Power and Wealth

Chapter 19

Power and Wealth

Chapter 19 – Sitting posture


General Affairs Department Office.

With Chief Zhou around, everybody’s working attitude wasdifferent. Guo Panwei was had not been doing anything the past two days wasvery hardworking. He not only helped Tan Limei with her task, but he also helpsChief Zhou clean up his office. Every 10-20 minutes, he would go into ChiefZhou’s office to help him pour tea. Changjuan evendid not touch up her makeup in office. She andGuo Shunjie were pretending to work hard. The only person who was stillthe same was Old Yan. He was stillreading newspapers at his desk.

“Xuebing.” The big size Zhuang Zhi who was sitting oppositeasked: “What is the password for Word read-onlydocuments?”

Dong Xuebing walked over and look at the monitor. He pressedsome keys on the number pad. “I think it is 5776.”

But the file still could not be opened. The password waswrong.

Tan Limei who was sitting not far away turned to face themand smiled: “Excel is 5776, Word is 3328. The both of you must remember thepasswords. Not only you need these passwordto open documents, but you also need toset password access for all your documents. Hahaha. Although we cannot accessto confidential documents here, we still need to follow these protocols.” She lowered her voice: “The both ofyou still have not seen the Confidential Files department. They were stricterthan us. Their computers cannot even access the internet.”

After the past few days, Dong Xuebing, Zhuang Zhi and TanLimei became closer.

The 3 of them had just graduated from university not longago and were about the same age. Compared to Changjuan, Guo Shunjie and GuoPanwei, who were in their 30s, the 3 of them had more common topics. The 3 of them were also more down to earth anddoes not have too many ideas.

Suddenly Chief Zhou’s office door opened.

Guo Panwei immediately picked up his pen and start toscribble on his notebook. He looks like he was working hard. Changjuan, who wasseated the nearest to Chief Zhou’s room, immediately closed the Tao Bao page onher monitor. Tan Limei also minimized her QQ windows. From Dong Xuebing’s seat,he could see Guo Shunjie resizing the window of the aquarium fish forum to thesmallest. Even Old Yan who had been reading newspapers stood up and walked tothe water dispenser to get a cup of water.

Shua, shua, shua......Gazhi...... gazhi......

The only sounds in the office were typing and photocopiermachine.

Zhou Changchun nodded with satisfaction. He walked aroundthe office and see what the staff members were writing or typing. After awhile, he slowly walked back to his room and close the door. The next moment,things returned back to normal. They returned to read newspapers, shopping onTaobao, and whatever they had been doing.

After a while, two men whom Dong Xuebing had never metbefore, came to the General Affairs office. The younger man waited outside andthe older man, in his 30s entered. He was carrying some documents in a brownenvelope. That man looked at Changjuan who nearest to him and then looked atChief Zhou’s room. Changjuan nodded, andthat man walked over to knock on the door. He entered the room, and when he left with the young man, he was notholding on to the envelope.

5 to 6 minutes later.

Ring, ring, ring. The phone beside the printer rang.

Tan Limei picked up the phone: “Hello, this is the General AffairsOffice...... Oh, Chief Zhou...... Yes...... Yes......” After hanging up, she looked at DongXuebing and said: “Xuebing, Chief Zhou is looking for you. There is a documentto be sent to the Confidential Filesdepartment. He said, after getting the document from him, Guo Shunjie will showyou the way there and teach you the procedures. Guo Shunjie are you busy now?”According to the regulations, any confidential documents have to be escorted by2 people.

Guo Shunjie replied: “No problem. I will bring him there.”

“Then I will go and get the documents now.” Dong Xuebingwalked over to Chief Zhou’s room. This was his first task given by his leader.He must do a good job.

Knock, knock. “Come in.”

The way Chief Zhou speaks was authoritative. Being a leaderwas so good. He could just open his door and call for Dong Xuebing to deliverthe document. But if he does that, hewill not look like a leader. This was why he called the office phone and calledfor Dong Xuebing. His office was only a few meters away from Dong Xuebing desk.Even if he raised his voice slightly, Dong Xuebing could hear him.

Zhou Changchun was sitting in front of a monitor and writingsomething. “Sit and wait a while.”

Dong Xuebing replied politely and sat down on a leather couch in the office. The leather couch was old,and some parts were peeling. But it was very soft. It was more comfortable thanthe couch outside in the main office. Dong Xuebing was a bit tired from hiswork, and he leaned back onto the couch.He relaxed his back muscle.


Zhou Changchun glanced at him and continued writing withoutsaying a word.

Dong Xuebing had good vision, and from where he was sitting, he could see what was on ChiefZhou’s monitor. It was a Golden Sun Shares Trading program. Eh? Chief Zhou alsotrades in shares?

Dozens of seconds passed, and Zhou Changchun stoppedwriting. But he still did not pass the document to Dong Xuebing. contemporary romance

Dong Xuebing was puzzled. He thoughtabout why he was called in when the documents were not ready.

He had heard of stories about the leader purposely asksomeone to wait for one side while he does something. It might be the leader does notlike that person. But Dong Xuebing thought about what he had done and does notunderstand what he did wrong. Yesterday he had address Chief Zhou wrongly, buthe had used back to correct it. This morning, he also did not do anythingwrong. What’s the reason for Chief Zhou to dislike him?

When he was thinking, Guo Shunjie knocked on the door andentered the room. “Chief Zhou, I am here to collect the document.”

Zhou Changchun replied: “Seat and wait for a while.”

Zhou Shunjie nodded and walked to the couch. He saw DongXuebing sitting comfortably on the couch. His lips twitched. He thought in hisheart. This newcomer still does not learn the rules? He sat down on the couch with only half his bottom touching the couch and his body upright.

Dong Xuebing saw this and was stunned. Damn! Tan Limei hadsaid that Guo Shunjie had someone backing him in the City Bureau. Why was hestill so tense when sitting? Dong Xuebing was not stupid. He immediatelyrealized the unspoken rule. Although Guo Shunjie was not afraid of Chief Zhou,he still must abide by the rules. If not, the leader will feel that you donot have respect for him.


I did something wrongagain.



Swish, swish, swish. It was the sounds of the pen writing onpaper. Chief Zhou was writing something.

The time had returned to before Zhou Shunjie entered theroom.

Dong Xuebing looked around and realized that he was leaningback on the couch. Chief Zhou still had not noticed him. He immediately satupright with half his bottom touching the edge of the couch. He placed both his hands on his lap looking straight.

2 seconds later, Chief Zhou looked over and saw Dong Xuebingwith a serious expression. Chief Zhounodded and passed the document to him. He smiled. “Ok. Send this document tothe Confidential Department. Haha, you don’t need to be so serious.”

Dong Xuebing also smile. Don’t be serious? Stop bullshittingme. If I am not sitting here pretending to be serious, will you be happy withme?

Dong Xuebing walked out with the document. His back was allwet from his cold sweat.

Officialdom...... One wrong step and that’s it.

There were even rules about sitting postures.


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