
Chapter Pups 36

Chapter 36


Must suck huh? Having a feeling that someone was betraying you but not knowing who” I said and he nodded. What kind of power is that? it is still the same with someone who doesn’t have the power at all. As a matter of fact, this is a punishment. or should 1 rather call it a curse. Knowing you will be betrayed or that you’re being betrayed, but not knowing by whom. Thereby causing you to doubt everyone you were once close to. You begin to have trust issues. You don’t know who your friends or your enemies are. You begin to live everyday in skepticism. Just like he was

Not knowing which of his friends to disclose this information to as they were all suspects. He…“oh my! What the hell” The way he had jumped from his seat scared the shit out of me. I thought something bad had happened. “Collin… where is Collin? I just realized that I haven’t seen that fucker in like two weeks” Now that he said it, I reasoned and it was correct. Since the night Alec was murdered, I didn’t set my eyes on him

“He told Cade that he would be in the woods, hunting” Leo said to himself. Trying to put the pieces together

“But then, he has a strong alibi. Simone was with him throughout the night. There’s no way he would have left and Simone wouldn’t be aware, unless of course, they’re working together” As much as that made a lot of sense, it didn’t seem right. Simone was the last person to come to my mind on the suspect list. If it were someone like Raymond, then I would have been quick to accept the theory. Don’t ask me why, I just kind of don’t like the guy and there was something off about him

Knock Knock!

There was a knock on the door before the knob turned and the door creaked open, a guard poked his head in and asked if he was allowed to enter. I nodded and he did almost immediately. Alpha Leo!” He called, but the man didn’t answer nor did he turn around. He just kept on typing on his computer. “Co on” I urged the guard and he turned to me

“Dearest Luna. We found something on the..the mur.. murder scene” I got why he was stuttering at that part. It was annoying but he was only trying not to be insensitive. I stretched out my hand in order to collect whatever it was that they found, but it disappeared from the guard’s hand immediately. Leo dragged it. I stood up from the bed, and went to stand beside him. He unwrapped the item and it was a ring. The same ring that Collin always wore on the pinky finger on his right hand.

“You said you found this on the murder scene? Leo asked to be sure and the guard nodded “Yes Alpha”

“Alright. You can go, let me know if you find something else that would be meaningful to our search” he instructed “Yes Alpha the guard responded, gave a little now and left the room. Leo raised the ring up, trying to examine it. Clearly, he didn’t know who owned it

“It belongs to Collin” My voice sounded loud in the dead quiet room. He turned towards me sharply and raised a brow “How would

you happen to know that?” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “How is it possible that you’ve never seen that ring on Collins’s finger?” I answered back with a question


“You have quite a memory to be able to remember such minor features in a person obviously, he wasn’t going to take word for it. He still wanted to do more research. Just Leo being Leo. “Of course, and that ring is quite distinct too, tell me someone whom you know and is mentally stable, that would wear such a ring?” He didn’t say a word after

The figures on the ring were two animals having sex, a lion and a cow I guess. Make such things make sense. Apart from the fact that I had seen it on him multiple times, It was just so him. That was his style, Weirdness

Leo’s influence on my behavior was considerably higher than I thought. Now, I was so calm and collected. I had just found out the bastard behind the murder of my son and I wasn’t already going nuts and feeling betrayed or anything

This is unpopular, but Collin and I were actually friends. Yes he was a weirdo, but we still had eye contest matches and I won most of the time. We talked about his girlfriend who, from what he told me, had died. And that’s why he was here. To hide



17:14 Sun, Sep 8

Chapter 36

  1. OB.

from the authorities. I never saw him as a person capable of murder. Capable of murdering a child and innocent child who had done nothing to hurt or harm him

An innocent child whose life had just begun. If he had a problem with Leo then he should have faced him, rather than drag us into this. Remember I said I was calm and collected? Scratch that, I felt something watery run down my cheeks. I couldn’t control it. As I remembered all those times we spent together as family, back in Canada. The dinners where he and his brother would act like naughty brats, where they would say silly things and argue about them. His smile, his laughter, his cries. Everything, how I missed those days when I read them their bed time stories, and he would always sleep off before I got to the end and the next morning, he would argue that he listened up until the end

I missed him so much, I missed him alot. I had Aiden, but even Aiden was broken. It was like a very essential other half of him was ripped off. The Aiden I knew to be all jiggly and always excited to play and have fun. The Aiden who was most lively and cheerful. It was gone, all of it. Collin broke my baby boy. I knew there was no going back to the old self. He was too young to pass through shits like this. With all these going through my mind I couldn’t help but cry a river. Leo wrapped his large arm around my shoulder and squeezed. He was trying to comfort me

