Princess Medical Doctor

Chapter 141: Value and Send them to Wangfei’s room

Chapter 141: Value and Send them to Wangfei’s room

Lin Chujiu haven’t made up her mind, but she knows that Xiao Tianyao wouldn’t let her say no. So since things already become like this, she no longer wanted to try to escape or regret and just concentrate to solve this matter.

During Divine Doctor Mo’s treatment to Xiao Tianyao’s legs, Lin Chujiu was present most of the time, so she knows enough information about Xiao Tianyao’s legs condition, that a doctor should have known.

Divine Doctor Mo might be a selfish and despicable person. But, his medical skills are truly remarkable. And if by chance she didn’t have the medical system, Lin Chujiu admits that her medical skills are far inferior to him.

After all, with Divine Doctor Mo’s treatment plan, Xiao Tianyao legs shows sign of improvement. And if he continued that treatment, Xiao Tianyao will definitely be able to walk in less than three months. Unfortunately, that dragon soul thing made it impossible to achieve. And the emperor took away Divine Doctor Mo right after that incident, so they couldn’t continue the treatment.


The next day morning, Xiao Tianyao came over to Lin Chujiu’s place and found out that she still has no plan with his treatment, so his eyes flashed with a trace of dissatisfaction.

But because Lin Chujiu was not looking at him at that moment, she didn’t see his reaction. Lin Chujiu casually took a chair and sat down on the opposite side of Xiao Tianyao and said: “Stretch out your arm.”

She is also a doctor, so she knows how to show courtesy to a patient. She knows what she must and mustn’t do.

Xiao Tianyao extended his arm, but say a warning tone: “Chujiu, don’t provoke benwang’s anger.” If he becomes angry, Lin Chujiu won’t definitely be able to face it.

“I keep my promise.” Lin Chujiu said while putting her fingers on Xiao Tianyao’s pulse. Then, she closes her eyes as if she was thinking. But actually, she is checking his condition with the help of the medical system.

To back up Divine Doctor Mo’s treatment plan before, Lin Chujiu’s treatment plan must be more scientific advance, but reasonable. Fortunately, this month, with Doctor Wu’s careful treatment, Xiao Tianyao’s legs injury didn’t deteriorate.

Lin Chujiu couldn’t grasp how much Xiao Tianyao’s legs improved earlier. But now, she knows that his legs will improve by 70%.

Lin Chujiu recover her hand and said with a serious face: “Your blood vessels are still clogged. The blood clots haven’t completely dissolved. If we try to remove them, your legs will recover by 70%. But as for whether you will be able to walk normally, we’ll learn that after your rehabilitation.”

“How do you plan to remove them?” Xiao Tianyao asked. Because he needs to grasp every situation in his hands, regardless of his trust to her.

“It’s just a minor surgery, I just need to make two small cuts in your legs and removed the blood clots through it.” Lin Chujiu said her plans without hiding anything.

Xiao Tianyao understands the meaning of each word she said. But, he can’t imagine the whole process, so he got very puzzled. Xiao Tianyao frowned his eyebrows and said: “Be more specific!” contemporary romance

“I can’t explain more. Why don’t you give me a rabbit and I’ll show you the process instead.” Lin Chujiu had been with Xiao Tianyao for a long time now, so she knows how suspicious a person he is.

So, instead of explaining, she better show it in front of him.

“Go and grab ten rabbits.” Xiao Tianyao generously commanded. But, Lin Chujiu got shocked, so she immediately said: “I won’t kill it. One is enough.”

“Then, keep it and play.” He won’t change his command even if he was wrong.

That won’t affect their current situation, so Lin Chujiu no longer insist. And because she was too lazy to care about Xiao Tianyao’s craziness. Lin Chujiu stood up and said: “I’ll go back to my room and prepare.”

Lin Chujiu has this medical box in her room. A medical box that is not allowed to be touch by her maidservants. Xiao Tianyao didn’t ask those maidservants to check it, but... ...

