
Chapter Pups 4

Chapter 4

Raquel’s POV

Nothing changed after that night. Leo still treats me like I’m dirt under his shor. Well, nothing changed, except this.

I hold the stick in my shaking hand and stare at the two colored lines on it in shock.

I’m pregnant.

“Sweetie, what does it say? Is everything ok in there?” My mom’s voice asks from the other side of the bathroom door.

How do I tell her that her daughter got pregnant from a one–night stand with a guy that is currently treating her like gum underneath his shoe! She is going to be so heartbroken.

1 slide down the wall and hug my knees as a sob rips out of me followed by hot tears falling down my cheek. She is going to be so disappointed in me and I can’t even blame her. I’m disappointed in myself too,

“Raquel, I’m coming in The door opens and then I’m in my mother’s arms as she sinks to the ground beside me and places my head on her shoulder, her fingers running through my hair. “It’s ok. We will figure it out together.”

“What am I going to do Mom?” Another round of fresh tears streams out of my eyes, making my vision blurry as I lift my head to meet my mom’s

“I’m going to be right here beside you and support you in whatever decision you make ok?” She grabs my hands and places them in her lap, her eyes shimmering. “You will always have me no matter what step you choose to take.” She runs her thumb over my knuckles, soothing me in the way only a mother could.

“I’m sorry Mom My throat closes up as a wave of shame washes over me. I’m sorry I disappointed you” Having a daughter who got pregnant ar seventeen is never something that would be on a parent’s wishlist

“No.” She grabs my face and brings hers closer, her expression serious as fuck. “Never say that again. You didn’t disappoint me.” A tear rolls down her cheek and she wipes it away with the back of her palm. A sad smile graces her lips. “You could never disappoint me, sweetie.”

The tears don’t stop falling from my eyes. I can’t stop them either. Not when I’m feeling a wave of emotion I can’t cipher. There’s sadness. There’s soul–wrecking nervousness. Then the one that is just a tiny ball of emotion shoved at the back of my head. Excitement.

I can do this. I can tell Leo that the one night we spent together has resulted in a baby. No biggie. Easy peasy.

n just going to go there and say “Hey, you’re going to be a dad.”

Goddd. Why is this so hard to do? I’ve been dragging my foot in the ground for the last few weeks by telling myself that the moment just isn’t right. But I’m leaving the day after tomorrow so it has to be today or never.

Leo and his group of friends linger in the hallway, their voices booming in the tiny walkway. I know I’m running out of time to break the news to him but pulling him aside and away from his friends has me sweating a bucket

No, I will just have to tell him later.

With my head down and my books clutched tightly in my hand, I shuffle past them while praying to whatever deity above that they don’t notice

  1. me.

The universe must be against me because a leg sticks out and I don’t notice it fast enough, so I’m tumbling down and my books are spiraling out of my hands and all over the floor. Laughter can be heard all around me and I feel my face burn in shame.

My gaze slide up the leg that tripped me to find dark blue eyes staring at me with something akin to hatred. Leo.

“Look at her in her natural habitat. I’m sure you spend a lot of time on your knees. More laughter breaks out.

My eyes sting as the meaning of his words sinks in. No, no, no. Don’t let him see you cry, Raquel Wipe those tears and pick yourself up.

Sniffing, I get up from the floor and bend down to pick up my books sprawled across the hall. Once rim done, I dust the slight dust off my knees and stand up straight. Then I face Leo.

“1. hate. you,” I spit out and his facial expression changes for a split second then that hard gaze is hark in his eyes.

“Darling, the feeling is mutual”

My chest starts hurting at his words. Am I having a chronic diseasel

Chapter 4

I’m not surprised by his words but damn, why does it fill like my heart is being pierced by a million tiny needles! I have every right to hate him but why does het

At least, I’ve gotten something from the encounter. I now know what I have to do.

Someone like Leo doesn’t deserve to be in my child’s life. He or she deserves someone better and I’m going to be that someone for them. I’m going to do my very best to make sure they never feel the absence of their father.

I hurriedly wipe the tears that spill before Leo notices them. He does. His eyes soften and his lips open up to say something but I don’t hear them because I’m already walking away.

Throughout the rest of the day, I make sure to avoid Leo, even going as far as having my lunch in the library

At the end of the day, I’m running home before the bell even stops ringing and I’m begging my mom to let me stay at home for the next day.

She agrees and that was the last day I saw Leo.

Before I know it. I’m strapped in the car with all our belongings shoved in the boot as my mom drives us into our new lives.

A new start. With my baby. Because that’s all I need.


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