Power and Wealth

Chapter 1463: All gone

Chapter 1463: All gone

One person…

Three people…

Five people…

Ten people…

It was almost midnight.

Thump… thump… people fell one after another.

Except for the first Old Liu, who had two drinks with Dong Xuebing before falling, the others fell after just one cup or even less.

"Next one."

"Come on, the next one."

"It's your turn, yes, you."

Dong Xuebing wasn't in a much better condition; he was almost lying on the table, but he still shouted as if he had a little fighting spirit left.

However, seeing the situation now, fewer than ten people left were somewhat numb. Almost everyone was on the verge of cursing, having mentally scolded Dong Xuebing's ancestors for eighteen generations. How could he still not fall? Since the beginning, he had been like this, about to fall any moment, about to fall again and again. However, in the end, he drank as much as needed every time. He had drunk how many times? It was already over 3 liters of liquor! Could he still drink? Damn it, quickly lie down, can't you?

No one expected Dong Xuebing to be such a good drinker.

Already drunk, in this situation, he could still drink.

Chang Juan, Gong Na, and others watched Dong Xuebing with astonishment, and their hearts were sweating for him. Over 3 liters, what kind of concept was that? Even drinking seven jin of plain water would be tough. This was 3 liters of high-proof liquor at over fifty degrees.

Although Mayor Dong hadn't fallen yet, if he really did fall, he would probably have to be sent to the hospital for rescue. The alcohol concentration in his blood was too high.

"Xuebing, stop drinking." contemporary romance

"Mayor Dong, listen to Chang Ju's advice."

Chang Juan, Chen Yunsong, and Gong Na began to advise him again.

Dong Xuebing still lay on the table, holding the cup, his head swaying, staring fixedly at the next person in front of him.

Seeing that even Lu Weiguo looked towards him, the person who was named Dong Xuebing could only grit his teeth and go up. He hesitantly clinked glasses with Dong Xuebing and started drinking.

Gulp, gulp.

Gulp, gulp.

After finishing the drink, the person looked surprised that he was still okay. He was momentarily full of momentum, watching Dong Xuebing finish his drink. However, as soon as Dong Xuebing put down his cup, the person suddenly stared blankly, and alcohol surged. Without making a sound, he slumped to the side. Someone immediately caught him and carried him to a nearby chair to lie down.

Another one down.

Apart from the people from Zhen Shui County, only eight were left on Lu Weiguo's side.

Lu Weiguo's group also became vigilant, looking at Dong Xuebing as if trying to figure out if he was truly drunk or just pretending. No one took the initiative to go up.

After a second.

Dong Xuebing suddenly pushed away the cup, covering his mouth as if in pain.

"Mayor Dong."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Oh, should I call an ambulance?"

Chang Juan and Gong Na were both anxious and flustered.

Dong Xuebing took his hand away from his mouth. He didn't vomit, but his tone was very weak. "Can't go on, can't drink anymore. Let's go back to the room."

Chang Juan gave Lu Weiguo and the others a cold look. "Let's go."

The people from Zhen Shui County noted the incident of taking turns to drink Dong Xuebing under the table today.

But as soon as Dong Xuebing said he couldn't go on and wanted to leave, he stood up, and it was clear that he could still walk with some difficulty. An Official immediately said, "Mayor Dong, don't leave. You said we'd drink one by one. There are still many people here. How can we leave? Come, I'll drink with you." Since Dong Xuebing had not gone down, he wanted to take advantage of the situation to get Dong Xuebing completely drunk.

Chang Juan burst out, "Are you crazy? What if hr drink to death? Is it intentional?"

The cadre completely ignored Chang Juan. "Mayor Dong, you are a man. I've even raised this glass for you."

Lu Weiguo also said, "Yeah, we've come this far. If we don't finish it, how can it be? Come on, let's continue."

The remaining few people also joined in, instigating Dong Xuebing to finish all the remaining alcohol.

Dong Xuebing seemed unable to resist the provocation. Hearing their words, he suddenly turned around and sat down again, gritting his teeth. "I'll just drink one more cup, the last one."

"No, no."

"Yes, you must finish all of them."

"Have a complete experience."

Dong Xuebing seems heavily intoxicated. With blood rushing to his head, he declares, "Alright, I'll finish a cup with each of you, and you all finish eight cups for me."



"Impressive, Mayor Dong, come on!"

Including Lu Weiguo, everyone else picks up their cups. However, Chang Juan and others can't contain their anger, "Mayor Dong, please stop drinking."

Dong Xuebing immediately grabbed the first cup, downs it in two sips, and then covered his mouth as if afraid of vomiting while reaching for the second cup. He drinks it, followed by the third cup.

He manages to consume three cups in just a few seconds. Dong Xuebing then looks up at the opposite side.

Seeing Mayor Dong being so aggressive, the eight people on the other side are startled. They can only send three people to accompany Dong Xuebing in drinking.

The three people collapse almost immediately. One of them lies on the ground, crying loudly and saying embarrassing drunken words.

Dong Xuebing covers his mouth again, hastily grabs the next cup, and drinks it down one after another.

After a while, all five remaining people realize that Dong Xuebing is in no condition to continue. They glance at Lu Weiguo, and a few of them decide to go all in. Holding their breath, they want to see how Dong Xuebing will fall. So, they also join in and drink.



Four people fall.

Only Lu Weiguo is left on the opposite side.

At this point, Dong Xuebing has finished drinking, leaving only the last cup. Without saying anything, he raises it and clinks it with Lu Weiguo.

Lu Weiguo is a bit confused now, staring at Dong Xuebing, who has consumed so many cups. He is amazed and tries a clever move. He brings the cup to his mouth but doesn't drink.

Dong Xuebing also doesn't drink and just looks at him.

After several seconds of staring, Lu Weiguo has been waiting for Dong Xuebing to fall. With so much alcohol consumed, Dong Xuebing should have already passed out. It's just that the alcohol may not have reached his head yet, so he is enduring with sheer determination. However, Dong Xuebing still hasn't fallen after waiting for a while.

Seeing no other option, Lu Weiguo symbolically takes a sip.

But this sip costs him dearly. He chokes and coughs, and the alcohol stuck in his throat seems to rush to his head. Having already consumed around half a liter of alcohol and with a relatively low alcohol tolerance, he can't hold on. Covering his mouth, he vomits with a plop and then collapses on the ground before losing consciousness. Before passing out, a clear number flash in Lu Weiguo's mind.

Over 5 liters.

The person surnamed Dong has drunk 5 liters of liquor today.


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