Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate: Part 1

: Chapter 19

3 Days Until the Rejection Ceremony

Selene’s POV

I haven’t seen or spoken to Bastien since the night of Gabriel’s birthday party, despite my efforts to get in touch with him.

I barely slept that night, though I never sleep well without Bastien. I tossed and turned, wondering where he’d gone, what had happened. It’s clear to me that he was drugged, but I cannot even begin to understand everything that happened between us in those few short hours. All I know is I’m done.

The last few weeks have been a blur, more confusing and eventful than any since we married. I can barely think straight with everything that is going on, but I think I’ve finally understood that Elysium – and the life I’ve lived here – is in the past.

I was never meant to stay here forever. I do not belong, and this chapter of my story is ending fast. Our rejection ceremony is in three days; after that I will start fresh somewhere new.

My selfish heart wants nothing more than to spend every last second of my remaining time with my husband, even if he doesn’t want me there. Regardless of my wishes, it is not an option. I don’t know where Bastien is or how he’s feeling, though I imagine it must be a considerable relief for him to finally be free to do as he wishes in life.

I’m on my way to the library, intent on researching other packs to help me decide where to go once the rejection is complete. I know embarrassingly little about the world beyond this city, and though I know well enough not to go anywhere near my mother’s pack, I don’t have the faintest idea where I should turn for refuge.

I’m seated on the city line bus, watching Elysium fly by outside the tall, wide windows. I’ve only ridden the bus a few times over the last few years, mostly in moments like this one when I don’t want Bastien to know what I’m doing.

I know my husband well enough to realize that though he might not want to be married to me, he would never approve of me leaving. He and Gabriel think of me as their responsibility, their ward – neither will want me out of their sights.

Luckily for me, it isn’t their decision.

I scan the paper in my hand, a quickly jotted list of nearby territories to get me started. I catch the man beside me eyeing the paper too, and quickly fold it closed. There had only been one available seat when I boarded, and though my neighbor’s leering gaze has made me nothing but uncomfortable, I’ve comforted myself with the knowledge that this is only a short trip.

When the bus finally pulls to a stop outside the library I rise to my feet so quickly my head spins. I stride quickly from the oversized vehicle, my stomach dropping below my navel when I realize the man who’d sat next to me departing as well.

I make for the library entrance with a racing heart, unsure whether my instincts are trying to warn me of real danger or if my past trauma is playing tricks with my mind. I slip inside the historic building, pulling an armful of volumes from the shelves and finding a table near the circulation desk.

Once I’m sure I’m alone I dial Bastien’s cell, still anxious about the man from the bus. I hide my phone beneath the curtain of my hair, worried the librarian might take offense if he realizes I’m making a call. However there was no need to be concerned, because Bastien doesn’t answer. My call goes straight to voicemail, as do the next five calls I make.

I shouldn’t be surprised, I’ve tried calling him a dozen times over the past few days to no avail. I understood his silence before, after all I clearly told him in my texts and voicemails that I wanted to discuss the rejection ceremony. I can sympathize with the desire to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

But this is different. I need him – and he isn’t here for me.

I spend more than an hour pouring through the texts, feeling marginally more confident when I finally leave, but still undecided about where I should go. I like the idea of the Eros pack, who control a vast territory in the west, but I worry about their ties to the Nova’s.

The Eros pack leaders had been at Gabriel’s birthday, their heir rescued me from drowning. They knew me. If I went there would they betray my location, the existence of my child, to Bastien? The same problem was true of the Vega pack. I need to avoid our allies. I think firmly.

As I’m leaving the library I notice a familiar scent, one that makes me stop in my tracks. It is not merely the fact that I recognize the scent which startles me, but the realization that I’m smelling it at all. Ever since I lost Luna my wolf senses have been nonexistent – I should not be able to smell anyone this way.

What should and should not be quickly ceases to matter as the man from the bus appears in front of me. He is easily a foot taller than me, with thick black hair and icy blue eyes. At least twenty years my senior, he closes in, “Hello beautiful.”

My heart stops, and I back away carefully, once again inevitably frustrated by Bastien not picking up his phone when I needed him. “Hello.”

