
Chapter Phone 41

Chapter 41

Sarah’s P.O.V

Just like Albert had suggested, I didn’t go to the office this morning. The doctor said I needed to rest for a while to recover. I used this opportunity to spend time with Gillian. I missed seeing my little girl’s energy.

A bouquet of beautiful flowers on the table had caught my attention since earlier.

“Sofia, where did these flowers come from?” I asked as I approached the table. It turned out to be roses. As they were a huge bunch, I counted there were ninety–nine of them.

How romantic. Could it have been a declaration of love or a proposal? Ninety–nine roses meant everlasting love after all.

“Oh, I found those near the terrace, ma’am. It seemed to have been dropped by someone looking for you yesterday afternoon,” Sofia replied.

“Someone was looking for me? Who?” I asked, puzzled.

Meanwhile, Gillian was pulling me to sit on the sofa to watch her favorite movie with her. My daughter was very clingy, probably because she missed me too.

“Yesterday afternoon, a man came looking for you. When I told him you were at the office, he immediately called someone. After hanging up, the man ran back to his car. After he left, I found these flowers near the terrace,” Sofia explained in detail before returning to the kitchen.

A man? Who could he be? Was it Troy? Didn’t he say he had just arrived from Singapore in the evening?

“Mommy, a mister helped me when someone tried to kidnap me.”

“What?! When? Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, worried. Why was my daughter almost a victim too?

“When you were in the hospital,” Gillian replied.

“Sofia! Come here!” Sofia hurriedly came from the kitchen.

“Did you know when Gillian almost got kidnapped?”

“Sorry, ma’am. At that time, Mrs. Dane had asked me to give her a massage. I asked for permission to pick up Gillian from her class, but she didn’t allow me to.”

I was speechless. So after my accident, Gillian’s safety was also at risk.

“Gillian, tell me everything!”

“When I was coming home from school, three scary looking men tried to force me into a car. Then a mister came and beat them up until they ran away. Then that mister took me home.”

I said another silent prayer, thanking God for protecting Gillian.

However, who was the mysterious man? Was he the same person who had put flowers on the



terrace? Could it have been Troy?

To satisfy my curiosity, I immediately searched for pictures of Troy on the internet. As a celebrity, there should be plenty of his photos online.

“Sofia, Gillian. Look at this! Is this the mister you mentioned?” I asked, showing them a picture of Troy on my phone.

“Yes, that’s the kind mister, Mommy!” Gillian exclaimed happily.

“Mommy, that mister is amazing. He fought off three thugs, just like in the movies. He even carried me home. I really want to meet him again, Mommy. Please, can I?” Gillian asked.

Feeling overwhelmed, tears started to flow from my eyes again. Once again, Troy was there for me, and Gillian as well.

Sofia looked puzzled seeing me cry.

“Ma’am, the man in the photo was the one who came looking for you yesterday afternoon. It seems the flowers are from him,” Sofia said, pointing at Troy’s photo.

I was certain at this point that it was Troy who had saved me yesterday. But why had he lied?

What was going on with him? What were his intentions with those roses? Had he intended to propose to me yesterday with those roses?

I tried calling him several times, but his phone was switched off. According to his assistant, Troy had left for America this morning.

Why did it feel different hearing he was gone? Why did I feel empty? Could his kindness have made me develop feelings for him? Perhaps I felt something more for him than just sympathy. I was not


Tonight, Albert would come to ask for my answer to his proposal at the hospital. With a determined heart, I had prepared my answer. I had also talked to Gillian about it.

Albert was my friend since high school. He and Bradley had always protected me wherever I went, until love grew between us. However neither of us could express it then.

“So, Sarah? Can I get your answer tonight?” Albert asked with his usual charming smile.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Yes. Go ahead. What is it?

“Did you save me during the incident at the office?”

No. I found out when Troy called me that afternoon. He was the one who saved you.” Albert

answered honestly.

“If your heart isn’t mine, I’ll accept it. It seems Troy is always there for you. I want you to be happy.” Albert looked despondent.


We were silent for quite a while, awkwardly. Albert’s face looked gloomy and defeated, and I felt even more pity for him.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, I started to speak again.

“Okay… let’s discuss the wedding plans as I want them. I want the wedding to be…”

“Oh, Sarah…”

Suddenly, Albert stood up and pulled me into a hug. I felt my shoulder getting wet. It seemed like he was crying.

“Thank you for accepting my proposal. Thank you, darling,” he whispered.

“Not for long. We’re not married yet,” I replied, breaking away from his hug.

We smiled and laughed together again.

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