Power and Wealth

Chapter 7

Power and Wealth

Chapter 7 – Civil Servant Entry Test

Next day.


Dong Xuebing was sitting on the couch, preparing to go out.

Qu Yunxuan was behaving like she was the one taking thetest. She looked very nervous: “Xiao Bing, when you answer the questions, takenote of the time. If you don’t know the answer, just make a random guess andmove on to the next question. I heard that there will not be enough time. Oh,did you bring pencils? Remember to bring an extra pencil with you. What abouterasers and 2B pencils? Did you bring yourID? You must make sure not to leave anything out.” She helped Dong Xuebing tostraighten his T-shirt and then wiped his shoes with a damp cloth.

Dong Xuebing got a fright: “Stop, stop. I will wipe my shoesmyself.”

“Qu Yunxuan continued to wipe his shoes carefully and gentlysaid: “The test is at 9 am. You should take this opportunity to do somelast-minute revision.”

Qu Yunxuan was behaving like an elder sister to him.

Dong Xuebing’s mother walked out from the kitchen with abag. “I have packed some fruits in case you are hungry or thirsty.”

There was a bottle of mineral water and some ears and applesin the bag. Qu Yunxuan took the bag and said: “Sister Luan, I will be going tothe venue later with Xiao Bing. After the morning test, I will bring him outfor lunch. We will not be coming back for lunch as the venue is a bit far. Hestill has a second test in the afternoon.”

Dong Xuebing’s mother asked: “Don’t you need to go to worktoday?”

Qu Yunxuan replied: “I took a day off.”

Dong Xuebing’s mother: “You don’t need to take the day offfrom work. I can accompany him.”

Dong Xuebing added: “That’s right. You don’t need to comewith me.”

“You rascal.” Qu Yunxuan playfully pinched Dong Xuebing’scheeks. “Your Aunt is worried about you. Sis Luan, you should rest at home. Theweather is too hot, and you have highblood pressure. You should rest more.”

“Errr.......” Dong Xuebing’s mother was very close with QuYunxuan and did not stand on ceremony: “Yunxuan, then I will have to troubleyou. Xuebing, just do your best for the test.”

Dong Xuebing nodded: “Yes.”

Beijing No.15 Middle School.

After turning from Zi Xin Road, one could see a big redbanner hung across the gate of a school – Beijing Government agencies CivilServant Test Venue. No. 15 Middle School. There was also a notice outsidestating, “Please show your ID and admission letter.” and “Do your best for thetest.” There were lots of people standing outside. Some parents were there tosend their children for this test, andsome wives had sent their husbands over. There was even a family of more than10 members waiting for their child.

Children were their parents’ hopes. If they could becomeCivil Servants, their parents will be proud of them.

Dong Xuebing and Qu Yunxuan stood outside the school afteralighting from a Taxi.

Suddenly, all eyes were on Qu Yunxuan.

Qu Yunxuan was too beautiful, and wherever she goes, she would attract the stares of all the men.She was used to this, and she spoke likea mother to Dong Xuebing: “Don’t be nervous and just try your best. If you areable to pass, I will treat you to a big meal. Do you prefer Western or Chinesecuisine? Oh, do you still remember what I told you in the Taxi? You need tokeep track of your time. The multiple-choice test is only 2 hours. You need toplan your time carefully.”

Dong Xuebing smiled and took out his phone from his pocket:“Yes, I remember. I cannot bring my phone in. I will leave it with you.”

Suddenly, someone called Qu Yunxuan’s name from their back.They turned and saw Mrs. Xu and Xiao Dong.

“Yunxuan, you are here too? You send Xiaobing over?” Unlikeother parents, Mrs. Xu was calm and relax. She seems to be confident that herson will pass. “That’s great. Later when Xiao Dong and Xiao Bing go in fortheir test, we can have tea together. It’s been a while since we chatted.” Sheturned to Dong Xuebing. “Do your best.” Although she said that, she neverexpects Dong Xuebing to pass the written test. Her son had taken this testtwice. How could Dong Xuebing pass on his first try?

Xiao Dong ignored Dong Xuebing and spoke to Qu Yunxuan: “SisQu, why are you here with him?” He does not understand why Qu Yunxuan was soclose with Dong Xuebing’s family so suddenly. She was not like this in thepast.

Dong Xuebing was thinking in his heart. If she is not herewith me, you think she will come here with you? contemporary romance

Qu Yunxuan had a different attitude towards Xiao Bing. Shenonchalantly replied something to that mother and son pair and turn to DongXuebing. She pushes a small cloth bag into his hand. “I have gotten this fromthe temper, and it is supposed to bringyou good luck.”

Dong Xuebing was moved by Qu Yunxuan’s concern for him. He slowlyturned and walked through the school gates.

The school has 3buildings, and the test venue is on thewest building.

When Dong Xuebing entered the building, he noticed Xiao Dongwas near him. He turned to Xiao Dong and asked: “Did you really almost got thefull marks in last year’s national exams? You only got a few logic questionswrong?” Both of them had grudges, and dong Xuebing had no reason to be nice tohim.

Xiao Dong looked at him with a black face and replied in anunfriendly manner: “What’s wrong? You are jealous?”

Dong Xuebing sneered: “What’s there to be jealous?”

Xiao Dong: “You want to be a civil servant? Maybe in your nextlife. Do you want to bet to see who will enter the government agency first?”

Dong Xuebing could feel his blood boiling: “Ok! We shall see!”

Xiao Dong continued to make some snide remarks and then walktowards his room. He was well prepared for this test, especially themultiple-choice test. He was confident that he would score well and there wasno way to lose to Dong Xuebing who was taking the test for his first time.

Dong Xuebing did not look for his own classroom. He stoodthere watching Xiao Dong. When he was about 7 to 8 meters away, Dong Xuebingstart to follow him. He looked at Xiao Dong’s back nervously. He watches asXiao Dong made a turn and entered a classroom alongthe corridor. Dong Xuebing stopped and take note of the classroom number. He walkedcloser and look at Xiao Dong’s seat. Hmmm.... middle of the 2nd row. Not far from the door.

Xiao Dong saw Dong Xuebing standing outside of the room andfrowned: “What do you want?”

Dong Xuebing smiled: “Nothing. I just want to know where youare seated.”

“What does that have to do with you?” Xiao Dong glared athim. “Both of us are also not in the same room. Are you thinking of copying myanswers?”

Dong Xuebing shrugged his shoulders: “Maybe.... Be carefulwith your answer sheet.”

“You are nuts.” Xiao Dong ignored him and start to arrangehis stationaries.

After leaving that classroom, Dong Xuebing starts to lookfor his own class, Class 026. His classroom was two classes away from Xiao Dong.

Dong Xuebing found his seat in his class. It was the thirdtable by a wall.

The examiner entered the class and observed every candidate in the room. He wants to make sure noone had brought cheating materials.

A young man seated near the windowwas sweating profusely.

A girl in the front row was fidgeting uneasily.

A man seated at the back of the class was slapping his facewith both of had hand.

Dong Xuebing could feel the tension in the room. He lookedaround the half-filled classroom and exhaled. He calmed himself and said asilent prayer. In his heart, he was thinking: “Finally this is the day. Pleaselet the questions be easier......”


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