Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 107: Soul Strengthening

Amidst his sulking and lazing on the couch, the young man would pick up his phone at the sound of a notification and opened the message. The latest portion of their conversation was immediately made visible to him.

Han: Moderator, it seems that I have the option to strengthen my Soul. Is it possible to do it through something like cultivation? Or something else?

Peach: Oh! I forgot that you're from that country! That's why I told you about the peaches lol. Hmm… I'm not sure if qi cultivation will really help your Soul. I mean that's what you're referring to right? You should know the differences between them right? You guys still practice it right? No?

Han Jing frowned at the message, bit back a sigh and sent back a reply. Somehow he forgot that the Moderator didn't seem to have much intention in doing much? At least from what he could grasp in their previous interaction—but this was important. Didn't they want him to keep playing or did they already have enough Players?

Han: Well, based on what I read on web fictions, qi cultivation is possible for anyone but it's different from body cultivation? Inner alchemy and external alchemy. Are you saying that the Soul isn't strengthened through qi cultivation and neither with body cultivation?

Well, it wasn't like Han Jing had any access to some cultivation method at all. But based on how the Moderator was actually talking about it with him, then it meant that the path of cultivation was real. And she had even told him that she tasted the peaches right? And that surely referred to the peaches of immortality. Was there any chance that he was talking to Xi Wangmu, 'Queen Mother of the West'?

He blinked and shook his head.

There were no second thoughts about it—she couldn't possibly be that goddess! His perception would be ruined! Another ding notified him of her reply.

Peach: Right, right, I remember that! Well, hmm… body, mind and spirit? I forgot. Maybe you can strengthen your Soul. Hah, so I guess you still want to play the game then? That's good.

Did he really want to continue playing? Han Jing sighed as he sat up and looked around his room. Well, it wasn't his only space, he shared it with his family. A small space where he and his family stayed was a contrast to him being Han with the world as his oyster. The latter meant he had more things to experience… he didn't feel caged in. It felt like he had more opportunities and chances to do what he wanted in life.

Or something like that.

Han: You mentioned something about some benefits before? I think.

Peach: How forgetful you Humans are! And yes, I think I mentioned that if you keep playing, you'll receive much more. Alas, it seems you can't seem to see your current benefits now

Han Jing would have to ask about the 'benefits' later. Although he wasn't sure if the Moderator would even answer him in the first place, but for now, he had to ask about something else more valuable to him right now. Besides needing to strengthen his Soul, there was another thing that he needed if he were to keep joining the virtual simulation.

Although from how they were referring to the Soul switching from one world to another—it sounded more like transmigration or interstellar travel to him. But first, he sent another reply.

Han: ...is there any chance that I could get paid more money for doing this? I don't think I can spend my entire life away by switching back and forth

Peach: Ah, and this is why I recommend staying in one world—alas you don't want that right? Bah, on 'money' though, is that all you want? Well, we do promise money when you die. It's how gracious the Creators are that allows you this possibility.

Han Jing tried not to slap a hand over his face. If these so called Creators were all that powerful, couldn't they have just prevented his death in the first place though? And what about money?

Han: But if I strengthen my Soul, I can continue playing without any problems. You said that. So how do I strengthen it? Reading the document didn't actually help much

Peach: …well, how do I say this? I think your Soul is already strong. At least when I check on your biometrics. I mean, it's not in the best tip top shape, but it's definitely strong. If we had chosen a weak Soul, then they'd end up lost or consumed by a Soul Eater while switching back and forth. Soul Eaters are negative entities that prey on your soul btw

Han: If that was the case, then why did I experience some backlash when I got back here?

Peach: I dunno?

Han: …

Peach: You damn little kid, you think you can get away with that silent treatment?

