Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Seven

The next morning after eating our breakfast we find ourselves in Damon’s office talking about what we can do to stop mine and Ethan’s dad from getting me.

“We will put out more patrols to keep watch for anyone trying to get into the territory.”

“Well Michelle and I can help with training the pack, as you know we are fitter than most of them and we did a great job at fighting you two.”

Jen smirks as she says this and I do the same.

“I’m not really happy with that but if it makes you both feel better then yes you can help.”


Jen looks around before she says.

“Is there anything else we can do?”

“Hay Jen will you be able to sense him?”

I ask Jen and she looks over at me with a slight frown on her face shaking her head, both Jen and mum answer at the same time.



Jen leans forward looking straight at me.

“I’m sorry sis if I could I would but I’m not strong enough for that.”

“What do you mean!”

“If I try to sense him from now till we find him, I would only last 3 days before burning out.”

“Wait what are you talking about?”

Jen looks over to Damon just after he asks that question, we are all waiting for an answer. She looks back over to me and mum and I can tell by Jen’s wandering eyes on me that I still look pale and believe me I do not feel too good, I still feel light-headed and faint.

“Not sure but basically I can focus on one person or people around, if I’m looking for one it’s easier to pinpoint where they are with more its general area.”

“WOW! But how?”

“I don’t know! Mum?”

We all turn towards mum and wait for her answer.

“It comes from Jen’s Demon side, even with me pushing her Demon down her Demon is that strong that her senses where coming through, nothing I could do but it has helped her.”

Jen looks around and her eyes land on me and I can see she is curious about something.

“Michelle, you okay?”

“Yes, would you stop worrying.”

Jen gives me the ‘I don’t believe you’ look before she turns to mum.

“Do it!”

Mum nods to Jen and closes her eyes and starts chanting under her breathe.

“Wait what’s mum doing?”

“She’s finding out what you’re holding back!”

“What I’m not holding anything back!”

“Don’t lie to me am your sister I know when something is wrong with you!”

I let out a huff and cross my arms and sitting back in the chair. Mum stops chanting and her head snaps up to Jen. The fuck is going on.

“What is it, mum?”

“I need someone to go and get somethings.”

“I can.”

Ethan says, mum nods her head and grabs a pad and pen writing on it faster than I could see what it was, ripping it off she hands it to Ethan.

“Get everything as fast as you can.”

“Got it, mum.”

He says making everyone smile before he hurries out of the room. Mum turns to me and Jen with a straight face, this means she has got something.

“Okay I have good news and bad news.”

“Bad first.”

I say and I can tell it surprises Jennifer. We quickly put our full focus on mum and what she has to tell us.

“I know why Michelle’s not been very well.”

“Well come on don’t keep us waiting!”

“I know Jen calm down, it’s a spell, someone has cast a spell to slowly make Michelle weaker.”

“Okay what’s the good!”

I ask because I know for a fact that Jen is getting royally pissed off with someone hurting me.

“The good is as soon as Ethan gets back with everything on the list I can reverse it and there won’t be a problem.”


Nik says whilst he takes a seat next to me, I see Jen lean back against Damon’s desk crossing her arms over her chest.

“Mum try again!”

“What? Why?”

“Mum just do it!”

Jen says more determined than before, so mum gets straight to it bowing her head closing her eyes and chanting loads of different words. What is happening, mums doing that and Jen is looking like she just had a revelation. I start seeing little black dots. Mum stops chanting and she looks at Jen with slight confusion on her face.

“How did you know?”

“Really mum, you think I wouldn’t work out that if it was supposed to be slow working then she would have had symptoms before yesterday.”

“True you girls have always been like that.”

“Mum what’s going on, don’t forget the rest of us waiting.”

“Sorry, so it looks like Jen was right to get me to check again because the spell had a cover spell, that sneaky bastard.”

I look at mum confused but she continues to explain that it wasn’t a slow working spell that could have been working for a little while longer than I haven’t been well but that one was a cloaking spell that covers the spell that has actually been put on me. I watch as Ethan comes back in the room with loads of things in his arms and passes them to mum as she continues explaining. Like what the fuck why has someone put a spell on me, people love me. Ha no I know for a fact it would have been my dad especially with that letter that he left. The spell that is on me is a fast working one that makes me weak and damn I feel weak as well.

Ethan calls Jen’s name so I look over and see that she has her eyes clenched shut, I know what she is doing she is trying to locate the dick of a dad, both mum and I tell everyone to shut the fuck up then suddenly she shouts and clutches her head in her hands.


Jen is breathing heavily sat with Damon and the rest of the guys are asking loads of different questions at once. Jen puts her hand up until they all stop talking before blurting out.

“He’s a state away.”

“How far out?”

Jen looks at mum and me.

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean whatever witch he has helping him had done something stopping me from being more precise.”

Jen rubs her temples before she continues.

“All I can say is that he’s not that far away, which means he’s close and probably planning on acting soon. Mum do whatever witchy thing to keep Michelle safe.”

Mum nods and starts pulling a lot of things out of a shopping bag whilst chanting some weird arse words.

“Anyone want a brew?”

Jen asks and literally everyone in the office said yes but I was the most enthusiastic person there and that made Jen have a small smile touching her lips whilst she is walking out of the office and to the kitchen.

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