Power and Wealth

Chapter 50

Power and WealthChapter 50 – Opportunity!


Guo Panwei, Guo Shunjie, and Zhuang Zhi came back to theGeneral Affairs Office after their soccer match. Zhou Changchun’s retirementwas confirmed by Li Qing. Dong Xuebing, who was still hoping that ZhouChangchun’s retirement was only a rumor, was demoralized. He sighed. ChiefZhou, if only you could retire one year later, and I will have the chance totake over your place.

Good days were coming to an end for Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing clenched his fist. He whispered to Tan Limei ashe went over to the copier machine. “Let’s visit Chief Zhou after work?”

Tan Limei looked at him weirdly: “Why?”

“See how he was recovering and at the same time ask him whowill be replacing him and if there will be anyone transferring over from otheroffices to take over him.” Dong Xuebing was troubled.

Tan Limei laughed. “Are you out of your mind? Visiting himnow?”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Dong Xuebing did not understandwhat she meant.

Tan Limei poked Dong Xuebing’s temple: “Are you stupid? ZhouChangchun is no longer the Deputy Chief of the General Affairs Office. It ismeaningless for you to bootlick him. Don’t you know this? His early retirementshould be arranged by the leaders of the bureau. Someone up there is not happywith him. He might even be involved in corruption. If you approach him now, youare asking for trouble.”

“Damn.” Dong Xuebing shuddered. “Is it that serious? What ifChief Zhou is really sick and wanted to retire?”

Tan Limei replied. “Bing Zhi, listen to me. Even if it is aswhat you said, no higher-ups are unhappy with Zhou Changchun, and he is notinvolved in any corruption cases, there is still nothing for us to gain forbeing close to him. He is already retired, and he might be involved withsomething which we do not know. We will be in trouble if we approach him now.The safest thing to do now is to stay as far away from him as possible. This isnot the time for you to be emotional.”

Dong Xuebing thought hard at what Tan Limei said. “You areright.” Dong Xuebing had wanted to foster a closer relationship with ZhouChangchun was because of benefits. There was no real friendship between both ofthem. Now Zhou Changchun was in trouble with his finances, only fools will tryto be kind to him. He might also be implicated with the investigations.

It was still safer to keep a distance from Zhou Changchun.

Sigh...... I had wasted my time to help him trade shares.

Tan Limei stood up: “Zhuang Zhi should also not know aboutall these. I must remind him to stay away from Chief Zhou when he returns topack his belongings.” This place was really coldhearted. When somethinghappens, everyone will try to keep away.

Dong Xuebing got a better understanding of the cruelty ofgovernment services.

The doors of the General Affairs Office were openedsuddenly.

Click, click, click. It was the footsteps sounds of leathershoes. Dong Xuebing looked up. It was Zhou Changchun. He was discharged fromthe hospital and was walking with a limp. He had recovered slightly, but still,have troubles walking. He should be back to pack his things and also to do thehandover. Maybe he was back for the investigations against him.

The office was silent.

1 second......

2 seconds......

No one greeted Zhou Changchun. Dong Xuebing felt it was toomuch. He greeted loudly: “Chief Zhou.”

Zhuang Zhi hesitated for a while and looked at Tan Limeibefore greeting him: “Chief Zhou.”

“Chief Zhou.” Changjuan, Guo Shunjie and the rest alsogreeted him. But their tones were very different from the past. They seem to begreeting him for the sake of greeting. Even Guo Panwei, the loyal lapdog ofChief Zhou was like this. No, he was even worst. He only moved his mouth anddid not even make a sound.

Seems like everyone felt that there were really discrepancieswith Zhou Changchun’s finances and wanted to cut all ties with him.

Zhou Changchun could feel their attitude towards him. Hesaid uncaringly: “Panwei, come to my office for a while.”

Guo Panwei was really heartless. He immediately replied:“I’m sorry Chief Zhou. I need to deliver an urgent document.” Guo Panwei hadgiven Chief Zhou lots of gifts over the past few years, and he was the closestto him in the office.

Chief Zhou frowned and looked at Guo Shunjie and the rest.

Guo Shunjie and Changjuan pretended not to hear anything andcontinued with their work.

Dong Xuebing was surprised by everybody’s reaction. If itwas a month ago, when Zhou Changchun entered the office, he does not even needto say a word, and all of them will be crowding around him. But now, no one waswilling to help him carry his stuff. Dong Xuebing also lowered his head andpretended to be busy with his work.

This is the government system. Once you are out of power,you are nothing.

Zhou Changchun’s face changed. He stared stare at DongXuebing and his former trusted aide, Guo Panwei. “Fine...... fine...... fine......” Helimped towards his room using the wall to support. No one went up to help him.

Guo Panwei, Changjuan and the rest looked at each other. Everyoneknew what was in everyone’s mind.

Tap, tap, tap, tap......

The room’s door was opened. Zhou Changchun seems to bemaking a phone call.

“Hello, is this Chief Yan? I am Zhou Changchun.” ZhouChangchun purposely speaks loudly. Dong Xuebing and everyone outside could hearwhat he was saying clearly.

Guo Panwei and the rest were listening attentively. Theywanted to know if Zhou Changchun was under investigations or not and if theywere also implicated.

But everyone was shocked when they heard what Chief Zhou said.“Yesterday, you had asked me to recommend someone to be the deputy chief forthe party committee to consider....... After serious considerations, I thinkthat......” There was a pause of 2 seconds. “...... I think that Xiao Gao from thePolitical section is the most suitable. He is hardworking and meticulous in hiswork....... Yes. That’s right.... Yes...... I recommend Xiao Gao to replace me....... Theones from my office? Oh, they still need more experience...... That’s right......”

Everyone in the office was stunned.

What was happening? Why was Zhou Changchun recommendingsomeone to take over his position?

Damn! That Bureau Chief Yan trusted Zhou Changchun so much?He needs Zhou Changchun to recommend someone for the party committee to discussif that person was suitable for promotion?

No higher-ups in the bureau were unhappy with Zhou Changchun,and he was not involved in any investigations? Zhou Changchun was reallyretiring because of his illness?

“Ah......” Guo Panwei stood up from his chair. He wasregretting. Based on his relationship with Zhou Changchun in the past, he stoodthe highest chance of being recommended. Even Dong Xuebing could not becompared to him. If only he went over and helped Zhou Changchun just now, andZhou Changchun would surely recommend him. Zhou Changchun had called him to hisroom earlier was to discuss with him about the recommendation. He had wastedthis opportunity.

“Why is it like this?” Guo Shunjie was also regretting. Hethought it was the Bureau’s Party Committee that will decide who to take overthis position. Zhou Changchun and Li Qing were not members of the committee andhave no say in the recommendations. But who knows Chief Yan would ask ZhouChangchun to nominate someone. If he knew this would happen, he would go overto help Zhou Changchun, and Zhou Changchun might choose him. He would havehigher chances to be promoted.

Guo Panwei and Guo Shunjie face turned black. Theexpressions of the rest of the people were different.

Some were regretting, some were watching the show, somecouldn’t be bothered.

Only Dong Xuebing was different from others. He onlyregretted for a split second and immediately looks excited.


This is an opportunity for me!

Dong Xuebing took in a deep breath: “Hurry and reverse thetime.”


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