
Chapter Phone 39

Chapter 39

Chapter 39


I heard faint voices in the distance. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I saw white walls around me. I guess I was still alive. I said a little prayer in my heart, glad that I was not dead.

I could smell the distinct scent of disinfectant. I had an IV drip attached to me.

I must have been out for a long time. Remembering what had happened earlier, I wondered who got shot. Who saved me?

I was really glad that nothing happened to me. I thought of Gillian, how she must be so worried. Oh I missed her so much. I wanted to hug her right now.

“You’re awake?”

I turned towards the door. It was Troy, with his handsome face smiling at me.

“Troy…” I whispered.

Once again, this man had saved me.

“How are you? Still dizzy?” he asked, gently stroking my head.

He was always this sweet to me.

“I’m feeling better. Thank you. You’re always there to save me,” I replied.

“Hmm? I just got back from Singapore this afternoon. I came straight here after getting the news from the police,” he said, putting his hands in his pockets.

What? It wasn’t Troy?

“Then who…” I asked, but Troy cut me off.

“Someone came to help you and immediately called the police. Fortunately, Bradley was caught. The police had to shoot him in the leg because you were in danger at that time.” Troy explained everything.

“Who saved me then?” I asked, curious.

“Someone who misses you very much.”

Troy chuckled, teasing me.

“Troy… who is it?” I asked, glaring at him. My curiosity was growing.

“Can’t you be patient?” Troy kept teasing me.

“He’s outside. He’ll be here soon. Since you fainted until just now, he hasn’t left your side for a second. He went to lunch when I arrived to take over watching you here,” Troy explained, making me even more

curious and feeling a flutter in my chest.

Could it be him who saved me?

kept guessing in my heart. Imagining someone I had been missing lately. Someone I always hoped would be here.



Chapter 39

I was startled when I heard the voice that made my heart race from the entrance.


That voice… It really was him.

“Thanks for covering, bro.”


“No problem, Sarah is my friend too. I’ll head out now. Enjoy your reunion,” Troy said with a teasing smile.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

Troy slowly approached me. Then he took one of my hands and held it.

“I’ll go now. You’ll be fine as long as he’s here. Take care of yourself.” Why did Troy say it like that? Why does my chest suddenly feel tight? Why did I feel sad?

“Troy…” I whispered.

“Sarah, I love you…” he suddenly whispered while kissing my forehead for a long time. Then he left. Why did my chest feel tighter seeing him leave? Unknowingly, tears started flowing from my eyes. Why did I feel like Troy would be gone for a long time?


Ah! I almost forgot.


“Thank you for saving me at the office earlier.”

Albert was startled. Then he smiled at me again. Slowly, he approached.

Why was I so flustered like this?

Are you okay?” he asked worriedly.

I nodded. There was a flutter when I saw his smile. The smile I had missed these past few days. Albert, Bradley turned out to be…” I couldn’t finish. My guilt towards Bradley made my chest feel tight.

“It’s my fault he became wicked. If only I had known his feelings earlier. If only I knew his desires before.” I started to sob.

“Hey now. It’s not your fault. Bradley is still our friend. He just chose the wrong path. Hopefully, after receiving his punishment, he’ll repent.” Albert tried to comfort me.

“Yes, but I never thought Bradley would go this far,” I said.

“I never imagined it either.”

We fell silent for a moment. It seemed like Albert wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

“Sarah, I want to tell you something.”

“What is it, Albert? Go ahead…”



Chapter 39

Albert took a deep breath. It seemed like he was preparing himself to say something.

“Sarah, I promise to protect you for the rest of my life. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Suddenly, Albert looked deeply into my eyes.

Suddenly, my heart started to race.

“For the rest of your life? What do you mean?” I asked, trying to guess in my heart.

Albert took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“Sarah…” He slowly took my hand. His eyes looked intensely at me.

“Will you… be my wife?”

Again, I was startled. Albert kept looking at me deeply. What should I say?

“Sarah… answer me!” he whispered.

My heart felt like it was blooming. But why could I not speak?

“Albert, can I talk to Gillian first?”

“Of course. Please tell her that her handsome new daddy will always protect her,” he said, chuckling and teasing me.

We laughed together.

I never expected Albert would propose to me so soon. Did he worry about me that much?

The doctor said I could go home tonight. Albert took me home.

“You shouldn’t go to the office for a few days. Rest first. I’ll handle the office matters,” Albert said on the


“I’m always troubling you,” I replied.

“Sarah, did you forget? My father’s shares are there too. I don’t want your company to fall apart either. Don’t worry! I’ve talked to Troy, and his company is willing to help.”

“Thank goodness. I feel more at ease now.”

While Gillian was already asleep, I felt so tired. Hugging Gillian, I also fell asleep until morning.

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