Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Two...

“What did I say kicking someone’s arse 10 minutes into school grounds so pay up sister!”


I hand Jen 10 dollars and then we both start laughing again. Once in the office, we notice a woman who looks to be in her late 40′s giving me and Jen both death glares with a look that says ‘what the fuck’ which makes us laugh even harder for 5 more minutes. Once we calm down Jen turns to the lady.

“I’m sorry we just had a run-in with some girl and it was really funny.”

“Let me guess this girl’s name was Barbie wasn’t it.”

Jen and I both look at each other before nodding and turning back to the lady. and I say.

“Spot on there.”

“God that girl I’m sorry ladies.”

“It’s okay we’re new here we kind of expected it.”

“Oh, so you must be Jennifer and Michelle Christal. Am I right?”

“Yep, that’s us miss.”

“I’m Mrs Macintosh here are your locker’s and class schedules have a good day girls.”

“We’ll see thanks, Mrs Macintosh.”

Both Jen and I look down and compare our schedules and lockers.

1st period - Maths

2nd period - English

3rd period - Chemistry

4th period - Homeroom

5th period - Lunch

6th period - AP Biology

7th period - Gym

8th period - Gym

“Well good thing we have the same classes but do we really have to do gym on our first day.”

“I know like what the hell. But there is a good thing to it Jen.”

“Oh do enlighten me smart arse.”

“Hay no need for that aannyy way we can show off our skills.”

“Ye whatever come on let’s find our lockers.”

It takes us like 2 minutes to find our lockers mine is number 210 and Jens is to my left number 211, I go into my locker and find the books I need and place them into my book bag along with the school map and I see Jen throw her map away. Once both of us have our books we make our way to our first class of the day.

Once outside the classroom door since we were 15 minutes late we decided to make a grand entrance, we shared a look and wiggled our eyebrows whilst we counted to three in our heads with a smirk before we lifted one foot up and booted the door open with a huge bang which also caused the class and the teacher to jump before all eyes were on us. We step through the door into a very quiet classroom.

“God I’m so so sorry my sister here Michelle can be very clumsy sometimes.”

That bitch saying it is all me I’ll get her back at some point.

“That... That’s alright.”

Hey, I think we nearly made him have a heart attack!

That would have made my day.

“Sorry again I’m Michelle like my sister said and this is Jennifer we are new.”

“Pleased to meet you girl’s please take a seat.”

Jen and I make a beeline to the back of the room and take the last two seats. Class dragged on forever the only thing that was happening was the boys were trying to talk to us or just staring but the best part of the lesson was the teacher looked too scared to ask us any questions and he wouldn't even look at us haha. When the bell finally rang Jen was straight out of her seat and I was right behind her once out in the corridor we both link arms to make our way to another boring class.

“God that was boring I think mum’s trying to kill us.”

“Jen you are so dramatic I think if mum really wanted to kill us she would find a more fun way to do it.”

“Hahahaha ye your right. Something along the lines of chasing us through the woods with a chainsaw.”

“Or with knives on her finger’s like Freddie.”

“Hahaha god ye she would so try to recreate some horror to kill us.”

“yes, I can see that.”

I can see that multiple people are giving us weird looks because they heard what we were saying and I’m just smirking because of all of it.

We make it to our next class and the morning continued exactly the same. We both follow the other students towards the lunch hall. Jen’s dragging her feet being well slow and I’m hyper because I’ll be getting food my true love is food. Once we enter the lunchroom it went silent and everyone’s eyes were on us. Jen was looking around but my eyes were on the food whilst we are walking towards my heaven. I look around quickly and my eyes land on the bitch Barbie she was glaring at Jen and I which causes us both to smirk.

We both finally get our food which is pasta, pizza, and chips with a bowl of mixed fruit and a can of cola. What we love our food. We turn around to find a seat. We may love our food but that’s also because we both workout every day.