Han Jing sighed and rubbed his face. Should he be happy that his Soul was already considered strong? And how did they even determine whether his Soul was strong? Was he just going to believe them

Peach: Alright, no more whining! I think I found the closest thing in your country's study of souls. It's actually a bit hard to access all the data of the universe you know? Alright, here's one of the way of measuring your Soul:

Early-stage Soul

- Mortal Soul 

Mid-Stage Soul

- Earth Soul

- Water Soul

- Fire Soul

- Air Soul

Late-stage Soul

- Divine Soul

Peak-stage Soul

- Universal Soul

Han: It seems like cultivation… with just less steps? Or you didn't expand on it?

Peach: I'm trying to explain it to you in terms you can understand, that's why. And didn't I just say that it's one way? Some people refer to it from, Infant Soul, Early Soul, Mid and then Elderly Soul. Honestly, you Humans have too many terminologies on it. But let's go with Early-Stage Soul, most of you Humans are born with a Mortal Soul. Although that's not surprising, and I guess you can still divide the Mortal Soul into Lower, Middle and Upper tiers. Do you get that?

Han: Yes I understand

Peach: In the world you Humans, there are people who seem to be born more capable than the average person. Of course, some people are able to train their physical bodies and minds, but the will to even push one's physical body is mostly determined by your Mortal Soul's level. Your Soul contains imprints from your previous life and that helps or adds more problems to your current life. Although sometimes, you're just born lucky. Refer to the portal where your Soul ended up before rebirth… and then there are those with skills that don't seem natural, supernatural as you refer to them. Psychics are one example.

Han: telepathy, mind control and that stuff?

Peach: Well, Psychics, Cultivators, Mages… and all those skilled humans you have in your world. Most of them are born with at least a Mid-tier to Upper-tier Mortal Soul. That's how someone can bend a spoon while the next person can create energy bursts. Now I'm sure you're curious about where you fall to right?

Han: I'm assuming I fall under Mid-tier Mortal Soul? It seems like the average right?

Peach: Most humans are born with a Low-tier Mortal Soul and continue their entire lives without a problem. They have low potential to learn 'supernatural' skills and they're unable to even believe it mostly, the Universe, or in this case, the World that you live in ensures that they're able to live relatively peaceful lives. Quite benevolent if I do have to say.

Han: And you said I have a strong Soul. Because I'm able to switch from this world to the one that's created by the Creators?

Peach: Exactly. Most Souls will face disintegration or will be eaten if they're ever found out of their current physical body. It's the reason why we have soul collectors in the first place—be it angels, reaper or whatever. I think there's mostly just a one way tunnel to your judgement and then portal destination

It was weird to him, once again, based on everything they were discussing… These were practically the secrets of the Universe or something. And yet with the mode of communication they were talking with, just via chatting one another, it simply felt like they were discussing lore or game theories, it was just him having a discussion.

Han: When you say I have a Strong Soul… you're not saying I'm like some Late-Stage or Peak-Stage Soul, am I?

Han Jing wasn't sure if he wanted to hear what exactly his results were. Sure, the Moderator said he was strong and he'd been able to actually experience practically another world, but for most of his life—from what he'd already experienced from his twenty-three years of existence. He was mediocre at best.

He was barely able to even hold down a job!contemporary romance

Peach: Believe it or not, you're an Upper-Tier Mortal Soul! Actually, I'm the one who can't believe it, you're one lucky bastard. I should stalk your previous life if I have the chance to sneak up on the Wheel of Samsara, or should I check up on some other records? But there you have it, I'm not sure why you suffered when your Soul returned to your body is all I'm saying

Han Jing blinked and stared at his phone. Upper-Tier Soul? Psychic, Mages, Cultivator… him? There were no signs or even events that actually spoke of him being anything like those kinds of folks. No supernatural ghosts haunted him, he didn't meet anyone who could throw fireballs or even bend spoons and he was sure that he never encountered an actual cultivator before.

Han: You're telling the truth right?

Peach: Would I ever lie to you?

Han: You seem like the type that would

Peach: Well, you're not wrong~ But I'm serious this time! 


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