accident" and other unfortunate situations led and orchestrated by the Mage.

Sir Leon de Harrington glanced at one of his classmates, Lu Rei who seemed to have identified the Illusory Mage or perhaps someone who had fallen for their false identities. But it was a possible lead. Nevertheless, he had no idea what could have been the reason why the Illusory made contact with the Half Elf and Timothy.

If this Mage interfered too much with the Half Elf, he was sure that the faculty might intercede so they were being risky.

The Noble eyed Han in the distance who was currently conversing with the former—perhaps they had their own method of gathering information as he did as well. 

Perhaps he shouldn't have cared for such an event, it was much better to ignore what happened and keep to himself and his own group of friends but there had already been many cases of tricks and set-ups that had occurred within the semester.

What did they have in plan for now? 

Sir Leon de Harrington eyed his retainer and Donovan quickly got the message, he turned to address the golden haired girl. "Uh, Lu Rei can I ask you a question?" His friend wasn't exactly the best with talking with women but it would have to do.

He wasn't so sure what exactly was the connection between this classmate of theirs with the Illusory Mage but for the sake of their peers, he would get to the bottom of this.

.. .

There were Professors who did their best to attend their Classes and thankfully most Professors who were handling Combat Classes did not face the brunt of the incident yesterday. Unlike a vast majority of Mages who attended their classes while sporting the worst of feelings. But unfortunately there were certain ones who were affected.

Professor Owen Liddell had been clearly told to stay in bed for the rest of the day and while he had asked about Professor Jeanne Orleans—he learned she was in the clinic and he was assigned to his own room inside one of the private sections of the Academy.

"I do not understand why I have to be here, even grandmother resumed with her lessons." He eyed the older man with a slight grouchiness. If they were going to put him into a recovery state, why did they even have to separate him from his colleague when they both encountered the same incident?

"My condition is fine, there is nothing for you to worry about, old man." Although his head throbbed with pain when he tried to recount the exact incidents yesterday.

But he was positive that he could teach today without any fuss.


Headmaster Pierce glanced down at the young man who sat up in his bed. They didn't seem terribly injured and had even been found at the entrance of the City despite clearly going away to face the Colossal Wyvern. Assumptions formed in his mind as to how that was the case but they had to deal with the unruly temper of this person.

"Your recovery will become much quicker if you stay here." Already, his wife had decorated the room with crystals that hummed and glowed while helping the body rejuvenate.


"Besides, you know how worried she was—you and Professor Orleans ought to be revoked of your teaching license. The two of you clearly went against orders. Perhaps she could be excused but you were aware that the barrier might be opened and you still went out of your way to go out."

It gave him a headache trying to converse with them right now. This boy had been much easier to deal with before, they had been like a sponge who eagerly soaked up his words and lessons as a child but now they were arrogant and believed they could do things on their own. Who believed that they didn't need anyone but their own strength to succeed.

Exactly like him.

.. .

Some would learn of this incident a bit later than others, Timothy stared askance at the classroom with a note that had been left:

'Unfortunately, Professor Lavelda is currently unavailable to teach in her Specialization Class due to mana exhaustion. Instead please pay attention to your reading materials instead.'

"She had been teaching in potions just this morning." Timothy clicked his tongue, although it would be a lie to say he wasn't worried.

His Professor seemed fine earlier so what had happened?

Had he not noticed it that time? He had been focused on talking with Ellynn that time into helping him. This was supposed to be his time to ask for some help and assistance from the Wizard and yet it would have to be postponed on a later date. Instead this left him with some time. What should he do?

"Timothy!" He glanced at the ginger haired young woman who approached him. It was Penelope Primrose and she gave him a small smile, "Do you have anything to do this afternoon? I may be able—"

He soon found the Half Elf coming from the corridor, she was a bit later than he thought she should be. He glanced at Penelope and ducked his head, "Can you please excuse me? I need to discuss something with Miss Ellynn."

Timothy soon left the young woman and approached the cloak figure, "Miss Ellynn!" He noticed the looks around him but he couldn't care less—what were the odd looks if he could catch up and perhaps even perform better than them in class?

That was the risk he was willing to take.


If you were to ask him to relate his social skills, well, it was hard to decipher. Sometimes it felt like he was able to get along with anyone and especially as he got into the role and persona as Han—it was much easier to take social risks. He wasn't that afraid of it as he was as Han Jing. 

Maybe it was weird for him to associate himself differently but it also made sense that he did. In the real world, he wouldn't be bumping shoulders with a Wood Elf nor would he try angering a Tiefling and her companions.

So which one of him was real? Well, they were both him all the same but just in different circumstances. But there were also times that he felt most truly free as Han.

Anyhow, he was only thinking of this because his talk with Ellynn had gone smoothly and he half-wondered if she had been real then perhaps the two of them might have gotten along. In a visual dating sim game, Han Jing was positive that the two of them eating lunch together in Kraelonia Academy deserved a CG Background. Or maybe the time when they were talking outside of the City of Gloria while they awaited the Colossal Wyvern to come along.

Did he trivialize it by thinking that way? He wasn't trying to do it but it lightened his mind from such an existential question. Who was he to say that she wasn't real? He was discovering a lot of things now after all.

It was one of the reasons why it had taken him a few minutes later to find his classroom, in addition to the fact his sense of direction still suck in his own way but Han immediately made a face at the announcement stuck to the classroom:contemporary romance

'Professor Owen Liddell is unavailable for today, you are free to do whatever you wish.'

There were also other students who were lumbering about and he actually made contact with Sir Leon de Harrington, Donovan and Lady Angelika and others who were around them but he felt a bit upset that the Professor was missing.

This could have been his chance to approach the Professor in regards to the Rogue Class—maybe not the other ones. How would he explain that Psionic one? He could explain the Rogue one as he gained it after the duel in their last class.

The others not so much.


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