I knew, despite the fact that he acted all harsh and angry towards Collin, despite the fact that he acted like he couldn’t stand guys. I knew deep down, he liked him. I knew he saw him like a brother he claimed to have never had. This news was such a blow to him as it was to me. He never expected that the culprit was Collin


But then again, there was a loop, Collin wasn’t here around the time I was almost kidnapped. And the theory is that whoever did this, attempted the Kidnap also. That only meant that, he had been in the pack even before he showed his face to Leo

“Does this mean that Simone is the betrayer?” I asked and he paused for a while, then sighed “I don’t know, a lot of things would have played in the woods before Collin came to the training ground. There is the possibility that Simone knew all abour this, and seeing that I trusted him, Collin would use that as an alibi. And then there is also the possibility that Simone is dnaware of all these. Maybe Collin had Casted a spell on him, so that he thinks he is still there with him whereas he was long gone. Or he could have lied….a lot of things might have happened” he explained and I nodded. Are witches that powerful? I guess so

“Simone isn’t out of our reach, we could question him about it” I suggested and he agreed.

In Leo’s study, Simone was seated on the couch. He looked tensed up. I think he could feel it, that was a thing I discovered about Werewolves, they could feel when things are not alright. “Leo, did you find a lead on the investigation?” That was the first thing he asked when Leo walked in. In case you were wondering, I was there before him

“Yes Simone, I found something” Leo answered and raised the ring up, so that it was in view for everyone in the room, which was just the three of us. Simone didn’t seem to have recognized the ring. He stared at it, dumbfounded. Cade also raised a brow. It was just the four of us in there

“What is that? And how does it help us in finding out who is behind this?” It was Cade who asked. Seriously? No one recognized the ring from Collins’s finger? It was pretty too obvious if you asked me. Leo turned to my direction and whispered. “Are you sure you haven’t been checking that dude out?“I rolled my eyes and took the ring from him. He was wasting a lot of time, for all we know Collin might have noticed his ring missing and would have decided to flee by now

This ring belongs to Collin, and it was found at the murder scene. The scene in which my son was Murdered. Doesn’t it look familiar?” I was standing right in front of Simone now. He was no dumb idiot, he knew exactly what I was insinuating. He jumped on his feet and tried to keep and maintain a calm expression. But I could see right through him. His heart was thumping loud in his chest and I could hear it. Wait! How was that even possible? I didn’t know, but I had other more important issues that needed tending so I didn’t pay any attention to that new discovery

“What’s going on?” He asked and I sighed “You said you were with Collin all through the night and he didn’t leave your side. correct?” I asked another question and he nodded “Yes. That’s true” “But this ring that belongs to Collin which of course, I “know you’ve seen, was found at the murder scene. How did that happen? Maybe I should become a detective, I was pretty good at interrogations


17:14 Sun, Sep 8

Chapter 36


“I don’t know, why would you ask me that? Are you saying I’m lying? Is that what you mean? That I’m covering for him?” He asked, looking past me to his friend, Leo, but the man turned his face away. It was then that it dawned on him that there was no escaping this. But he refused to heed. He kept on denying it. That ring could have belonged to someone else. Collin is not the only person who wears that kind of a ring, and…I don’t even know the guy that much, I just met him and he requested that I go with him to the woods, because he wanted to go hunting…I wouldn’t. He was with me throughout the night” He was adamant

“Leo, you let this woman humiliate me like this all in the name of an interrogation? We are fucking best friends. We trust each other. Or at least I thought you did. I would never stand in your way of finding the truth. Alec was just like a nephew to me. I would never hurt him, more or less help murder him and you Know that…why are you letting this happen?” Leo’s head. was bent downwards for a few seconds then he walked up to me and held my hand. “He doesn’t know anything about it. Let’s find Collin. It would be best to interrogate him. It’s his ring after all” he whispered to my ears, but I think everyone the room heard it

“You can go now Simone” He said to his gamma and he left angrily or rather, he left feigning annoyance

“He’s lying” Cade’s voice echoed from behind us as soon as the door slammed shut. With how quiet he had been, I had almost forgotten he was there. “I know, I said what I said so that he would try to warn Collin. He can’t do that through mindinking I would know. So he would have to meet him in person as using a cell phone would also leave a trail” Leo explained and I smiled inwardly. That was a smart one

“I go with you” I said and he didn’t object. Surprising isn’t it? A lot had changed about him this past few weeks

“And I’ll check on Aiden, Cade informed. With that, we all left the study and made for our respective missions




17:14 Sun, Sep 8

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