Pregnant and Rejected By My Alpha Mate: Part 3

– Chapter 144


As a general rule, I try not to judge people based on appearances, but I can’t recall ever seeing a bigger bunch of misfits than I’m staring at now. Gnarled, grizzled and tattooed, the rogues in front of me are so stereotypically rough looking it’s actually laughable. It’s as if a casting director put up an ad for outcasts and every muscle-bound ruffian in the city turned up to audition.

Oh well, I might not care for their style, but there’s no question, they’re exactly what I need. With Bastien gone, the opportunity to cause disruptions in the pack are higher than ever, I’d be a fool not to take advantage.

“You’re sure the Alpha isn’t here?” The lead shifter demands, sharpening a knife in an obvious bid to look intimidating.

Ridiculous, I think. What kind of shifter resorts to weapons, you’ve got built-in knives in your paws!  Of course, his act might be more believable if he wasn’t so concerned with whether or not an authority figure was present in the territory.

“I’m positive, it’s been all over the news for days.” I explain, tossing a newspaper at their feet. “The city is in the hands of his Betas, and trust me, they are nothing compared to Bastien Durand. You’ll have free reign.”

The man briefly scans the document before nodding and tossing it to one of his compatriots. “Why are you doing this?” The leader questions, making me roll my eyes. So distrustful.

“Because the worse people think of Bastien, the better things are for me.” I drawl. “Trust me, we’re on the same side here.”

“I don’t trust anyone.” The shifter grumbles, trying to sound menacing.

“You’ve also seen way too many crime dramas.” I remark, “Now stop wasting my time, are you in or are you out?”

The oversized rogue glances at his accomplices. For a few brief moments, I wonder if they’ll turn on me and my mind begins running simulations: can I take them, or should I run? However my fears are for naught. After a moment the hulking men nod in agreement. “We’re in.”

A triumphant grin splits my face in two, and I pivot to the side, sweeping my arm in a gesture of welcome, “Then welcome, gentlemen.” I announce, “Elysium is yours for the taking.”

The assorted bandits charge past me with a cheer, shifting mid-stride and charging across the boundary line dividing Nova lands from neutral territory. They leap over the bodies of the sentries I dispatched, and take off through the woods, heading straight for the center city.



The television mounted on the wall across from my bed has been an absolute lifesaver during my confinement. I have a few books and magazines to distract me, but nothing transports me away from my current predicament better than a good movie or mind-numbing sitcom. Besides, the TV has also become my only outlet to the outside world. Drake and Odette won’t bring me any newspapers (claiming to forget I requested them every time I ask) but they can’t stop me from watching the news.

Of course, when the morning shows begin on the fifth day of my hospitalization, I begin to think that maybe they had a point about keeping me in the dark. Things aren’t going well. Actually, that’s an understatement, based on the grim looking reporters and scrolling text across the bottom of the screen, Elysium is in big trouble.

“Last night central Elysium was beset by rogues who apparently infiltrated the territory in a bid to take advantage of Alpha Bastien’s absence.” One of the newscasters is saying. “Two sentries were killed along the borderlands, and a stream of violent crimes rocked the city in the early hours of the morning including three bank robberies, eight car thefts, a dozen break ins, five hold ups and three homicides.”

The reporter’s colleague takes up the next segment of lines, “Elysium has not suffered an infiltration on this scale in living memory and in only a few hours, these despicable outsiders terrorized what was once considered the safest corner of the city on an unprecedented scale. Never before has central Elysium seen such a dramatic surge in violence and one has to wonder if this tragedy could ever have occurred if our Alpha was home where he belongs.”

My heart sinks with every word they speak, but if I thought all these developments were distressing, I was about to be proved very wrong. The headlines scrolling below the newsdesk foreshadow the next headlining story, and I’m horrified to see my own name listed. Breaking News – Selene Durand is confirmed to be breeding and hospitalized with severe morning sickness, but the Alpha remains missing in action.

“After Odette Durand was sighted leaving Elysium Central hospital with her granddaughter Lila yesterday, this reporter learned that they were visiting Selene while she remains confined to bed suffering a bout of hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition resulting in extreme nausea and dehydration during pregnancy.” A new reporter is depicted holding a microphone outside the hospital, followed by a recording of Odette and Lila leaving the prior afternoon.

My mouth gapes open in shock and outrage. I’m half tempted to go to the window and look to see if this is really happening live, but the last thing I want is to have my own image added to the ridiculous news story. “Needless to say, the Alpha’s absence while his mate is not only breeding, but hospitalized, comprises an unthinkable offense. Breeding is a highly sensitive period for fated mates, and the idea that our leader could possibly leave his mate in such a vulnerable condition is absolutely reprehensible.”

So much for unbiased reporting. I think bitterly.

Why is this happening? Luna whines, this isn’t fair, they don’t know what’s going on.

They don’t need to. I remind her, they have a platform, they can say whatever they want.

But it isn’t true! She insists.

I know, but the only way we can challenge them is…

What? Luna prompts.

I think I have an idea.


“I have to give an interview.” I state firmly.

Dr Kane’s eyes bulge out of his head. “That is out of the question.”

“Please hear me out.” I beg, “I have to set the record straight. The pack needs to know Bastien hasn’t abandoned them.”

“You mean they need to know he hasn’t abandoned you?” He analyzes skeptically.

“No.” I push back. “This isn’t about me, not beyond making it clear that he’s not neglecting his duties as a mate. But that’s only so that they won’t question his integrity. If it were merely a matter of my reputation I wouldn’t care.”

“Selene,” Thomas sighs, clearly ramping up for a lecture.

“No, please just listen,” I request. “This is far bigger than my relationship with Bastien. This is about the rogues that infiltrated, this is about making sure people know he isn’t off galavanting around while the pack suffers. You know as well as I do that when people feel unsafe and unsettled, they act in ways that only make things worse. We have to keep the peace.”

“I’m not objecting to your logic.” Dr. Kane insists. “My objection is to the strain an interview might place on you. You aren’t well enough to endure interrogation.”

“Well that’s good,” I counter, “Because it won’t be an interrogation.” For once I’ve embraced my cunning. No reporter in their right mind would be ruthless towards a pregnant she-wolf, not if they want to keep their career. If they try to do too much hard-hitting reporting they’ll only look like bullies and make me seem the victim. “They’ll lob me a few soft-ball questions, and I’ll defend my mate.”

“Selene, you can’t be sure that will happen.’ Dr Kane cautions me.

“Of course I can.” I insist. “Because you’ll guarantee it. You’ll advise the newscasters not to upset me, and they’ll go easy as a result.”

He stubbornly shakes his head, “I’m sorry, Selene. I can’t endorse this.”

“I’m not asking you to endorse this.” I correct, “I’m telling you: This is the way it’s going to be.”

The doctor takes a step back, looking surprised and alarmed. “Selene, I-”

“Dr. Kane, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” I state simply, “And I appreciate how grave your concern is for my well being, but please understand this is something I have to do. I’m not just a patient, I’m the Alpha’s mate. It’s my responsibility to step up when the pack is in trouble.”

His eyes widen almost imperceptibly, and maybe it’s my imagination, but I’m sensing a new-found respect from the physician. “I’ll make the arrangements.” He agrees, “But I also withhold the right to shut the interview down if I think it’s causing you too much stress.

Extending my palm, I smile widely, “Deal.”


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