Pick Me Up!

Chapter 25: Weakly Dungeon (4) Part 2

This battle didn’t call for intricate strategy; it was a raw, unfettered fight. I decided to harness the frenzy skill I had acquired from our previous mission. It was a high-risk, high-return skill that unleashed my full potential by sacrificing rationality.

How could I activate it though?

Do I need to unleash my anger?

I couldn’t figure it out, so I halted my thoughts and raised my shield.

A powerful impact shook my left hand.

The wolf had swung its massive front paw, aimed directly at my shield. It wasn’t on par with the Forest Queen, but it possessed formidable strength.

Swiftly regaining my stance, I rolled aside. The wolf’s claws dug into the ground, just inches away.

The wolf immediately retaliated with a swipe of its claws.

Its claws grazed the tip of my nose.

Accompanied by the sound of the wind, a drop of blood trickled from my nostril.


The breaks between its attacks were minimal. Dealing with it using my sword was challenging. One wrong move and my right arm would be severed. If not for my shield, it would have been a daunting opponent to face.

Gradually, I retreated, skillfully parrying each attack with my shield.


An arrow flew with perfect timing, piercing the wolf’s side.


The wolf turned, baring its fangs at Jenna.

Seizing the opportunity, I thrust my sword into the wolf’s exposed back. The wolf swiftly spun around, swiping its claws.

Its claws tore through the trajectory of my strike. Although my leather arm guard was in tatters, I managed to plunge my sword into its side, right beside the arrow’s entry point.


Another arrow found its mark, piercing through the wolf’s hindquarters.

Seizing the moment, I struck the side of the wolf’s head with my shield as it lunged toward Jenna.


Yet another arrow struck home.

Jenna was behind me, I was in front.

The Plateau Tracker met its demise, caught between our onslaught of swords and arrows.

After some time, the wolf’s tongue lolled out of its mouth as it collapsed.

A small orb rolled from its parted jaws.

[Inferior Water Elemental Stone][Grade – D-][A stone infused with the essence of the plateau. Used for crafting various items and aiding certain hero promotions.]

Luck was on our side once again.

We obtained the elemental stone in a single encounter.contemporary romance

It was fortunate that only one wolf appeared. Typically, Plateau Trackers roamed in packs of two or more. This one seemed to have strayed from the group, seeking solitude to quench its thirst.

Although I didn’t have the chance to use the Frenzy Skill this time, opportunities would arise in the future.

“Jenna, skin this creature.”

“What will you use it for?”

“I have plans for it later.”

“And when is ‘later’ exactly?”

Jenna grumbled but began to skin the wolf using her dagger.

Meanwhile, I plucked a vibrant red flower growing by the riverside.

“Now, let’s see… potion ingredients…”

Lifebloom, Plateau Water, Crackle Mushroom, and Fool’s Gold.

The first two could be found here. Crackle Mushrooms in the forest, and Fool’s Gold in the mine. The purpose of Fool’s Gold remained unclear, but it seemed that its potential knew no bounds.

As Jenna worked on skinning, I diligently gathered Lifeblooms.

Originally, herb gathering would have been difficult without the Herbalist’s skill, but with item names popping up visibly for me, it wasn’t too challenging to collect them.

Plateau Water was simply the river flowing through the plateau.

I took out a prepared water container and filled it with the crystal-clear river water.

“What about the claws and fangs?”

“I’ve already separated them.”


Snip, snip.

Jenna’s nimble fingers skillfully performed the task behind me.

“It’s so peaceful here.”

“Before you speak of peace, wipe the blood off your hands.”

“Why? It’s proof that we’ve put in the effort.”

The bluish fur of the wolf was now stripped off, revealing its true form.

Jenna began meticulously trimming the sharp claws.

“It would be wonderful if we could always enjoy this tranquility—hunting and gathering herbs, free from the constant presence of the Master. Can you imagine? Having enough to eat, a place to rest. Without the Master, it’s like an earthly paradise!”

‘I am a Master too, you know.’

I swallowed my response. In a way, it wasn’t entirely wrong to consider it paradise without the constant oversight of the Master. We had found companions to journey with, and the opening of the Weekly Dungeons brought us various ingredients. It was as if a small village had formed in our midst.

“I wonder if the guys in Niflheimr have similar thoughts.”

The desire for the Master to be absent.

Even I harbored some dissatisfaction with our current Master.

If given the chance, I would willingly step into their role. I believed I could manage the waiting room more efficiently than our current situation if only I could take charge.

“Don’t you desire to engage in combat?”

I asked Jenna.

“What do you mean?”

“Combat isn’t limited to fighting on the frontlines. You have the ability to hunt, and you’re not completely devoid of skills. You don’t need to worry about being overshadowed.”

“Are you trying to lift my spirits?”

“If circumstances improve from what they are now, there’s nothing to lose.”

In terms of survival, it was often more advantageous to assume a non-combat role instead of being on the frontlines in the main party. If I had prioritized survival, I would have found a way to shift into that position.

Just like the skilled carpenter expertly carving branches in the woodworking shop around this time.

“Let’s head back. Time is running out.”

Jenna swiftly wiped her blood-stained hands and rose to her feet.

With our spoils in hand, we made our way toward the dimensional portal.

Just when we thought the journey was close to ending, sudden figures emerged before the dimensional portal.

Running toward the dimensional portal I called out to Jenna.


“Growl, thud!”

Before us lay the bodies of five Highland Trackers, as big as their fallen comrade. The dimensional portal was within reach. We wasted no time and rushed towards it.

“Take this!”

Jenna tossed the thick wolf hides into the dimensional portal.

[‘Jenna (★)’ has collected ‘Highland Tracker Leather’.]

[‘Jenna (★)’ has collected ‘Sharp Fangs’.]

[‘Han (★)’ has obtained ‘Lifebloom’.]

With the materials gathered in one go, we jumped into the depths of the dimensional portal.

[Mission Complete!]

[The Hero returns to the waiting room.]

[Items Obtained]


As we returned to the plaza, we quickly tidied ourselves up.

The materials we had just taken into the dimensional portal would automatically be packaged and stored on the shelves in the warehouse.

“I thought we were done for! How are we supposed to gather materials when we’re surrounded like that?”

“They usually don’t gather near dimensional portals.”

Even if we did encounter them, we could simply retreat into the portal. Although we would lose our entry pass, it was still better than the main dungeons where there was no escape once inside.

In the future, we would form parties for the Weekly Dungeon with one combat member assigned as an escort for every four gatherers. It was the standard composition for a Weekly Dungeon party.

I briefly explained the concept of the Weekly Dungeon to Jenna.

I couldn’t personally guide her through every detail. I informed her about what she needed and how to reach the 2-star level.

Jenna had an intuitive understanding of concepts like levels and grades. With each level increase, her physical abilities would soar, and she couldn’t help but notice the difference.

“It’s really strange. The location changes every day, and we can only go once.”

“For the Master, it’s a daily occurrence. But for us, it’s not. Once we enter the location, we must first find and defeat those enemies, no matter what. We leave the minor materials to the others.”


The more elemental stones and rare materials we obtained, the better.

After promotion, we could use them to create special items or imbue equipment with unique powers.

“For now, I think this is as far as we can go.”

Promotion was a necessary step, but there was no immediate urgency. Apart from the level restriction being lifted, there weren’t many significant advantages to it. Even if we couldn’t level up, we could still accumulate experience. And as we continued exploring the Weekly Dungeon, materials would naturally accumulate.

And therefore, I headed towards the training grounds.

  • One Punch Of Justice
  • The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player
  • Bleach: Brave New World
  • A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!


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