A wide smile splits his cheeks, “Oh come on, don’t look like that sweetheart. I want us to be friends”

I shake my head. “I’m not interested.”

“How can you say that when you don’t even know me?” He counters, his ogling stare belying the reasonable tone of his voice.

“I know because I’m married.” I say, sounding much braver than I feel.

“Not for long from the way I hear it.” He replies gruffly. “What’s wrong, the Alpha doesn’t want you anymore angel?”

“Whatever may be happening in the future, at this moment I am still your Alpha’s wife.” I remind him. “Whether he loves me or hates me, if you put your hands on me, you will be challenging him directly.”

“Is that so?” The man sneers.

“Yes.” I insist.

He laughs cruelly, “I don’t think so. If he cared about you he wouldn’t be leaving you.”

I turn to run, but he catches my wrist, jerking me into an alleyway. I try to cry out but his hand clamps down over my mouth. I thrash against him, biting down on his palm. He jerks away with a pained yelp, then delivers a harsh backhanded slap across my face. I lurch to the pavement, feeling nausea curdle in my belly as stars swirl in my vision.

I flip over, crawling away from him as he looms over my vulnerable body. His hand reaches toward me, coming within inches of my throat before he is propelled backwards, flying through the air and landing on his back at the mouth of the alley.

I gaze up at my savior, my breath coming in gasps. Drake Cavanaugh stands over the man, his booted foot crushing the stranger’s larynx. “What in hell do you think you were doing?”

“She was asking for it, just look at her.” My would be assaulter babbles in panic.

Drake looks over his shoulder, surveying me carefully before turning his attention back to his prey. “And you asked for this.” He growls, slamming his foot down on the man’s head.

I stare at the unconscious man as Drake helps me to my feet, waiting for him to jerk awake and attack once more. But he does not move, he lies there on the pavement, blood trickling from his lips. I try to scrub the image from my memory, letting Drake lead me out of the alley and into the light.

“I hate to say it Mrs. Durand,” He says with a kind smile, “But you seem like a magnet for trouble.”

I almost laugh, but my nerves are too frayed. “You’re not wrong.” I agree gloomily, “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve it.”

Drake pulls up short, taking me by the shoulders. “That isn’t what I meant. You didn’t do anything wrong whatsoever.” He frowns, “I think we should call your husband.”

I shake my head. “He won’t pick up.” I’ve called Bastien half a dozen times over the past couple of days, each time getting no response.

“Then tell me what I can do for you.” Drake implores me, “there must be something.”

“Actually there is,” I hedge, taking a steadying breath. “You can tell me about the Eros pack.”


“Why do you want to know all this?” Drake is sitting across from me in a small tea shop, sipping a mug of chamomile and willingly answering the bevy of questions that have poured from my mouth uninhibited over the last hour.

I watch him closely, weighing whether or not he can be trusted. He has a kind face, and he’s saved me twice in under a week. Of course this is not a guarantee that he is a good person or anyone suitable to confide in, but something deeply buried instinct urges me forward. “Because I’m not staying in Elysium after the rejection.”

“Oh.” Drake says, his brow furrowing. “So you’re looking for a new pack?”

I shrug evasively. “I’m looking for someplace I will be safe, somewhere people won’t come looking for me.”

“What people,” He asks sharply, “Bastien?”

A bitter smile stretches across my face, “He wouldn’t have any reason to seek me out, but I wouldn’t want him to find me if he did.”

Drake doesn’t look convinced. “Are you in some sort of trouble Selene?”

“My husband doesn’t want me.” I remind him, “Isn’t that trouble enough?”

The young Alpha’s mouth is set in a hard line as he sets down his tea, pinning me with a stern glare, “I want to help you, Selene. And I give you my word that I will, but only if you are honest with me.”

I gnaw on my lower lip, considering the man in front of me, “And if I tell you something you don’t think should be kept secret.”

“It’s your life,” He assures me gently. “Not mine. I’ll respect your confidence.”

Call me a fool but I believe him.

I take a deep breath, furtively scanning the room to make sure we will not be overheard, before giving him the full weight of my attention. “I’m pregnant.”

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