
Chapter Pregnant 22

Chapter 22



As the steady beep of the heart monitor filled the quiet hospital room, I let out a long breath. The former Alpha’s condition had finally stabilised after days of touch-and-go uncertainty. Modern medicine had worked its magic under my and Collins’

attentive care.

Nathan kept vigil at his father’s bedside, features softening almost imperceptibly in relief. No words were needed to express our shared hopes kindled anew. For now, the ever-present shadows had receded.

I slipped outside to update Derek and Lianna, the estate’s leadership needing assurance their beloved former leader was on the mend. Their stoic relief echoed my own churning emotions. Sleep could wait a bit longer.

With the crisis tempering for now, my thoughts turned to the three bright souls I had missed dearly through this ordeal- my rambunctious boys. Collins’ steady updates and photos had lifted my spirits, but nothing could replace holding them


I decided I had earned a quick ride home to see my family. Derek arranged an inconspicuous car, wise enough not to question my motives. The forested backroads lulled me into a thoughtful calm as I made the familiar journey.

Too soon, the cheerful penthouse came into view. My breath caught at the welcoming sight. Joyful peals of childish laughter rang out as I stepped from the car.

Before I made it halfway up the walk, three wild-haired figures came barreling from the porch, yelling “Mommy!” in delighted unison.

I dropped to my knees, arms flung wide to catch their exuberanchugs. Their sweet scents and uncontrolled energy engulfed me as we tumbled together on the soft grass. I buried my nose in Landon’s curls, squeezed Luke and Levi tight, unable to stop smiling and murmuring affection through joyful tears. This was soul-deep nourishment.

Collins ambled over, giving us space for our enthusiastic reunion. But I soon extricate myself to wrap him in a fierce, grateful hug too.

“Thank you for holding down the fort,” I whispered. He smiled into my hair.

“Of course. But we’ve missed our glue keeping things together” Drawing back, his brow furrowed slightly. “You look beat, Terra. Everything okay?”

I touched his hand reassuringly. “Just a difficult case. But I’ll tell you about it later. Right now I just need my boys.”

The rest of the too-brief visit passed in a blur of gleeful chaos-playing games, reading stories, tickles and cuddles before bedtime. Simple joys that realigned my world, reminding me what truly mattered. I tucked their sleeping forms in snugly breathing prayers of gratitude over them.

Out in the moonlit yard I swayed gently on the porch swing, Collins’ solid warmth beside me. Cicadas hummed a lulling cadence. For these stolen hours, the estate’s looming pressures seemed to melt away

Collins waited for me to speak first, ever-patient. I kept it simple for now. “A family friend fell ill suddenly. I had to pull out all the stops to stabilise him.”

“Sounds intense. But I know you’ve got this.” Collins gave my shoulders a reassuring squeeze. “Let me know if you need anything. I don’t mind the extra kid chaos.”

I smiled tiredly, leaning into him. “Thank you. Just knowing they’re safe here helps more than you know.”

Chapter 22


We sat quietly together until reluctantly admitted I should head back. Collins walked me to the car, the moon lighting his thoughtful expression. “Get some rest when you can, okay? And come home soon. To all of us.”

I nodded through a tight throat, hugging him fiercely once more Collins’ steady presence would keep everything in balance. But leaving my sanctuary still felt like tearing off a piece of my soul all over again.

During the long drive back, I allowed a few bitter tears before forcibly regaining composure. I had chosen to follow this difficult path. And much work remained to see it through. My family was a warm light guiding me – I just had to keep putting one foot in front of the other until I reached them again

By the time the estate’s imposing silhouette came into view, I felt centred once more. Now I could resume my role as healer with renewed purpose.

Stepping back into the elegant suite where the former Alpha lay sleeping, the antiseptic smells again replacing the cabin’s warmth, I squeezed Nathan’s shoulder gently in reassurance. He gave me a weary but grateful look.


“Your father’s condition is excellent now, I affirmed. “Once he’s home again, he should recover well with attentive care and


“Thank the moon,” Nathan exhaled. “I know my absence has been long, but the pack needs assurance their Alpha is capable. You’ve helped restore their faith. His candid words acknowledged the foundational role I had played in this hard-won victory over fate.

I simply inclined my head in acceptance. “Now go get some decent rest yourself. Doctor’s orders”

The answering twinkle in Nathan’s exhausted eyes lifted my spirits. Together we had brought his father back from the brink against odds.

With compassion and trust, perhaps there were brighter days still ahead. If I focused on paying forward the kindness others so freely gave me, I could get through anything.

“How’s our patient doing today?” Collins asked, handing me a steaming mug as I shuffled into the clinic’s cosy kitchen.

I sighed, sinking gratefully onto a stool and wrapping my hands around the warm ceramic. “Much improved, thankfully. His strength returns a little more each day.”

Collins nodded, leaning against the counter to sip his own coffee, eyes crinkling with shared relief. “That’s wonderful to her All your tireless care is clearly paying off.”

I smiled tiredly, blowing gently on the fragrant liquid before taking a cautious first sip. The rich dark brew immediately helped clear the lingering hospital antiseptic smells from my nose.

“Well, I can’t take all the credit,” I admitted. “Your steady help these past hours was invaluable. I don’t know how I would’ve managed without you there.”

Collins waved off my praise, but his expression softened all the same. “We make a good team. But I know you haven’t had a real break since this whole crisis started. Maybe you should take a quick ride to see the boys soon? They miss you like crazy.”

My shoulders tensed instinctively at the suggestion, despite my heart leaping eagerly at the thought of holding my rambunctious trio close again. It had been weeks since I was home. But the risk still felt too great.

“I don’t know…” I hedged, staring down at the swirling dark liquid

Collins reached over and gave my arm a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay, Terra. I know it’s complicated. But you deserve some time with them. I can hold down the fort here.*

1 bit ny lip, wavering. The warm encouragement in Collins’ deep brown eyes and understanding tone slowly dissolved my hesitance. He was right – 1 had been spread thin for so long. One brief visit would restore my flagging spirits.

09:43 Fri, Aug 23

Chapter 22

“Alright, you’ve convinced me. I conceded with a small but genione smile. “Tll plan to sneak away for an evening soon.

Thank you.”

Collins grinned, giving my shoulder a light squeeze before standing to rinse out his empty mug. “Anytime. Let me know the day and I’ll get the ice cream sandwiches stockpiled and action movie queue prepped for their arrival!”

I laughed, the last of the tension easing from my frame. With Collins’ stalwart help, I could allow myself this small respite. without anxiety. He kept our little family glued together in my absence. My gratitude for his steady presence in our lives

swelled once more.

Over the next few days, I waited anxiously for the right window of opportunity. The former Alpha improved daily under my attentive care, but I remained wary of leaving too long until his strength was more secured.

Nathan kept nearly constant vigil at his father’s bedside, leaving the the sole medical authority monitoring his fragile



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