
Chapter Pregnant 35

Chapter 35


“He won’t stop, Collins! I can’t keep him from the boys much longer. I paced the clinic office agitatedly after hours while Collins watched me with worried eyes.

“Nathan’s always been relentless as a bloodhound once he fixates on something.” Collins agreed grimly. “What are you going to do

I sank down on the old leather sofa, emotionally exhausted. “I don’t know. He’s not totally wrong they deserve to know their father someday.” I looked down, ashamed. “But how can I ever trust Nathan near them after everything?”

Collins moved to sit beside me, radiating steadfast support. “You’re trying to make an impossible choice, Terra. But those boys are fortunate their mother puts their wellbeing first, no matter what.”

I blinked back useless tears, beyond grateful for this man who knew my tangled history with Nathan yet never judged. Collins simply accepted the boys and me as family, filling roles we desperately needed. With him in my corner, I could weather any adversity.

That reminder bolstered me enough to make it through the chaotic workday without completely crumbling under the oppressive weight pressing down. As long as I kept moving, staying present in each task or conversation, I could keep the creeping darkness at bay a little longer.

Late that afternoon, a surprise visitor stopped by my office- Nathan’s father, the former Alpha. I blinked in shock to see his imposing figure in my humble doorway, feeling suddenly self-conscious about the cramped space.

*Elder Wolf, welcome. What brings you today?” I asked politely, hoping my unease didn’t show.

But his keen gaze seemed to bore straight through to my soul. I’m still recovering strength after a long illness. Hoping for some of your restorative teas.”

Though simple enough, his request made me hesitate. The former Alpha had always taken pride in enduring sickness or injury without complaint. Why seek help now?

Still, turning him away was unthinkable. “Of course, I have just the blend. Please have a seat while I prepare some.”

Soon the earthy aroma of steeping herbs filled the small exam room where I had ushered him. But an air of expectant gravity remained between us. I busied my shaking hands preparing supplies for an impromptu check-up to fill the tense


After glancing at his vitals and proclaiming them strong, I finally met the former Alpha’s piercing but not unkind gaze directly. “Your health seems excellent considering the ordeal you endured. I suspect you had other motives for visiting today?”

One corner of his mouth lifted approvingly. “Never could slip much past you, little healer. Yes, I’m here about the uneasy wind now blowing through my son’s spirit.”

I stiffened. So this impromptu visit was Nathan’s doing. “Alpha, Ldon’t know what Nathan told you, but ”

He held up a staying hand. “Peace. I’m not here on any fool’s crusade of his.” Sadness tinged his expression. “I know the truth dwells in a few words left unspoken between you both.”

I studied his haggard features. However heavy the burdens Nathan now shouldered, they weighed perhaps even more heavily on this proud wolf who had guided the pack for so long, could not add to his pains by reopening old wounds

“You needn’t worry yourself over this, alpha, I said gently. “I can reason with Nathan in time. Focus on continuing to regain your strength

Fri, Aug 23

Chapter 35


The former Alpha appraised me with ancient eyes that seemed to delve to my very soul. “You protect others too readily at cost to yourself, child.” His calloused hand covered my own. “But now I consider you and yours under my mantle also,

whatever comes.”

Unexpected tears pricked at his heartfelt pledge. After long years adrift, this gruff wolf’s unquestioning loyalty still meant everything. Thank you,” I whispered hoarsely.

We sat in strangely comfortable silence until the tea kettle whistled, breaking the spell. I carefully poured two steaming mugs. doctor and patient roles slipping back into place smoothly.

But as we sipped the fragrant brew, lighter conversation carrie naturally again. The former Alpha trusted me with colourful tales of Nathan as a rambunctious pup that had me chuckling despite the day’s shadows. In return I shared innocuous clinic stories, allowing this brief interlude of unexpected camaraderie to balm my weary soul.

Too soon the winter afternoon light faded, signalling the former Alpha should head home before the cold deepened. I packed extra herbal tea bags and vitamins for him, touched by his unexpected visit However brief, the kindness had nurtured a flicker of hope I could hold darkness at bay a little longer.

After seeing the former Alpha safely to his waiting car, I stood alone on the clinic steps as dusk wrapped the little valley in deepening blue shadow. For the first time all day, I felt able to draw full breaths again. Hot tears trickled down my cheeks, washing away some fear and anger.

But the fragile peace was short-lived. Strident knocking sent dread spiralling through me again. I turned to find Nathan looming in the doorway, fire blazing in his eyes.

“What did you say to my father?” he demanded without preamble.

I instinctively moved to block his path inside. “Nothing of consequence. He simply came seeking medicinal tea”

Nathan’s lip curled derisively. “Yes, I’m sure it was all very innocuous. I know you’re trying to turn him against me, just as you poison so many with your lies!”

His bitter accusations battered already bruised emotions. But I stood steadfast. “I’ve never asked your father or anyone else to take sides, Nathan. Nor will L

We stared at each other, every muscle tensed for combat. Then Nathan’s furious expression cracked, sheer anguished desperation shining through.

“Just talk to me, Terra, I beg you! Before this rift between us becomes permanent.”

The rawness in his tone caught me off guard. This was not the aggressive Alpha demanding answers, but the young man who had once been a tender friend. Could redemption be found between us, if I let down my guard?

But then childish laughter echoed from the exam rooms down the hall, lancing straight to my heart. The innocent joy I would sacrifice anything to preserve from the ugliness between Nathan and 1.

Face shuttering closed again, I stepped firmly away. “I can’t give you what you want. Please, just move on Before he could argue, I retreated inside, locking the doors with an air of finality.

Through the glass I saw Nathan’s shoulders slump in defeat for only a moment before anger tightened them again. He spun on his heel and stalked away, barely leashed fury in every line of his powerful body. I knew this was far from over.

Over the next week, Nathan’s covert surveillance became increasingly overt. I frequently spotted his sleek car idling nearby as I ran errands or picked the boys up from school.

Often I felt prickles of awareness, turning to catch glimpses of his imposing figure observing from a distance. The subtle intimidation wore at already fragile nerves.

“We need to get out of here for awhile,” I told Collins one evening after double-checking the locks and shutters. “Take the

09:46 Fri, Aug 23

Chapter 35

boys up to your cabin by the lake this weekend. The change of scenery will do everyone good.”

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Though worry lurked in Collins’ eyes, he nodded. “I think that’s wise. I’ll pick them up from school tomorrow so you’re not. being watched.”

I exhaled slowly. Thank you. Hopefully some distance will make Nathan see reason.” But an uneasy pit in stomach suggested the coming confrontation was unavoidable now, only delayed a little longer.


After kissing the boys goodbye outside school the next day, it was agonising to turn my car towards the clinic alone instead of following them to the safety of Collins’ cabin retreat.

But work would keep me occupied and hopefully prevent alerting Nathan.

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