Hay Jen, why don’t we sit at the back?

Sounds good to me and it looks like them lot could do with cheering up.

Great, let’s go.

We stroll over to the back table feeling everyone’s eyes on us once we get there the girls all put their heads down.

“Hay can we sit here?”

“Um, I... Yep sure you can sit here.”

One of the girls said a bit unsure and only just looking at us we both give them soft smiles.

“Thanks, I’m Michelle and this is my sister Jennifer.”

I introduce us whilst we both sit down. They all look scared like we are going to eat them or bully them.

“Hey it’s okay we don’t bite. What are your names.”

Jen says trying to start a conversation as she starts eating her food whilst I devour mine.

“I... Um, I’m C-Clover. Nice to meet you.”

“That’s a nice name. What about your friends?”

“I’m Beth and this is Harley, Molly and her twin Milly.”

“Nice to meet you all.”

Jen and I say at the same time. It doesn’t take long for us all to chill and start joking with each other. I can’t believe I am actually getting on with these girls but I actually like them I think we will be great friends with them because usually, I’m not one to get on with anyone. A few minutes later everyone on our table had just finished eating and both me and Jen could feel someone coming up behind us I look over to clover and see that her and the girls have put their heads down me and Jen look at each other with raised eyebrows before we turned to see who was behind us.

We both turn around and see a group of 6 people coming up to us the front guy looks like a player I hate him already he had blue eyes shaggy blonde hair he’s about 5 ft 9 in and he looks about 10 stone. He’s well built. Barbie is stood right behind him with an ugly scowl on her face with her bitch squad.

This must be the quarterback we were told to stay away from. What do you think Jen?

It looks like it to me. But I don’t know what the fuck do they want!

Let’s find out!

“Can we help you?”

Jen asks standing up crossing her arms.

“Hay my name’s Brad and I just wanted to introduce myself to the newest and prettiest girls in the school.”

Jen looks at me with a blank face with her eyebrows raised her face saying ‘what the fuck’ then we both start sniggering.

“Hey what’s so funny?”

“I’m sorry but if Barbie hasn’t told you already shit like that won’t work on us so you can move along.”

“What won’t work?”

“No offence but you look like a player and you flirting won’t work on us but it was nice meeting you, Brad.”

“Can I at least get your name’s?”

“Sure I’m Michelle and this is my sister Jennifer.”

“Great see you, ladies, around.”

With Brad saying that Jen and I both burst into fits of laughter and the confused looks from everyone else made our laughter worse.

“We aren’t lady’s but see you around.”

Brad give us both a boyish grin like he had just won the lottery before he turned and walked back to his own table. Jen and I both shrug and turn back to the girls who are sat there with shock written across their faces.

“Hey girls you okay?”

“You... Just... What?”

“What Clover is trying to say is I can’t believe you just talked to Brad and like that no one and we mean no one has ever talked to him like that.”

“And why not it’s not like he’s anything special!”

“But that’s where your wrong he’s the player of the school if he doesn’t have Barbie with him then he has someone else he’s tried it on with nearly every girl in the school and he’s the quarterback everyone pretty much worships him. No one would ever think about saying no to him or talking to him like you two just did!”

“Well, then pretty boy needs to be knocked down a peg or two.”

We all start laughing at what Jen said the bell rings telling us it’s time for our next lesson. Jen groans as we chuck our rubbish away and we make our way out the lunchroom saying goodbye to all the girls me and Jen walk to our next class. It was a boring class but then near the end, I realize we have Gym next.

Shit now we have to go to gym I swear if we have to wear some skimpy shit I am going to flip!

Jen, it’s high school and they let girls walk around all day dressed like BARBIE then I think we will have to.

That’s what I’m not looking forward to.

But then we can show off our fit bodies Hay, show them what we got.

God, I am going to die.

I laugh out loud at that comment and Jen glares at me before she laughs with me as we both make our way down to the gym.

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