Lin Chujiu seems very aware of his personality. Because every time he will send a person to take the medicine box for him to see. The medicine box was always empty. And he only sees a note saying: “Wangye, are you satisfied with what you have seen? Next time, I will put a poison in it for your hands to rot. Don’t blame me if that happens.”

Is it a coincidence? It is a coincidence if it only happened once. But, if it’s two to three times or more, it’s no longer a coincidence, right?

So, after several attempts, Xiao Tianyao who no longer wanted to look cheap had to give up. But, in regards to poison, with Lin Chujiu’s personality, it’s very unlikely for her to commit such arson. Because if she really could, then the whole Xiao Wangfu had been rotten dead by now.

Well, if she really has the gallbladder, she wouldn’t obediently get married into the Xiao Wangfu, right?

In fact, Xiao Tianyao really overestimated Lin Chujiu. Because Lin Chujiu doesn’t know that he had sent someone to take her medicine box. Her medicine box has always been emptied. While the note just stays there. Meaning... ...

Sometimes, a wise person just thinks too much.


Lin Chujiu went back to her room and ask Zhenzhu to wait for her outside. Then, she opens her medicine box and put inside the equipment and medicines that she took from the medical system.

This medicine box is special to Lin Chujiu. Because even though it was small, it’s layout is good and reasonable. Every corner of it makes her things look neat. So, even though it was full, her things doesn’t look messy.

After putting the medicines and equipment altogether. Lin Chujiu also put two surgical gowns and several gloves and mask inside.

Lin Chujiu doesn’t know what are the things that Xiao Tianyao might not need. So, it’s still better for her to prepare everything in advance and so that Xiao Tianyao won’t get surprised when she uses it.

After she finished preparing, Lin Chujiu carried her medicine box, then come out of her room. Zhenzhu came forward to help her, but she flatly rejects and just said: “I’ll carry it myself.”

What happened to Mo Yuer is a big lesson. And that is, it’s better to carry one’s own things. She shouldn’t let others touch her things. So that if something went wrong, she could only blame herself and no one else.

Lin Chujiu who was carrying the box went back to the floral hall and sits. Her forehead has thin layers of sweats. So when Xiao Tianyao sees it, he somewhat felt responsible: “Why didn’t you let your maidservant carry it.”

After saying those words, Xiao Tianyao took out his handkerchief to wipe Lin Chujiu’s sweat. But, Lin Chujiu raise her hand and wipe her sweat with her sleeve. Her action looks natural and skillful. So, she definitely had done it a thousand times.

How rude!

Xiao Tianyao helplessly shook his head, but his face shows a trace of happiness.

He doesn’t hate this side of her.

However, Xiao Tianyao who suddenly took out his handkerchief out of nowhere was forced to wipe his hands to disguised his intention. He actually doesn’t want to disguise his intention, because he doesn’t want Lin Chujiu to think he’s a clean freak.

But, if he won’t disguise it, and Lin Chujiu learn his intention, she will definitely spit out blood in anger.

Not long after, Housekeeper Cao personally came to report and brought ten big fat rabbits. All of them has pure white fur, so all of them look so beautiful.

Seeing all them, the corner of Lin Chujiu’s mouth twitch. She is not a pet lover. She only needs one to show the process of the surgery.

Xiao Tianyao was very satisfied, so he asked Lin Chujiu: “Where do you want to put them?”

“Take one out and you take care of the others.” Lin Chujiu said. It’s not like she hates those rabbits, it’s just, she has no energy to spare on them. And it’s been so long since she raised a pet.

“Send the others to Wangfei’s room.” Xiao Tianyao is really decided to make those pets stayed with Lin Chujiu. Lin Chujiu glared at Xiao Tianyao, but she didn’t oppose him.

After all, whether he agrees or not, she will throw away those rabbits later. So, there is no reason to argue.

Additionally, Xiao Tianyao is a man who likes bullying. So, if she said everything that is inside her mind, this day won’t end in a good way... ...

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